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FSX > Payware > Page 107
Wilco FRS1 Yeovilton Livery
Wilco FRS1 Yeovilton Livery
3.22Mb (1154 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Wilco Sea Harrier. BAe Sea Harrier FRS1,Based on 899 Squadron Yeovilton Naval Air Station, Circa 1982. Also Included is an effect for engine intake during high pressure.
Posted May 19, 2011 03:16 by HOTZONER
Digital Aviation PA31T2 Piper Cheyenne IIXL Textures
Digital Aviation PA31T2 Piper Cheyenne IIXL Textures
5.43Mb (673 downloads)
This is a repaint for Digital Aviation's PA31T2 Piper Cheyenne IIXL in a fictional private livery, a different version to my last upload. Repaint by L.T. 'patchz' Davis.
Aerosoft - Piper Cheyenne X Download
Posted May 18, 2011 14:34 by L. T. 'patchz' Davis
Sol del Paraguay for CLS only
Sol del Paraguay for CLS only
9.05Mb (535 downloads)
Payware CLS Airbus A340-200/300 texture of the new airline Sol del Paraguay to enter into service soon, repainted by Albert Bouwman.
Posted May 17, 2011 16:27 by Jose Maria Rodriguez
A2A BF109 IAG Fictional Textures
A2A BF109 IAG Fictional Textures
7.44Mb (307 downloads)
This is the fictional Imperial repaint of payware A2A's Emil for FSX - Included is the National, desert, winter and navy paint.
Posted May 17, 2011 12:27 by Maurox
Virtuavia Combat  Lancer V2  FSX F-111 Pig HUD Project
Virtuavia Combat  Lancer V2  FSX F-111 Pig HUD Project
3.82Mb (1174 downloads)
COMBAT LANCER V2 FSX F-111 PIG HUD PROJECT for the payware Virtuavia F-111. A repaint representing the first operational use of an F-111 in a war zone. Six were dispatched to Vietnam in 1968. VERSION 2, this is a vast improvement over original release. Sand darkened with slight hint of brown, second green darkened to improve CAMO effect. Panel lines under wings reinstated. Panel lines front fuse toned down, fwd antennas improved, plus signage enhanced and very many minor improvements overall. The original was sub standard , V2 is now OK.Texture title same as original, replacement is simple copy and paste if previously installed.Must have either Alphasim or Virtavia F-111 Aardvark already installed. Specifically made for use with F-111 PIG HUD panel package files and . By Karol Chlebowski
Posted May 17, 2011 01:45 by Karol Chlebowski
VRS Superhornet VMFA-251 Textures
12.65Mb (350 downloads)
VMFA-251 Textures for the payware VRS Superhornet.
Posted May 12, 2011 22:09 by Dan Subs
Aerosoft PBY-6A Calypso Pilots Texture
0.08Mb (213 downloads)
This is a modification of the pilots texture for the Aerosoft PBY-6A Calypso livery to add the signature Jacques Cousteau red woolen hats. Modification by L.T. 'patchz' Davis.
Posted May 12, 2011 02:03 by L. T. 'patchz' Davis
FSX USAF Prototype  Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
FSX USAF Prototype  Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
2.04Mb (907 downloads)
USAF Prototype style textures for the payware FSX Iris Simulations 'Platinum Series' F-22A
Posted May 9, 2011 01:03 by Andy Nott
FSX Arctic Aggressor Iris F-22A Rapto Textures
FSX Arctic Aggressor Iris F-22A Rapto Textures
2.29Mb (780 downloads)
Arctic Aggressor textures for the payware FSX Iris Simulations 'Platinum Series' F-22A
Posted May 8, 2011 16:58 by Andy Nott
FSX Patrouille Suisse Iris F-22A Raptor Textures
2.28Mb (456 downloads)
Patrouille Suisse textures for the payware FSX Iris Simulations 'Platinum Series' F-22A
Posted May 8, 2011 13:23 by Andy Nott