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FSX > Utilities > Page 18
Jeppesen Plates Package
274.70Mb (15977 downloads)
Expired Jeppesen Plates for sim use only. Contains over 10,000 airport plates from around the USA
Posted Aug 11, 2009 00:55 by Devin
FSX/FS2004 AirEd Revised
0.21Mb (13135 downloads)
AirEd - Fligh Dynamics Editor. This is a good copy of AirEd by William M. Roth. I have noticed that other versions of this utility are missing things. Like in primary aerodynamics under lift, there should be 8 records, not 6. This upload is for anyone who is trying to tweak the flight dynamics of FS 9 or FSX aircraft and might have been having a problem. Unzip to a folder of your choice. replace what you have been using, or if this is your first time with AirEd; just copy the AirEd folder where you want it. Open AirEd by double clicking on the aired.exe file, and click the special menu; then click on Set AirEd for Air files. You should now be able to double click any air file and have it open with AirEd. This upload is done because I think there are people out there who are trying to make money from the simulator community who have used their knowledge to make it harder for the average person to produce an aircraft that flys well. They do this in part by corrupting the original work of the AirEd author. Bob Chicilo.
Posted Aug 6, 2009 10:26 by Bob Chicilo
FSX/FS2004 AI Swapper V1.42 rev7
FSX/FS2004 AI Swapper V1.42 rev7
1.60Mb (4317 downloads)
Having difficulty keeping up with all your added AI? This program allows the user to activate and de-activate FS9 and FSX AI Traffic Files at the click of a mouse button. Secondly the user can see at a glance the current activated status of their AI. Works with: Win98, ME, XP, Win2000, Vista. Programming by Peter J Forster (C) WARBIRD WARRIOR Freeware Production
Posted Jul 31, 2009 13:56 by Peter Forster
Navari V2 Flight Planner for FSX
Navari V2 Flight Planner for FSX
24.57Mb (9970 downloads)
Navari is a Flight planner / Navigator / Autopilot for FSX. Still in Beta stage but working
Posted Jul 8, 2009 08:43 by Scumari
FS2002/FS2004/FSX Flight Plan v2.0.
19.41Mb (12013 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004/FSX Flight Plan v2.0. In Flight Plan you can create your flight plan. See your plan on the map. It will also organize your downloaded charts. After activating the route, you will get the charts and the info of the airports in your route, enroute wether information and a detailed route overview. New in v2.0: Search airports information, improved add charts form with preview, improved map view with zoom and snap functions, scenery database, enroute information according to the selected flight, new data system. By F Venema.
Posted Jun 24, 2009 04:52 by F Venema
0.02Mb (7138 downloads)
This file serves as an aid for radio contact with air traffic controllers other players during the different phases of flight. English version.
Posted May 12, 2009 14:23 by Allan Mahe
0.01Mb (2670 downloads)
This file serves as an aid for radio contact with air traffic controllers other players during the different phases of flight. This is the French version. The English version is planned later
Posted May 10, 2009 07:10 by Allan Mahe (Dax)
FS2000/FS2002/FS2004/FSX Flight Planner
FS2000/FS2002/FS2004/FSX Flight Planner
17.09Mb (10418 downloads)
FS2000/FS2002/FS2004/FSX Flight Plan. In Flight Plan you can create your flight plan. See your plan on the map. It will also organize your downloaded charts. After activating the route, you will get the charts and the info of the airports in your route, enroute weather information and a detailed route overview. And you can share your charts and routes with the other users. By Fed Venema.
Posted May 8, 2009 03:36 by Fed Venema
FSX/FS2004 Flight Calculator Ver 1.5.6
1.83Mb (8404 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Flight Calculator Ver 1.5.6 This Flightsim Flight Calculator will calculate distance and arrival times for both FSX and FS2004 The program has four input components, Local TimeZone, Departing Airport, Destination Airport and the Aircraft to be used for the flight. The program calculates the distance in nautical miles between two FlightSim Airports. It determines the flight length in hours and then calculates the Arrival time. If the flight time passes midnight the arrival day is incremented by one day. Keep in mind these distances and times are based on point to point calculations and do not allow for taxi out, taxi in, start-up times etc. To compensate for this you can input a time period in minutes which is automatically added to the flight time to give a more accurate estimate of arrival times. You will also need the TTools program by Lee Swordy in order to build the aircraft and airport text files. This version solves the problem of a missing system file and adds support for DST (Daylight Savings Time). Freeware By Dave Westbury
Posted Mar 28, 2009 05:04 by John Paul
gmax gamepack
21.74Mb (9574 downloads)
This is the coplete gamepack for gmax including FS8,FS9 and FSX. Easy to install, instructions are include in the package. It contains the stuff necessary to open gmax in the proper mode for each one of the FS versions and to call on the export modules to compile the object the way the respective FS wants to see it. Each of the three game packs (one for each version of FS) contains a shortcut to start gmax the respective way. If you wish, make copies of those shortcuts to your desktop or Quick Launch. In Quick Launch they will all look alike, so my guess is that you'll place in Quick Launch just the one you use the most. Exporting for FSX is no-where near as easy as for FS2004 (FS9). I haven't done much of it, so I will refrain from making comments on how to get the GUID numbers, etc. You will have to figure that out yourself. Uploaded by Fern Marques
Posted Mar 3, 2009 15:53 by Fern Marques