0.01Mb (965 downloads)
A fix file to correct the ILS-beam heading, for Samsun Carsamba (LTFH) Airport scenery, ltfh09x.zip.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 19, 2009 16:01 by Sunay KILIC
5.97Mb (1980 downloads)
The International Airport has a civil and military area. The runways retain the original altitude and orientation (for on line navigation), but have been adapted to the reality of taxiways, parking area hangars and mov. jetways. It has fuel service truck for the two areas, bunkers for fighter bombers, and facilities in reality. Includes charts and actual photos. By Cristóbal Laje (2009).
Posted Oct 18, 2009 18:28 by Cristóbal Laje
1.53Mb (1391 downloads)
This is another one of my historical airports. If NAS Pensacola is the birthplace of American Navy Aviation, Flugplatz Doberitz is the birthplace of German Military Aviation. It is argueably the birthplace of the Luftwaffe. In 1910, only a year after Johannesthal was established, the German Government established Doberitz for the sole purpose of developing pilots and tactics to take the airplane to war. It served as both a training site and defense site throughout world wars I and II. After WWII it was behind the "Iron Curtain" and served the Soviets in various capacities, but not as the historical place it held within German Military History. The airfield is recreated here as it appeared in the 1920's to late 1930's. Throughout WWII, Doberitz continued to grow, and was host to all manner of military aircraft. With alumni like Max Immelman and Manfred Von Richtofen, most if not all of the German Aces had cycled through Doberitz at some time in their careers. Doberitz is now a nature park. By Jim Dhaenens
Posted Oct 18, 2009 18:05 by Jim Dhaenens
4.42Mb (1683 downloads)
This file updates the default scenery to correct taxiway and layouts. Similarly, it has repositioned the aircraft parking area, comprising three gates (1 medium and 2 small) with mov. jetways , taking account which is a medium-sized regional airport. It added somes parking for executive jets and added a dock parking charges which allows the stationing of a plane medium as a B757-200 (or minor). He added the service of fuel (truck) (it was tested) and settled the area of gaseous and liquid fuels.
Park was installed for firefighters and airport police (north area), the parking area
for cars and the park surrounding vegetation
the main airport facility. As for the tracks, were illuminated for better air navigation aid.
Ils frequencies and radio, are the originals.
By Cristobal Laje (2009), Argentina.
Posted Oct 17, 2009 11:27 by Cristóbal Laje
80.37Mb (3095 downloads)
Detailed and realistically depicted scenery of Turkey Samsun Carsamba (LTFH) Airport and the surrounding area, for FSX (SP2). Created mainly by FSDS 3.5.1, the scenery includes accurate main terminal, tower and other airport buildings, afd file, various objects and some photo real terrain textures.
Posted Oct 16, 2009 19:06 by Sunay KILIC
2.54Mb (2694 downloads)
The OOWBP (Organization of Wreckless Bush Pilots) has put out a very confidential map of four very dangerous airfields in Guatemala, C.A. called the "Mayan Route" since they are located in an area where some few thousand of years ago the Mayas ruled. The Government of
this country has no comments on these since they are not shown in any of their aeronautical charts. The OOWBP has placed some reference on these charts which you can use as take off points in order to reach the airfields fearly easy. If you deside to take the "plunge" and fly to them
make sure the aircraft you fly in is reliable and a very good STOL one......Have fun and let us know of your experience....Next episode will cover some beauties in Honduras, where by the way, the fifth president of OOWBP went missing six years ago!!!
Posted Oct 16, 2009 16:37 by Gera Godoy Canova
0.00Mb (575 downloads)
MEDEvac and Lifeflight LZ Baseball Fields. PABB & PABC. Located in Boston, PA 17 Miles South of Pittsburgh,PA.
Posted Oct 15, 2009 22:47 by AirForceFF
0.10Mb (1178 downloads)
Kingston Airport with corrected ATC frequencies/Runway lengths, and Hangars/Tower.
Posted Oct 14, 2009 20:10 by Connor Donaldson
2.45Mb (1936 downloads)
SACO Taravella Airport, Cordoba, Argentina. The development of this stage was necessary because FSX does not have an appropriate setting for Taravella Airport (SACO). As a first step, expanded parking area (north) for loading and aircraft maintenance. Added the two legs with movement, with which it currently has in reality. The building "Aeropuertos 2000" reality does not conform with the design for this scenario. Repositioned the control tower that was near the track header 36, and placed where it is now (on stage and in reality). Hangars were located with current account and were added for better assembly stage, where helicopters are stationed. The fire station was fixed. We performed the delineation of roads around the control and surveillance airport, and inserted the fuel service truck (fuel truck). It was tested and it work very well. Antennas were inserted for communication of Air Córdoba Center, which operate in the northwest sector of the main body of the airport, and a chapel enclave coincides with reality. It marked sleeves, antennas and water tank. It left in its way "default" height and orientation of the runway 18/36 and 05. The first, in particular, the lighting was improved in line with traffic which in reality has at present the airport, and was left unlit runway 05 as in reality shows;only, for a better view, placed runway end lights. The taxi to rwy 36 is relocated, and added the aircraft hangar where which are now extinct forest fire Province of Cordoba, and private and school use. In addition, a helipad was added in the same place where now intended for that purpose.
Posted Oct 13, 2009 23:35 by Cristóbal Laje
9.90Mb (1449 downloads)
Scenery of Plock Airport located in Central Poland. Contains 1m/pix photo texture and custom buildings. Compiled with FSX SDK, SbuilderX, Whisplacer, ADE and Library Manager XML. By Lukasz Kubacki
Posted Oct 12, 2009 15:53 by Lukasz Kubacki