15.28Mb (1511 downloads)
The Consolidated C-87 Liberator Express was a transport derivative of the B-24 Liberator heavy bomber built during World War II for the United States Army Air Forces. A total of 287 C-87s were built alongside the B-24 at the Consolidated Aircraft plant in Fort Worth, Texas. This is an FSX update for the FS2002/2004 Alphasim model and now features a new enhanced virtual cockpit with all new gauges compatible for FSX. In addition, the textures had to be partly modified to be recognized by FSX, some parts of them
were not visible. The 2D panel features animated yoke and throttle panel. Smoke effect has been added as well. The package includes five liveries by different authors.
Thanks to Phil Perrott for the original model, to Jim Nelson and Jaap de Baare for their previous FS2004 updates and additional Brit Liveries as well as to Glenn Duncan for the Corsair texture, which had to be modified to conform to this vc model. Panel and other updates for FSX by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 6, 2019 12:48 by Michael Pook

82.32Mb (1352 downloads)
The Avia 56 Series for FSX - Native v1.0 Pkg incl 4 models (wheels, amphib, floats, skis) in passenger and cargo themes, custom panels and era gauges, custom sounds, custom Flight Models, and 10 liveries. by Milton Shupe, Nigel Richards, and Matt Wynn, with contributions by Bill Ortis and Oleboy with help from SOH members. Functional VC model included; Pkg incl seven Aircraft models (wheels, floats, amphibs, skis) with 13 textures, a great flight model, authentic and awesome radial custom sounds, custom panels, easy-to-read clickable virtual cockpits, and superbly crafted exterior and interior textures. This aircraft release is one in series of real world Avia aircraft designed by Czech engineer Robert Nebesar. The first was the Avia 51 and 156. This Avia 56 was a prototype that was changed because of engine availability, and became the 156. Technical/Consulting: Moses03, Michal Beran, Tomáš Rusek - consultant, John Smith (Hurricane91) - research assistance - metric panel repaint, Michal Plavec - Curator of the Aviation Collection National Technical Museum, Prague, R. Berger, Karel Kriz - Newspaper and poster materials. This package is for FSX only. Paint Kit available at Sim-outhouse.com. Milton Shupe December 2, 2018
Posted Jan 5, 2019 04:19 by Milton Shupe

9.03Mb (1099 downloads)
FSX/P3D up to v4 Hawker Fury MkII.
The Hawker Fury was a British biplane fighter aircraft used by the Royal Air Force in the 1930s. It was a fast, agile aircraft, and the first interceptor in RAF service capable of speed higher than 200 mph. It was the fighter counterpart to the Hawker Hart light bomber. Native FSX/P3D mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jan 4, 2019 09:45 by A.F.Scrub

16.55Mb (954 downloads)
The Vickers Type287 "Wellesley" was a British 1930s light bomber built by Vickers-Armstrongs at Brooklands near Weybridge, Surrey, for the Royal Air Force. While it was obsolete by the start of the Second World War and unsuited to the European air war, the Wellesley was successfully used in the desert areas of East Africa, Egypt and the Middle East. This is a panel update for the Wellesley designed by Kazunori Ito. It features a new enhanced and more realistic VC and a new 2D panel with all new instruments. Animated yoke in the 2D
panel, smoke and additional camera views added. The FDE has been corrected also. Thanks to Kazunori Ito for the original
model, to Andre Ludick for the FDE improvement and to Erwin Welker for the added camera views. VC improvement and new 2D panel by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 26, 2018 09:57 by Michael Pook

2.29Mb (650 downloads)
Textures only for A.F. Scrub's FSX/P3D native Boeing Peashooter. Aircraft not included; requires the fsx_peashooter_updated.zip file. This is painted as a P-26A flown by the Deputy Commander of the 17th Attack Group from March Field, California in 1936. Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 21, 2018 16:06 by R.E. Wyman

22.05Mb (2447 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 P-51H Mustang
The ultimate version of the Mustang was the P-51H, which was the fastest Mustang variant to see service and one of the fastest (if not the fastest) piston-engined fighters to enter production during the Second World War. However, it was destined never to see any combat, having entered service too late to participate in the final action against Japan. FSX/P3D mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Dec 19, 2018 11:03 by A.F.Scrub

22.23Mb (2912 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 B17-D Early Fortress
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). The bomber was intended from the outset to attack strategic targets by precision daylight bombing, penetrating deep into enemy territory by flying above the effective range of antiaircraft artillery. Turbo-supercharged radial engines were to give the necessary high-altitude performance, and heavy defensive armament was to provide protection against attacking fighters. FSX/P3D mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 18, 2018 02:25 by A.F.Scrub

1.95Mb (1376 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 B24D and B24J Liberator Fix.
These are the gauges necessary for the Radio and Throttles/mixture/props for both the B-24D and B-24J. Just paste them into the aircraft's panel folder. Fix by A.F.Scrub.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 15, 2018 03:24 by A.F.Scrub

13.08Mb (2250 downloads)
FSX/P3D v3, v4 B24D Liberator
The Consolidated B-24 Liberator was an American heavy bomber, designed by Consolidated Aircraft of San Diego, California.This aircraft originally served in the 344th BS as 'HAIL COLUMBIA'. It was 344th CO Col. John R. Kane's personal aircraft until Kane became 98th BG CO. 41-11825 crash landed on the island of Cyprus returning from the Ploesti mission and was abandoned, with the entire crew of the 'Hail Columbia' having survived the mission.. FSX/P3D mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Dec 13, 2018 11:53 by A.F.Scrub

24.51Mb (1037 downloads)
This is an FSX update for the Vickers "Vildebeest" MKIII torpedo bomber, updated from CFS2 to FS2004 by Shessi of Sim Outhouse. The package features five great textures by Uncletgt, which are so nice and crisp that I figured that this great model just cried for new panels and gauges. Thanks to Baldy (SOH)for the original CFS2 model and to Shessi (SOH) and his team for their updates. Added camera views by Erwin Welker. New virtual cockpit and 2D panel, smoke configuration and FDE updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Dec 7, 2018 10:18 by Michael Pook