0.66Mb (2998 downloads)
Stansted Airport (EGSS) London, UK.
This scenery is for Stansted Airport and made only for FSX: assigned parking (to the best of my knowledge) with extra parking, the runway corrected to 4/22, taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts, the roads to the terminal Thremhall Avenue and Bassingbourn Road now added the best i can, extra fuel trucks and many other improvements, airport views are from inside the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation, a must to mention is my very grateful thank you to Ray Smith for his time and patience in helping me with my first project i really learned so much from him over the months creating it. Craig Scott
Posted Nov 6, 2013 10:40 by uploader

370.97Mb (2890 downloads)
The Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome Scenery, NY FSX/P3D.
This scenery represents The Old Rhinebeck
Aerodrome, Rhinebeck N.Y. It is freeware.
The package included photo-real textures,
includes all hangars, out-buildings,
all ORA iconic objects, an AI D25 New
Standard aircraft, detailed flight line of
vintage aircraft, and detailed instruction
Created by Golden Age Simulations and Ed Wells
This detailed Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
Scenery was created as voluntary donationware in aid of Rhinebeck Aerodrome Museum, a non
profit organisation. To make a donation to this museum please go to http://oldrhinebeck.org/ORA/donate/
Posted Nov 4, 2013 18:07 by uploader

24.53Mb (1167 downloads)
Port Columbus International. Columbus Ohio
FS9 Scenery converted to FSX
Original Scenery by Sidney Schwartz, converted to FSX by Timothy Thomas
Detailed terminal, extra parking, Airliner Gate Assignments, and GSX ready. AFCAD as designed with GSX in mind
Posted Nov 4, 2013 11:56 by Timothy Thomas

25.55Mb (2550 downloads)
Aconcagua Mountain Range, Argentina, photoreal scenery. Includes base camp and heliport. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the Americas at 6,960.8 m. It is located in the Andes mountain range, in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, and lies 112 kilometres northwest of its capital, the city of Mendoza.
by juan30005
Posted Nov 3, 2013 11:08 by juan30005

0.03Mb (1056 downloads)
This Airport was updated by Google Maps and Airport Diagram. Adds lots of new Parking Spots and Runway Fixes. Also fixes all new runway numbers. Does not impact Frame Rates.
Posted Nov 2, 2013 02:45 by Delta2585

4.91Mb (4605 downloads)
Originally named McCoy Air Force Base, Orlando International is the second-busiest airport in the state of Florida. Orlando International Airport consists of a hub-and-spoke layout with a large main terminal building in the center and four airside concourses. This project attempted to upgrade the default FSX using the latest version of ADEX v1.5 (airport editor by ScruffyDuck Software) and tested using FSXA (Acceleration). In brief the upgrade includes: fixing incorrect headings for ILS/DME runways 35R and 36R; installing missing ILS's; additional parking on all aprons combined and divided by cardinal points and letters corresponding to the 4 terminal airsides; some parking assigned with airline codes; improved Runways' width, length, and taxiways leading to them; additional buildings with roof objects and improved stock ones by adding roof antennae, AC's, radio signaling, etc.; additional vehicle ways and roads outside and inside the airport's perimeter; bridges over small bodies of water near the airport; lots of ground vehicles, both land and airport vehicles, objects and cargo; improved aprons' size; vehicle parking lots; and the B52 memorial park on the north-west side just off the Beachline Expressway near runway 18L; lots more. KMCO-Orlando International Upgrade by Jamagn.
Posted Nov 1, 2013 12:44 by Jamagn

542.46Mb (1448 downloads)
This scenery includes dense, custom ground vegetation, high
quality custom models, 5 hi-res (LOD19) photo real airports, and 6 hi-res
30cm/pixel Craters and Buttes in the surrounding area. This scenery was developed to be fully compatible with FTX/ORBX CRM. This scenery is also compatible with default FSX and FTX Global, but ground textures may not blend as well. All Photo Real imagery has been completely recolored from its original state.
Scenery by Chris Britton of Emerald Scenery Design.
Posted Oct 28, 2013 22:31 by Emerald Scenery Design

6.14Mb (2256 downloads)
This package contains 21 airports in New Hampshire and Vermont. These airports are intended to be used with FSX and the free addon - TileProxy. TileProxy provides real-time photorealistic satellite imagery in place of the stock auto generated FSX scenery or any other scenery package. The package includes sixteen (16) stock FSX airports which have been modified (re-located runways, buildings, taxiways, etc.) to more accurately re-position them with the real-world scenery. In addition, there are two (2) unlisted airports which are not available in FSX. These airports are existing real private airports. There are also two (2) "abandoned" airports included (i.e. airports that no longer exist). These airports were active in the 1920s-1970s. There is also one (1) "phantom" airport included (i.e. airport that does not exist in the real world or FSX).
Posted Oct 26, 2013 10:14 by John Greenwood

2.70Mb (1655 downloads)
Barranquilla Airport, Atlantico, Colombia. Capable of handling large aircraft such as B747 and DC10. Currently it serves several airlines with international traffic to Miami and South American states. There is also GA traffic. This scenery provides buildings and ground objects.
Posted Oct 24, 2013 19:22 by Gabriel Marin

155.73Mb (1457 downloads)
FSX Grimes Airfield (8N1)
Grimes Airfield is home to the Golden Age
Air Museum, Pennsylvania, a living museum dedicated to
preserving aviation's golden past. This
detailed photoreal scenery includes the
airfield and surrounding countryside as
well as ten flyable AI airplanes. Fly in
on the weekend to watch these classic
airplanes take to the sky. By Christopher
G. Clawson.
Posted Oct 24, 2013 06:34 by uploader