12.47Mb (1355 downloads)
American Aerolites Falcon UL for FSX
Two models of the Falcon UL to complement the payware Aerosoft model.
New features include ...... Retracting / kneeling noseleg ;
Rudders in the up position ; Garmin 295 GPS ;Pull Start.....
"Simgameit" is Mike Callahan's aircraft which also features a revised panel and instruments
lighting and opaque flying surfaces .
"RWB" is in the colour scheme of Claude Rateau's Falcon XP , currently under construction .
Requires Aerosoft's payware "American Aerolites Falcon UL"
Posted Apr 28, 2011 12:13 by David Rowberry

4.08Mb (286 downloads)
COMBAT LANCER FSX F-111 PIG HUD PROJECT. For used with the payware Virtuavia F-111.
A repaint representing the first operational use of an F-111 in a
war zone. Six were dispatched to Vietnam in 1968. This deployment
vividly displayed the aircrafts phenomenal potential even though
it subsequently required some engineering modifications.
Specifically made for use with F-111 PIG HUD panel package files
fxpiggb5.zip and fxpiggb7.zip .
By Karol Chlebowski
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 25, 2011 11:33 by Karol Chlebowski

8.34Mb (750 downloads)
Textures for the payware Virtuavia Blackhawk.
Posted Apr 25, 2011 00:55 by Robert Wahrenbrock

17.06Mb (264 downloads)
Textures for the payware VRS Superbug. RAAF #2OCU Squadron at Williamstown Airforce Base N.S.W. All painted in FS 36375 and FS 35237 all with weathering older planes .
Here are 6 versions of the Squadrons Liveries that are flying today.
Posted Apr 24, 2011 00:12 by Dogalog

25.15Mb (717 downloads)
For the payware model VRS Superbug
Ordered 11/1981. Built as a Block 20, A model Hornet. Delivered 31/03/88. 75Sqn's first aircraft, A21-26, had been painted in the black diamond markings of No 75 Squadron and flown in April 1988. A further unit marking was No 75 Squadron's magpie, with a flash on the spine. No 75 Squadron commenced operations at RAAF Tindal with Hornets in September 1988. In Service 2 OCU 01/07/03. In Service 2OCU 15/03/05. Special 20th Anniversary paint scheme of Hornet operations in Australia in 2005. Avalon Airshow 2005. Despite being told at the airshow that this was a 3 Sqn machine, it is operated by 2OCU, it is the 2OCU OC's machine.
Posted Apr 22, 2011 10:55 by Dogalog

0.30Mb (406 downloads)
This is a Real World texture for the payware FSX Virtavia T-6 Texan.
Posted Apr 18, 2011 16:50 by Chris Britton

1.64Mb (992 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Overland SMS A380-800, Special livery created for Earth Hour.
Paint by slinky01 of Red Australian Airlines.
Posted Apr 16, 2011 23:39 by slinky01

17.23Mb (891 downloads)
Alphasim FSX F-111 Panel V2.5. What’s new for FSX version 2.5
•Better night Virtual Cockpit colors
•Attack Radar colors changed for better night VC visibility
•VC graphics updated for better clarity
•Freeware 3D landing and taxi lights
This upgrade to the payware Alphasim F-111 adds a Weapons System Operator Panel with default and old avionics packages, Working TERRAIN FOLLOWING RADAR scope shows accurate ground mapping ahead of aircraft in 5, 10 or 15 mile ranges, THREAT WARNING DISPLAY shows airborne AI aircraft in 20 or 40 mile ranges, Ground Attack RADAR displays airports and AI aircraft on default panel and airports as ground targets in ranges of 5,10,30,80 and 200 miles on old avionics panel, Shockwave Lights ready, Updated afterburner effects, INS (old avionics panel) displays working digital readout of latitude, longitude, and altitude, TFR and TWR gauges automatically change brightness between day and night to match lighting conditions.New Autopilot and Lighting control panels. Features custom gauges created by Dietmar Loleit for this project. You must have the Alphasim F-111 aircraft package. Panel by Steve Hess
Posted Apr 16, 2011 01:32 by Steve Hess

1.97Mb (553 downloads)
Virtuavia Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune RAF Textures. This fictional repaint is of a RAF Lockheed P2V-7 Neptune aircraft the original Mk used by the RAF was the
Lockheed Neptune MR1 based at RAF Kinloss United Kingdom in the 1952 as a stop gap before
The Avro Shackleton entered service all the Neptune MR1s were returned to US in 1956.
Posted Apr 11, 2011 14:05 by Dave Gore fooflyer

1.50Mb (365 downloads)
Textures for the payware Sky Sim Hawk T1A - Front seat only. I have designed this
texture for this years Display Hawk which was based at RAF Valley in the UK. All textures created by Gordon Barnes
Posted Apr 10, 2011 12:49 by Gordon Barnes