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FSX > Utilities > Page 15
TOPCAT - Take-off and Landing Performance Calculation Tool
TOPCAT - Take-off and Landing Performance Calculation Tool
4.50Mb (11427 downloads)
TOPCAT is a highly realistic Take-Off and Landing Performance Calculation Tool. It brings into a single application all of the calculations required to plan for safe and repeatable take-offs and landings. TOPCAT allows to produce Load Sheets, Take-Off and Landing performance analysis, Individual Runway Tables including all relevant speeds (V1, VR and V2), optimum thrust and flaps configurations, de-rated and assumed/flex temperatures and stop margins.
Posted Jan 11, 2010 12:03 by Christian Grill
 FS2004/FSX i9TV v2.16 Screen Shot Capture Utility
8.56Mb (3260 downloads)
FS2004/FSX i9TV v2.16 screen shot capture utility - screen shots optimized and more. Capture an area of the monitor pre-configured and converts in JPG optimized and/or archive picture, and/or sends a PicasaWeb Album, and/or send to a web (TV); for example the web of VA pilot. Any of the three functions selectable at any time. Manual (PDF) in Portuguese and English in the setup. It's free and free distribution. By Antonio Fernandes.
Help in several languages in
Posted Dec 4, 2009 03:06 by Antonio Fernandes
FSX AutoSave v 1.0.4
1.33Mb (6205 downloads)
FSX Save Version 1.0.4. Saves flights automatically in FSX. Features: Users can configure the following settings from within FSX: Save Interval from 1 to 120 minutes between automatic saves. Enable or disable automatic saving whilst the aircraft is on the ground. Maximum number of saves to keep from 1 to 30. Fully integrated into FSX. FSXSave starts automatically with FSX. Options window available from the FSX Addons menu. Easy Install
Posted Oct 26, 2009 04:31 by Glynn Wilshaw
FSX/FS2004                   'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. v4
0.88Mb (4371 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. v4 Take screenshots of FS2004/X With just a push of 1 button on your keyboard (Print Screen) and SnapShot does the rest! You don't even have to pause FS. Just press PrintScreen while in game, and SnapShot automatically saves each numbered screenshot to your chosen directory. v1.4 - Also works on Windows Vista aswell as Windows XP and others!Requires .Net Framework to be installed. (here). 1.2K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
                  SimFly.EU AFTS (Advanced Flight Tracking System)
0.60Mb (2390 downloads)
FSX SimFly.EU AFTS (Advanced Flight Tracking System). The AFTS Client allows you to send live flight data to SimFly.EU servers which becomes available, live via our AFTS at AFTS allows full pilot and VA management, statistics as well as SimPax (an FSX Passengers Game). The application is programmed so that it places very little load on your system, it can also be minimised to the system tray once connected. AFTS requires no installation, you can simply run it after download, once signed in it will transmit your FSX data and your information will be available instantly online, which includes Hours Tracking. 615K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.37Mb (3784 downloads)
FS2004 Recorder Module for FSX version 1.3. FS Recorder is an addon module for FS2004 and FSX, which can record flights, save them to files and play them back similar to the FS instant replay and flight video recorder, but with a lot more features. This version requires FSX with Service Pack 1 installed! The Recorder does NOT record video files (like .avi), it records data like aircraft position, speed, etc., so the recordings can only be played inside FS. This allows watching your recordings from different views. List of main features: - recording flights of unlimited length - replay the last minutes, even if no recording was started - recording and playback of AI traffic - playback of one or more recordings as (AI) traffic - recording a new flight during playback as traffic (e.g. for formation flights) - jumping/searching forward/backward during playback - playback control via keyboard or control window - stop playback at any position to continue manually - loop part of a recording - change playback speed - custom keyboard controls - recorded data is customizable. Matthias Neusinger. 378K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.23Mb (2522 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 fmc2PLN! This tool lets you convert saved vasFMC flightplans into native MSFS flightplans.This way you can use the standard GPS that comes with FS9/FSX with your installedAIRAC cylce for autopilot navigation and for offline ATC using the built-in ATC in MSFS.Please note that Alex Wemmer's software vasFMC will be needed ( Jens-Arne Reumschüssel. 232K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.45Mb (2361 downloads)
FSX AutoSaver 1.0. AutoSave simply saves your FSX flights automatically at a customizable interval of time. By Omar Damiani. 461K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
                  AFTS GameSpy Flight Tracking
0.38Mb (2517 downloads)
FSX AFTS GameSpy Flight Tracking. AFTS (Advanced Flight Tracking System) allows you to track your aircraft movements via live maps, and also keeps logs of your hours flown. It can be used as part of the AFTS VA and Group Management System for full Pilot Management, including Flight Planning and Scheduling. Additional features such as dynamic Forum Signature to display hours are available also. AFTS is a Freeware software and has been uploaded by the authors at SimFly.EU. 392K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
2.44Mb (1820 downloads)
FSX AiSort Vers Visual Basic 6 utility (runtime required) to takes TrafficTools style flight plans, sorts them and converts them into text that can be imported to the FSX SDK TrafficDatabaseBuilder to produce an FSX flight plan .bgl file. By Frank Salter. 2.5MB
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive