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FS2004 > Props > Page 5
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FS2004 BS100 Prime
10.15Mb (1035 downloads)
FS9. "Blackshape BS100 Prime" The Blackshape BS100 Prime is a revolutionary ultralight aircraft featuring a full carbon fiber frame, which makes for an extremely strong and low weight aircraft. The unparalleled, standard safety features and specially designed 4 spar cockpit ensure you will fully enjoy the high speed and agility that the Prime was built for. Full package for FS9, model, custom panel and 3D Virtual Cockpit, three liveries. Original source file design and flight dynamics by M.Taccoli.
Posted May 30, 2020 05:36 by Massimo Taccoli
FSX/FS2004 LOT Antonov An-24B - SP-LTT Textures
FSX/FS2004 LOT Antonov An-24B - SP-LTT Textures
3.59Mb (565 downloads)
Samdim Antonov An-24B v3 LOT Polish Airlines livery. Texture only for freeware Samdim An-24B v3 model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket:
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 30, 2020 11:14 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
Convair 580 Fictional Delta textures
Convair 580 Fictional Delta textures
3.73Mb (235 downloads)
FS9/FSX Delta Convair 580 textures for the Greg Pepper Convair 580. Two Delta engine textures will render backwards which is unavoidable with only one side of engine provided. Delta textures by Gary Harper.
Posted Apr 25, 2020 18:07 by Gary Harper
FSX/FS2004 DC-7C Caledonian  textures
FSX/FS2004 DC-7C Caledonian  textures
8.34Mb (295 downloads)
FS9/FSX Caledonian Airways textures for the Calclassic DC-7C. Caledonian textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 20, 2020 22:13 by Gary Harper
Piaggio P-166 Collection
40.89Mb (1417 downloads)
This package contains an updated re-release of all my original Piaggio P-166 models developed for FS-2002/2004. All versions are included in a single package: P-166A, P-166BL-2, P-166CL-2, P-166M, P-166S, P-166DL-3 and P-166DP-1. The 3D models are the same, so these are fairly simple models. Yet they come with a VC (no 2D panel this time!). With respect to the original releases, they come with very much improved panels, in two flavors: Piston and Turboprop. Gauges developed by Milton Shupe & Scott Thomas for the Aero Commander / Turbo Commander Aircraft series, and Edgar Guinart López of Aeroproyecto for the Embraer 110. Other Gauges from my own Piaggio P-180 & PD-808. Also Included is a brand-new flight model redeveloped from scratch. Please refer to the Reference and Checklist pages provided via the FS Kneeboard for flying and operating instructions. The Piaggio P-166 is a light small twin. An Exotic twin-engine prop that sold all over the world including America, UK, and Australia. Its origin is traced Back to the Piaggio P-136, a light amphibian, which the P-166 keeps the wings, the engines and the tail planes. The first P-166A flew in November 1957. The aircraft was still in production in the early 21st century in an improved turboprop version, the P-166DP-1.
Posted Apr 2, 2020 10:50 by Mario Noriega
Douglas DC-3 Ozark textures
Douglas DC-3 Ozark textures
3.65Mb (125 downloads)
FS9 Ozark Airlines DC-3 textures for default DC-3 by Microsoft/Aces. Requires CalClassic DC-3 FS2004 package. Ozark textures by Gary Harper.
Calclassic DC-3 (External link)
Posted Mar 31, 2020 08:46 by Gary Harper
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Aviateca Guatemala DC-6 1978 Textures
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Aviateca Guatemala DC-6 1978 Textures
15.93Mb (190 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas DC-6 in Aviateca colors. The freeware CalClassic DC-6 model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson is needed for this repaint. Textures are 32bit DDS & BMP. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE and should work on FSX & P3Dv3, & FS2004. This DC-6 is the same as the 1977 model reg: TG-APA, with the exception of having the updated 1978 Aviateca livery.
Posted Mar 24, 2020 02:04 by Ted Giana
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Aviateca Guatemala DC-6 1977 Textures
FSX/P3D/FS2004 Aviateca Guatemala DC-6 1977 Textures
17.63Mb (169 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Douglas DC-6 in Aviateca colors. The freeware CalClassic DC-6 model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson is needed for this repaint. Textures are 32bit DDS & BMP. This repaint was tested on FSX-SE and should work on FSX & P3Dv3, & FS2004. History of TG-APA: This aircraft was originally purchased new by Braniff Airways on October 8 1947. After 19 years of service with Braniff, it was bought by La Jolla Associates on February 4 1966. The day after, on February 5 1966, it was delivered to Aviateca as TG-APA. It served with Aviateca for 13 years then sold to Juan A. Marin on January 29 1979. It had an ignominious end to its life when it was seized by Broward County Sheriff in Florida on April 1 1979, and was stored at Fort Lauderdale until it was broken up in May 1981.
Posted Mar 24, 2020 02:02 by Ted Giana
FSX/FS2004 Frontier CV-580 textures
FSX/FS2004 Frontier CV-580 textures
2.82Mb (277 downloads)
FS9/FSX Frontier Convair 580 textures for the Greg Pepper Convair 580. Frontier textures by Gary Harper.
Posted Mar 22, 2020 01:04 by Gary Harper
FS9/FSX Wright Air Lines Convair 580 textures
FS9/FSX Wright Air Lines Convair 580 textures
3.27Mb (190 downloads)
FS9/FSX Wright Convair 580 textures for the Greg Pepper Convair 580. Wright textures by Gary Harper.
Posted Mar 18, 2020 10:21 by Gary Harper
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