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FSX > Scenery > Page 115
LFOH  - Le Havre Octeville - France
LFOH  - Le Havre Octeville - France
6.43Mb (3437 downloads)
LFOH - Le Havre Octeville - France - tested with FSX /SP2 and with the NEXTMap ProMesh France 4.75m (FS Dreamscapes). Le Havre Octeville aiport is in Normandy - region of north-western France It is situated on the right bank of the estuary of the river Seine on the English Channel. Bruno VALLY
Posted Dec 7, 2013 06:22 by uploader
Windham Airport (KIJD), Connecticut
0.01Mb (597 downloads)
This is an enhanced version of Windham Airport located in Eastern Connecticut. It includes three tower views, proper size/ shape, and additional surrounding buildings.
Posted Dec 1, 2013 15:18 by Jeremy Slover (slovride)
Buffalo-Niagara International, KBUF Updated
0.02Mb (1748 downloads)
Buffalo-Niagara International Airport in Buffalo, NY. This is the Buffalo-Niagara International Airport in Buffalo, NY. This was made using Airport design editor, obtaining info from google maps and current Airport Facilty Directory. I try hard to have is as real as possible without throwing too much un-needed garbage to slow down frame rates
Posted Nov 27, 2013 10:57 by JON G
2B3 Parlin Field, Newport, New Hampshire  Airport
2B3 Parlin Field, Newport, New Hampshire  Airport
0.62Mb (831 downloads)
This FSX scenery package contains the 2B3 Parlin Field airport in Newport, New Hampshire. This airport is intended to be used with FSX and the free addon - TileProxy. TileProxy provides real-time photorealistic satellite imagery in place of the stock auto generated FSX scenery or any other scenery package. This airport was originally released as part of an FSX airport scenery package containing 21 airports, located in New Hampshire and Vermont. The link to the original 21 New Hampshire & Vermont Airport package is shown below. This file is not required, but allows you to download 21 related airports. The 2B3 Parlin Field airport in the original 21 airport package was missing a required scenery file which corrects the airport altitude (from 784 ft. to 794 ft.) due to the mis-location of the stock FSX airport. This download provides all three of the required .bgl scenery files.
Posted Nov 25, 2013 21:44 by John Greenwood
LFLJ Courchevel Airport, France
LFLJ Courchevel Airport, France
0.64Mb (6956 downloads)
This FSX scenery package contains the LFLJ Courchevel airport in the French Alps. The airport has a very short, upslope runway of only 525 m (1,722 ft). The airport is considered one of the seven most dangerous in the world. It has a difficult approach, a 300 foot upslope runway and is adjacent to the Courchevel ski runs. The Courchevel airport altitude is the highest in Europe, with a mean elevation of 6,520 feet. This airport is intended to be used with FSX and the free addon - TileProxy. TileProxy provides real-time photorealistic satellite imagery in place of the stock auto generated FSX scenery or any other scenery package. The Courchevel airport was originally released as part of an FSX airport scenery package containing 15 airports, located in the French Alps. The link to the original 15 French Alps Airport package is shown below. This file is not required, but allows you to download 15 related French Alps airports. The LFLJ, Courchevel airport in the original 15 airport package was missing a required scenery file which corrects the airport altitude (from 6420 ft. to 6520 ft.) due to the mis-location of the stock FSX airport. This download provides all three of the required .bgl scenery files.
Posted Nov 24, 2013 18:10 by John Greenwood
Dallas, November 22nd, 1962
Dallas, November 22nd, 1962
6.33Mb (2220 downloads)
The scenery takes us back to that day in Dallas in 1962. I had searched but found no scenery in FSX that dealt with this subject, so using mostly default items I tried to recreated the scene. It is not completely realistic as I did not have the actual cars and a few of the other objects to work with. I did the best with what I had to work with though. Be looking for shooters hidden along the route as there are a number of them and hard to spot. I also added the railroad over pass that is just past the Grassy Knoll. Fast forward a couple of hours and when you go to Dallas Love Field, at the far end of the airport you will see the era Boeing-707 Air Force One with the secrect service peparing to load the casket onboard for the flight back to Washington D.C. In addtion to the obvious scenery I have also added many buildings and parking lots with cars as the default left Dallas lacking in buildings. I just sort of sprused it up at bit and I also added my version of Parkland Memorial Hospital which is actually a defualt object but it does add to the scenery. I did move the hospital across the street from the original location to have better parking lots and be closer to the freeway. You can plainly see Dallas Love feild airport from the Hospital. This is a scenery ment to remmber JFK and the events of that day in history as well as to bring a touch of reality to FSX.
Posted Nov 21, 2013 09:09 by Dan Culver
0.56Mb (847 downloads)
FSX Scenery--Irish Sea Ferries. A small dynamic scenery project which models the HSS Stena Line Car Ferry from Belfast to Stranraer, and Dun Laoghaire to Holyhead. Also modelled is the Norfolk Line Car Ferry from Belfast to Liverpool. The timetables are correct and were created using AIBTC and the ship models were created using Gmax. By Terry Shields.
Posted Nov 20, 2013 03:25 by fsshipyards
LROP, Bucharest-Otopeni, Henri Coanda Airport, Romania
19.67Mb (2613 downloads)
LROP, Bucharest-Otopeni, Henri Coanda airport, Romania, for FSX. Includes new finger terminal and more.
Posted Nov 15, 2013 06:02 by Lucian Cristea
VEGY Gaya, India
0.09Mb (324 downloads)
This is a complete overhaul to Gaya airport in Gaya, India. We have added a new runway parallel to 10 and 28, and re-opened the smaller GA runway. There are now 2 GA areas complete with parking and fuel, and an entire terminal area with 10 medium gates and 2 heavy gates. This was made by the Chesapeake Construction Design Team on FSEconomy.
Posted Nov 10, 2013 18:05 by Kyle Layman
Shimla Airport VISM, India
Shimla Airport VISM, India
12.21Mb (1833 downloads)
VISM Airport, Shimla India scenery for FSX Acceleration. Shimla is a VFR only airport.
Posted Nov 9, 2013 23:31 by Ratan Lewis