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FSX > Vintage > Page 52
FSX DHC2 Dehavilland Beaver  23 Livery Package
FSX DHC2 Dehavilland Beaver  23 Livery Package
216.96Mb (2955 downloads)
FSX Default De Havilland DHC2 Beaver Float Plane with 23 liveries added. Various Repaints I've had in my collection for some time, scoured the internet for many of these. Included in the Panel is a Country Location Gauge so you'll know exactly where you are Flying over, city, country state. Also various exterior & interior views. Whole aircraft included.
Posted Jul 28, 2017 01:07 by Jetranger
FSX Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina package
FSX Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina package
28.73Mb (3773 downloads)
This old lady is a legend, launched in 1935 she was still in service at the end of the last century. This is the amphibian version designed by C Edwards. FSX adaptation, VC, panels for wide and standard screen, gauges including GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. ECU gauge by H Pralle. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Nice flights!
Posted Jul 26, 2017 02:11 by Philippe Wallaert
Update for Eric Hertzbergers Me-109 Zwilling recently uploaded
Update for Eric Hertzbergers Me-109 Zwilling recently uploaded
26.39Mb (1236 downloads)
The Messerschmitt development department received a directive in 1942 to begin work on a Zerstörer (destroyer, or heavy fighter). An earlier RLM directive of 1941 had tried to limit the amount of new designs coming from the major aircraft companies (to not disrupt the production lines with new aircraft), so it was decided to couple two Bf 109 fuselages together, along with a new center wing and tailplane section, to come up with the Me 109Z (Zwilling, or twin). A prototype was completed in early 1943, but it was damaged in an Allied air attack on the Messerschmitt test center, and the damage was deemed too severe for repair. The development was abandoned in 1944, and by then, the Me 262 jet fighter had taken wing. This is an update for the Me-109 Zwilling, recently converted for FSX by Eric Hertzberger. Its focus lies upon an improved and more realistic looking VC and interior, but I also added wing and vc lights, improved the FDE and added smoke effect as well as new thumbnails. Gauges are all authentic German in both the VC and 2D panel. This is the whole package for easy installation. Credits go to Daisuke Iga,Kazunari Shinada and Kawauso Hermitage for the original CF2 model and to Eric Hertzberger for his FSX conversion. All new updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Jul 22, 2017 03:21 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D Beechcraft AT-11 KANSAN Package
FSX/P3D Beechcraft AT-11 KANSAN Package
165.93Mb (3482 downloads)
The Beechcraft AT-11 for FSX Native v1.0 Models by Milton Shupe, panel and gauges by Scott Thomas, textures by the late Damian Radice, and Sounds by Nigel Richards. Four models and ten textures included. Damian's Paint kit is available at SOH and Flightsim.
Posted Jul 19, 2017 15:12 by Milton Shupe
Messerschmitt Me-109Z (Zwilling/Twins)
Messerschmitt Me-109Z (Zwilling/Twins)
33.83Mb (913 downloads)
Messerschmitt Me-109Z (Zwilling/Twins), another great CFS2 plane now flyable in FSX Acceleration. 2 (proto)types (fighter & bomber version) with different textures. Nice VC with working gauges (included), many thanks to those who made them for us flightsimmers!. All credits go to the original authors (PLEASE SEE THE ORIGINAL README's !!). All I did was making it flyable in FSX (updated the mdl.file, the aircraft.cfg and the air.file), reworked the panels to make the gauges work in FSX, putting in some extra's and put in a new soundfile with great starter sounds. Gun effects for fun. Enjoy!
Posted Jul 19, 2017 14:15 by erik hertzberger
Braniff DC-7C Delivery Textures
Braniff DC-7C Delivery Textures
9.70Mb (275 downloads)
FS9/FSX Braniff Airways delivery textures for the Calclassic DC-7C. Braniff Airways textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 18, 2017 14:41 by Gary Harper
Norseman Missing Gauges
8.16Mb (1737 downloads)
Missing Gauges for the Noorduyn Norseman updated for FSX by Michael Pook.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 18, 2017 02:32 by admin
FSX update for Kazunori ito's Heinkel He-111
FSX update for Kazunori ito's Heinkel He-111
27.76Mb (1857 downloads)
This is an FSX update for the Heinkel He-111 and He-111 Zwilling (twin) by Kazunori Ito. The package features the two different models and two different liveries with functioning VC and now FSX compatible gauges. I've added camera views for the VC and the right cockpit of the Zwilling as well as smoke effect for all engines. I've also corrected the contact points and slightly improved the FDE. The gauges are all authentic German. All credits go to Kazunori Ito for the magnificent original models and to the unknown designer of the great German gauges. All FSX updates ny Michael Pook. The models may work in FS2004.
Posted Jul 16, 2017 10:38 by Michael Pook
FSX only  Cessna 170B Package
FSX only  Cessna 170B Package
4.08Mb (2816 downloads)
FSX only Cessna 170B. In 1952, the Cessna 170B was introduced featuring a new wing tapered outboard of the flaps, incorporating dihedral similar to the military version. The B model was equipped with very effective modified Fowler (slotted, rearward-traveling) wing flaps which deflect up to 40° adapted from the C-305/Bird Dog. This is Alphasim freeware repainted and upgraded to FSX by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 13, 2017 03:58 by A.F.Scrub
FSX native CAP-4 Paulistina
FSX native CAP-4 Paulistina
2.52Mb (1482 downloads)
FSX native Paulistina The CAP-4 Paulistinha was a military and civilian trainer aircraft built in Brazil during the 1930s and 1940s. It was originaly developed by Empresa Aeronáutica Ypiranga (EAY) as an unlicensed copy of the Taylor Cub powered by a Salmson 9Ad radial engine. It featured a high strut-braced wing, two enclosed tandem seats, and a steel-tube fuselage with fabric covering. Its tailwheel undercarriage was not retractable. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Jul 10, 2017 14:48 by A.F.Scrub