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FSX > Scenery > Page 239
Dobbins ARB, Atlanta, GA
0.87Mb (1184 downloads)
Here is an updated file for the Dobbins ARB located in Atlanta, GA. I have added the "assault runway" that runs next to the main runway. Google Earth has the runway shown but FSX does not show it. I have also added the "helo" pads to the northwest side of the base, and added some ramp lanes to the NE side as well. G.E. shows C130's parked there but I did not add the parking lots for them. This is an attempt to to make the base more real. Enjoy and thanks goes to Airport Design Editor.
Posted Oct 10, 2009 15:16 by Don Harris
Military Sceneries Package v1
Military Sceneries Package v1
9.13Mb (3007 downloads)
Military Sceneries Package v1 product features the following: New autogen forest textures, New autogen water mirror textures for FSX, Autogen water textures, New beach,streets and river, All textures have 3 different altitude - sharpness - raster, All textures are adjusted air photos, - The Airport Rostock – Laage ( ETNL ) product features the following: New static display of F-4F Phantom and AIRBUS A350, New opjects and new forest, Static display of Eurofighter, Eurocopter Tiger, Accurate simulation of Fliegerhorst German Bundeswehr: “ Jagdgeschwader 73 Steinhof ”, 200 authentic objects, With shelter for the Eurofighters, forest, streets, hangars for civils and military air traffic, New airport terminal and many more - Autogen textures, 3D buildings and textures by - Author: A.Meyer.
Posted Oct 8, 2009 13:56 by Andreas Meyer
Krasnaya Osnova Bortsa Laski, Fictional Air Force Base
Krasnaya Osnova Bortsa Laski, Fictional Air Force Base
0.01Mb (1345 downloads)
This is a fictional Soviet Air Force base outside of Irkutsk, and on the river moving into Lake Baikal, one of the biggest lakes in the world. This Air Force Base hosts a full squadron of Su-37 fighters, and three An-225 transports. There are also plenty of hangars to park in, and a few barracks buildings for the pilots. Two runways, and two river parking spots, along with hangar and fuel parking. By: Weasel102 *Sorry about the thumbnails, they're not that great. And just put the two files contained in the .zip file into your Addon Scenery/scenery folder.
Posted Oct 3, 2009 21:52 by Weasel102
Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Scenery Fix
Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Scenery Fix
0.55Mb (898 downloads)
A small fix to eliminate the thermals over the airfield and Inonu city that are creating difficulties during glider landings and also creating interference with Inonu autogen houses. For the FSX Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery, By Sunay KILIC.
Original file:
Posted Sep 30, 2009 16:38 by Sunay KILIC
Burke Lakefront Airshow Scenery (KBKL)
Burke Lakefront Airshow Scenery (KBKL)
0.02Mb (1835 downloads)
Once a small airport for private airplanes, now host to an airshow with many variety of airplanes. From the loudest to the smallest, this airshow scenery was designed for one purpose "to make you feel like your actually at an airshow". With a whole crowd taking pictures of your every move to airplanes of all different sizes parked on the ramp waiting for their turn to show their stuff, KBKL scenery will make you feel like your the star of the Airshow. Enjoy!! Made by Alpha Six Design
Posted Sep 29, 2009 17:59 by Dan Iwanski
FSX LFEV St Adrien Gray Airfield, France.
FSX LFEV St Adrien Gray Airfield, France.
0.98Mb (1557 downloads)
FSX LFEV St Adrien Gray, France. Saint Adrien is an airfield located in Franche Comté,in the East of France not far from Switzerland and close to the city of Gray near the Saone river in the middle of large fields used for agriculture and for cattle. It is open to the general aviation traffic and the activity is also devoted to learn and enjoy flying ULM and host several companies including a specialist in repairs and restoration of old and more recent aeroplanes.
Posted Sep 28, 2009 06:15 by Dominique Donzelot
Statue of Liberty Island
1.11Mb (3970 downloads)
A fictional representation of the Statue of Liberty Island in the harbor. Everyday happenings, except for that ship to the north carrying barges into customs, under heavy smoke
Posted Sep 28, 2009 06:12 by Uploader
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scenery Package
65.32Mb (3951 downloads)
Scotland Edinburgh This is a photo scenery including all of Edinburgh Covers an area from The Pentland Hills at the South, all the way to the Sea at the North. From the East just outside Musselburgh and to the West just at the Airport Tested in FSX only including UTX Europe built with SBuilderX
Posted Sep 26, 2009 07:24 by Pips Perez
MDCY (Revision 1) Samana airport for FSX
1.01Mb (1525 downloads)
MDCY (Revision 1) Samana airport, El Catey International, Dominican Republic for FSX made with ADE9x. Runway headings realigned and approaches added.
Posted Sep 25, 2009 13:00 by G. Bruce
Jacksonville FL-Craig Municipal Airport (KCRG) Redone
0.44Mb (804 downloads)
This update to the previous KCRG package includes a more realistic representation of the Craig Air Center FBO and minor changes.
Posted Sep 24, 2009 17:29 by Art Poole