75.13Mb (2828 downloads)
P3D/FSX Beech D18S Wheeled - FSX Native v1.1 Wheeled Cargo and Passenger Version by Milton Shupe, Panels and Gauges by Scott Thomas, Textures by André Folkers, Urs Burkhardt, Damian Radice, Sounds by Nigel Richards Pkg incl 2 wheeled models (Cargo and Passenger), custom panels and era gauges, custom sounds, custom Flight Model, and 4 liveries. Update: June 26, 2017 V1.1 updates to radio settings, autopilot, model fixes, oleo texture maps, minor panel.cfg changes eliminating old gauges. Painters: Bump and Spec Maps place holder textures are in place. Compatible with all the original repaints. This package is an FSX Native conversion of my original D18S project. Tested in FSXA and P3D to v4. Simple installation; lots of Beech fun :-) Milton Shupe June 26, 2017
Posted Jul 3, 2017 10:35 by Milton Shupe

17.37Mb (1999 downloads)
FSX native Cessna 150 taildragger.
The Cessna 150 is a two-seat general aviation airplane that was designed for flight training, touring and personal use. This is the taildragger variant. Taildragger conversions such as the 'Texas Taildragger' conversion are available and have been fitted to some 150s. It involves strengthening the fuselage for the main gear being moved further forward, removing the nosewheel and strengthening the tail area for the tailwheel. This greatly improves short field performance and is claimed to give up to a 10 kn (19 km/h) cruise speed increase. Special thanks to :
-GMAX for the drawing program and Microsoft for their makmdls.mdk.
-Tom Tiedman for some of the textures
-Martyn Northall of Just flight. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jun 26, 2017 09:26 by A.F.Scrub

99.48Mb (293 downloads)
FSX/P3D Kwajalein Missile Range textures for KBT L-188 Electra
Kwajalein Missile Range textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 24, 2017 16:22 by Gary Harper

19.02Mb (3011 downloads)
FSX native Cessna 150
The Cessna 150 is a two-seat tricycle gear general aviation airplane that was designed for flight training, touring and personal use.The Cessna 150 is the fifth most produced civilian plane ever, with 23,839 aircraft produced. Special thanks to :
-GMAX for the drawing program and Microsoft for their makmdls.mdk.
-Tom Tiedman for some of the textures
-Martyn Northall of Just flight. GMAX mdls by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jun 22, 2017 15:52 by A.F.Scrub

1.42Mb (227 downloads)
FSX Cirrus Project. Textures only for Wolfram Beckert, Guenter Kraemer, and Thomas Roehl's Cirrus SR22 using Mark Rooks' FSX SR-20 Cirrus Repaint Project in "Orange w White Striping" livery.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 21, 2017 14:24 by David Shearer

1.57Mb (147 downloads)
FSX Cirrus Project. Textures for Wolfram Beckert, Guenter Kraemer, and Thomas Roehl's Cirrus SR22 using Mark Rooks' FSX SR-20 Cirrus Repaint Project in "Royal Blue" livery.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 18, 2017 18:59 by David Shearer

1.82Mb (169 downloads)
FSX Cirrus Project. Textures for Wolfram Beckert, Guenter Kraemer, and Thomas Roehl's Cirrus SR22 using Mark Rooks' FSX SR-20 Cirrus Repaint Project in "Bright Red w White Stripes" livery.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 18, 2017 18:48 by David Shearer

6.48Mb (903 downloads)
Replacement VC lighting for the default FSX Cessna 208 Caravan. The VC and cabin have been darkened,
and sharpened for more enjoyable night flights. See before and after pictures.
Posted Jun 18, 2017 14:46 by Rick Herring

0.01Mb (1420 downloads)
Beechcraft D18S Amphibian - FSX Native Fix
Fix Corrects clickability of the Lear autopilot in the VC and Fixes Cabin light switch on main panel
That's all!
Have fun! :-)
Milton Shupe
Beechcraft D18S Amphibian - FSX Native
June 2017
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 15, 2017 20:08 by Milton Shupe

31.85Mb (734 downloads)
This is a complete aircraft pack that includes a Yellow & White w Black Stripe texture for Skyhawks with the default steam gauge & Garmin G1000 panels.
Posted Jun 14, 2017 00:47 by David Shearer