0.85Mb (151 downloads)
N12 Lakewood: Taxiways and parking ramp modified, added a few parking spots for AI aircraft to visit. Runway 6-24 added markings and a 2-light VASI on each end. Added a blast pad behind runway 24 threshold. Changed position and size of three buildings on the airport and moved the fueling station. Added three sets of hangars near midfield. Changes based on a Google Earth image of the Lakewood airport. There is an additional bgl terrain file for Central Jersey Regional airport (47N) which simply removes a very tall tree that obstructs the approach end of runway 25. Updated in AFCAD by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Jan 16, 2022 01:08 by R.E. Wyman

54.96Mb (588 downloads)
Well it starts as always, I can't find a usable freeware airport in this casefor the
airport Hurghada HEGN, Egypt, so I'll build it myself again.
Well what can I say here it is as real as possible with many details with the after a
lot of work Standard Scenery built.
So fly to Hurghada in Egypt, have a look with a helicopter overdrivable car shows
the many details, the hotel beaches with people, the maintenance hall whose gate
opens when you roll towards the Bedouin village or the port just have fun and go
on your journey .........
Copy the folder FSX Hurghada Scenery into the Addon folder of the FSX,
the FSX start to settings, switch to scenery library, add area,
press OK,after that you canstart .............
to be able to see people I deliver the file 3DPeoble_Lib with this you can also in
Copy the addon folder and activate it in FSX as described during installation and
you already see people ..............
the same applies to extra vehicles with the supplied file ObjLib-Large-CarParking FSX and you can already see more vehicles ..........
! You don't need these extras if you already have them!
Questions and help on my YouTube channel or by email at
jam_aika@hotmail.de now have fun in Egypt
LG Jamaika
Posted Jan 11, 2022 02:48 by Ewald Wagner alias Jamaika
0.55Mb (209 downloads)
This is the latest update of the EBCI2016 scenery previously published. It only features default buildings and objects but creates the whole "new" terminal area (north of the runway, since 2008 but not implemented by default on FSX & P3D), and it also features the extension of the runway and additional taxiways as of December 2021. This scenery should work on FSX and P3D all versions. However please be kind reporting any issues you see. It is an early release, allowing you to benefit the new infrastructure and the longer runway. However, expect later in 2022 a fully redesigned scenery, closer to the reality. MAIN FEATURES: - current accurate runway + all taxiways - runway and taxiway lighting according to real life - DME added to the ILS 110.900 IGC - All parking stands at the north (51 to 72 + "far-away" stands + B stands for code D and A340) - parking numbers (may fail to show up sometimes) INSTALL: Put the main folder in your ADDON SCENERY and add it to the library (like most sceneries). Enjoy!
Posted Jan 4, 2022 12:47 by IVAO Belux - Jonatan G.
84.70Mb (822 downloads)
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (ICAO: ZGGG) is the major airport of Guangzhou (Canton), Guangdong province, in the PR China.
The ICAO code is inherited from the former airport closed in 2004.
In FSX it is shown as it was in 2004. In 2014 a third runway was added, and in 2018 Terminal 2 was opened.
This scenery shows the airport as it is in 2021.
The airport is situated at NN23 23.527' / E113 18.587 at an altitude of 15m.
All three runways are equipped with ILS in both directions.
This scenery is part of a series of ‘China International Airports’ sceneries. All sceneries of this series
are designed with the latest edition of ‘Airport Design Editor’ from ScruffyDuck Software, based on
satellite images from Google Earth and Yandex Maps.
Posted Nov 20, 2021 03:19 by Winfried Orthmann
16.28Mb (317 downloads)
OTBD Old Doha International - Losail F1 Circuit, QATAR
Freeware Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-5).
Doha International Airport (IATA: DIA, ICAO: OTBD) is an airport in Doha, Qatar. It was Qatar's commercial international airport until Hamad International Airport opened on 27 May 2014. While all scheduled commercial traffic ceased, the airport site and existing runway is still used by Qatar Emiri Air Force, Rizon Jet, Gulf Helicopters and Qatar Aeronautical College. The airport is planned to be refurbished and reopened to handle more traffic for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Doha, Qatar.
Ignacio Del Muro
Posted Nov 18, 2021 03:55 by Ignacio Del Muro
112.97Mb (606 downloads)
Well it starts as always, I can't find a usable freeware airport in this case for the EDNY Friedrichshafen so I'll build it myself again.... now what can I say after a lot of work it is built as real as possible with many details with the standard scenery .......... So fly to Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance of course you should take a zeppelin there, which is also being built there, and fly with it on a sightseeing flight over Lindau to Bregenz and visit the mountain station on the Pfänder ......
Posted Oct 29, 2021 00:54 by Ewald Wagner

7.04Mb (179 downloads)
FSX SE 640 Foot Modern Great Lakes and Ocean Freighter Version 5
"Improved and Corrected Files" Enhanced lighting effects. Final update. Landable deck platforms lights and effects built in GMAX and exported with _LM textures.
Meant for BGL or mobile scenery purposes two source BGLs and model files for placement included.
Originally placed in FSX Deluxe Edition with Object Placement Tool for use in FSX SE.
Needs air file and Bridge work to be Pilotable.
Has default fuel truck sounds.
Part of Great Lakes Scenery im working on. GMAX save file included. Model and textures
by Greg Ebnit.
Posted Sep 22, 2021 01:05 by Greg Ebnit

6.63Mb (92 downloads)
FSX SE 1000 Foot Great Lakes Freighter Version 4
Freighter LAKE ERIE
"Improved and Corrected Files" Enhanced lighting effects. Final update. Landable deck platforms lights and effects built in GMAX and exported with _LM textures.
Meant for BGL or mobile scenery purposes two source BGLs and model files for placement included.
Originally placed in FSX Deluxe Edition with Object Placement Tool for use in FSX SE.
Needs air file and Bridge work to be Pilotable.
Has default fuel truck sounds.
Part of Great Lakes Scenery im working on. GMAX save file included. Model and textures
by Greg Ebnit.
Posted Sep 22, 2021 01:02 by Greg Ebnit

6.92Mb (118 downloads)
FSX SE 1000 Foot Great Lakes Freighter Version 3
Freighter LAKE HURON
"Improved and Corrected Files" Enhanced lighting effects. Final update. Landable deck platforms lights and effects built in GMAX and exported with _LM textures.
Meant for BGL or mobile scenery purposes two source BGLs and model files for placement included.
Originally placed in FSX Deluxe Edition with Object Placement Tool for use in FSX SE.
Needs air file and Bridge work to be Pilotable.
Has default fuel truck sounds.
Part of Great Lakes Scenery im working on. GMAX save file included. Model and textures
by Greg Ebnit.
Posted Sep 21, 2021 17:00 by Greg Ebnit

6.85Mb (107 downloads)
FSX SE 1000 Foot Great Lakes Freighter Version 2
"Improved and Corrected Files" Enhanced lighting effects. Final update. Landable deck platforms lights and effects built in GMAX and exported with _LM textures.
Meant for BGL or mobile scenery purposes two source BGLs and model files for placement included.
Originally placed in FSX Deluxe Edition with Object Placement Tool for use in FSX SE.
Needs air file and Bridge work to be Pilotable.
Has default fuel truck sounds.
Part of Great Lakes Scenery im working on. GMAX save file included. Model and textures
by Greg Ebnit.
Posted Sep 21, 2021 16:57 by Greg Ebnit