3.06Mb (11694 downloads)
Arrestor Cables v2.6.2.
Uses FSUIPC for cables, catapult, fuel ops, & battle damage.
NEW automatic modes support moving FSX carriers. By Rich Hogen.
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
5.42Mb (33086 downloads)
AI Carriers 2 for Flight Simulator X SP1 and Acceleration.
This is a small software that allows you to place and control
single ships or complete naval fleets in Flight Simulator
X. Unlike previous software concerning AI ships and carriers,
or missions, it doesn't need complex edit of traffic files
or mission files. Just add when you are in free flight, anywhere
you want. By Lamont Clark. aicarriers2.zip
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by Lamont Clark
3.25Mb (11729 downloads)
Flight Management Automation (FMA) (Fixed),
adds VNAV automation to the FSX default Boeing 747 like an FMC.
It also features thrust selection for a "pitch for air
speed" logic as well as autoland for fully automated landings.
If you want it to, FMA is capable of completing an entire flight
on its own just after rotation. Additionally FMA can be deactivated
at any time and doesn't use extra buttons allowing you to control
it completely from the VC. 3.3MB
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.11Mb (6031 downloads)
/FS* Flight Simulator Logbook
If your FSX logbook crashed, and hundreds or thousands hours
were lost, use the FS Logbook. It's simple and easy to record
your flight logs. Developed by Danilo Cesar Munis. 110K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.03Mb (31845 downloads)
Aircraft Installer (Updated)
- This program can install your aircraft and rotorcraft. This
program makes it a whole lot easier to install into simobjects/airplanes
folder. Programming by: Steven Logiudice. 32K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
1.11Mb (9685 downloads)
Yet Another Google Earth Tool.(v0.94).
YAGET FSX (yet another goggle earth tool) V 0.94 Version updated
for adjustments with Google Earth release from May 24th 2007
and above (had to add a view "range" slider). This
little program for FSX allows to save two types of files : a
single position file and a complete path file for Google Earth
program (Each leg of the path is ~1NM long). It also allows
to create a direct link between a Google Earth window and an
instance of FSX and to follow your position on the Google view
(track mode). By C Laurent. 1.1MB
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.23Mb (4686 downloads)
V-Speed Calculator.
This little program retrieves information from FSX and calculates
V1, Vr, V2 and Vref. In the version, only default B744, B738,
CRJ700 and B350 are supported by this program. Samuel Louie.
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
10.32Mb (11015 downloads)
YAMM V 1.2. Yet Another Moving Map for
FSX. A very simple applications set allowing to connect a moving
map to FSX : chiefly for a LAN but can also work in a single
PC. NB : Maps in JPG format only - it uses MSFSX SimConnect.dll
(all the files needed inside - no need for FSUIPC nor wideFS).
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.39Mb (14895 downloads)
Entertainment. In-flight entertainment,
Plays Audio/Video. Switch to Compact mode to see your controls!
Stays on top of games maximized window (doesnt work in Full
Screen mode) Checks for Updates automatically. Credits: Aaron
Conroy. 404K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
0.01Mb (8245 downloads)
This tool will try to kill processes for better FSX performance.
The processes to kill are stored in app.config. You can easily
add processes there via the "Add to Killlist" button.
You can delete them via"Reset Killlist" button. With
"Kill Processes" all Processes stored in app.config
will be tried to be deleted. By Chris Tester. 8K
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive