2.58Mb (964 downloads)
Wilco Harrier VMA-514 Nightmares Textures only for the payware Wilco Harrier.
Posted Jun 12, 2011 18:48 by Chris Hammons

21.32Mb (262 downloads)
VRS Superbug Tiger Team Team Textures. Tiger Team Air Wing Liveries. NOTE:Manual Install.
Painted on request by the TigerTeam Southern Command.
Posted Jun 12, 2011 02:34 by HOTZONER

2.65Mb (152 downloads)
VRS Superbug VFA-147 Line 3 Textures. Requires the payware VRS Superbug
Posted Jun 8, 2011 14:33 by Chris Hammons

2.27Mb (237 downloads)
Fixed tail letters, top spine fixed now black, thumbnail added and description fixed. Must have payware VRS Superbug
Posted Jun 6, 2011 03:03 by Chris Hammons

0.00Mb (61 downloads)
The previously uploaded panel has to be put into the LHC Dynamic_FG folder, and not the Dynamic_RG one.
Sorry about the mistake. Corrected Readme included.
A 2D Widescreen panel for the RG version will be uploaded shortly.
Posted Jun 5, 2011 09:33 by Jean-Luc Peters

2.25Mb (142 downloads)
Textures for the payware VRS SuperBug.
Posted Jun 3, 2011 18:43 by Chris Hammons

3.18Mb (835 downloads)
A simple repaint of the payware area51 UH-1.
Posted Jun 3, 2011 15:29 by Robert Wahrenbrock

20.51Mb (471 downloads)
These ZIP-Files contain 2 sets of repaint textures for the A2A Simulations "Wings of Power II" P-51D Mustang, depicting modern versions of P-51D-10-NA, 44-14292, "Man-O-War", flown by Lt. Col. C H Kinard while with the 334th Fighter Squadrom, 4th FG. I found some discrepency in researching this aircraft between the modern flying example #NL44727, wartime photos, and numerous profile artworks, so I just created 2 different schemes. Includes new "tank_t.dds" files. These repaints were created with a 100% all-new paint kit including photo-real textures from an actual P-51D. FILES ARE 2048 x 2048 FOR FSX ONLY. Repaint by John O'Reilly.
Posted Jun 3, 2011 01:41 by John O'Reilly

4.19Mb (1160 downloads)
FS2004/X Avior Airlines Boeing 737-200ADV. A repaint of Avior Airlines for the payware Aerosim Classic Liners Vol. 1 B737-200 ADV model. By Luis Lescano.
Posted May 29, 2011 01:28 by Luis Lescano

9.64Mb (625 downloads)
Air Philippines 737-300 repaint by Johnny Mitchell. You must have the payware Wilco/FeelThere 737PIC. These are textures only. Picture of the actual aircraft included.
Posted May 19, 2011 08:00 by Johnny Mitchell