8.45Mb (3563 downloads)
This ATC is from the FSX Deluxe version. Now people from FSX non deluxe can see the ATC in their version.
Posted Aug 3, 2009 12:23 by Muhatash*** Zar**

27.09Mb (22141 downloads)
Microsoft Flight Simulator X, concept motor yacht Sirocco GTX V.2 This model is FREEWARE Sirocco GTX2 has virtual cockpit with custom gauges, moving parts, very detailed marine equipment, interior furnitures, plants, new materials, new lights and Direct X textures.The boat is designed ONLY FOR FSX and it is not compatible back. Changes with respect to the previous version: - new materials: - glass - better visibility - hull textures - fixed all bugs - new wind idicator - new speed indicator - new super stable dynamic (any shake) - new lights - navigation - search reflectors - starter switches added - camera definition added - faster transferring on the deck - new wake effect - new spray effect - new animation - for radar - gates at the stairs - better framerate by Deltasim Studio 07.16.2009 www.deltasimstudio.com
Posted Jul 23, 2009 16:34 by Robert Waszkiewicz

42.40Mb (28366 downloads)
FSX FlightPort Zeppelin NT.
The Zeppelin was built with FSDS3.5. Features are multi LOD-model with animations for FSX. Fully operable virtual cockpit, lighting and effects. A repaintset and four repaints are included. Please note that DirectX10 features are not implemented. By Thomas Roehl, Joerg Hammes and Stefan Medelnik.
Posted Jul 16, 2009 12:03 by Thomas Roehl

13.50Mb (8474 downloads)
Gudrun Maersk Container Ship, Built by Odense Steel, Denmark. And operated by Maersk Line.
Default AI ship from AND for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, made pilotable Timothy Marson. Effects, Lights, Smoke, Camera Definations. Fixed lights, sound CFG., and an attempt at making it more stable on the water. Good for multiplayer missions.
Posted Jul 12, 2009 15:02 by FSXF-Thunder

7.00Mb (10152 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX Flyable UFO (Updated with new conf file and 'How to Fly') First version of an UFO. This file provides a ficticious UFO, reminding typical sightings. No VC or interior model. Uses default B737-400 / 800 panel. Some details won´t work the best in FSX. Its part of a future big project wich will include AI models and UFO traffic around the world. Every help will be accepted, specialy for smoke and ray effects. By Libardo Guzman (GUZMAN-ARTES)
Posted Jul 12, 2009 07:21 by Libardo Guzman

5.57Mb (14153 downloads)
This ship is a fictional stern load/discharge ro-ro ferry with texture sets for P&O and Townsend Thoresen. It is NATIVE FSX and WILL NOT WORK in FS2004. (Use my ferry ship for FS2004).The model has animated female Captain and female 2nd Engineer on the bridge. For those of you more inclined to the Engineering side I have also built a machinery control room. Gauges used are default FSX gauges. You will definitely need 'nn-gauges' Smoke control gauge by Nick Needham for the effects to show and optionally 'rcb-gauges' smoke control gauge by Rob Barendregt. It would be better to have both. Neither are included in this upload.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 8, 2009 15:03 by Andrew Randall

4.52Mb (9915 downloads)
This update is to Convert Javier Hernandez' FSX Nimitz Carrier to a pilotable craft - his original download is required. Features stable flight dynamics tested in MP at full realism settings. 2D panel with ATC Radar and GPS. NOTE: single player functions of Cat,blast doors and IFLOLS are disabled when converted to an aircraft - the elevator is still fully functional
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 5, 2009 12:16 by Bruce Fitzgerald

2.89Mb (3331 downloads)
These are two superb Boeings B707-321C from the DFW Military group.
It is a Toolship with "advanced electronics" and a Troopship for "staff-movements".
Aircraft contains 2 texture sets and all that's needed.
Remember it's AI aircraft.
Aircraft created by Project AI.
Posted Jul 5, 2009 12:15 by Dick Stellweg
0.07Mb (2045 downloads)
Red Bull Racing Star Fury
Textures only for Bruce Fitgerald's Babylon 5 Starfury Includes .cfg and smoke effect entries.
Texture by Roy "Boikat" Altholz
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 19, 2009 22:59 by Roy "Boikat" Altholz

116.35Mb (61307 downloads)
FSX Acceleration USS Nimitz & USS Eisenhower High Detail Moving AI Carriers
Highly detailed AI moving aircraft carriers USS Nimitz
and USS Eisenhower for FSX Acceleration. Features
a working elevator, 4 cables and catapults.
Included multiple deck configurations.
Aircraft on the deck include SH-60, E-2C, T-45
and four variants of F/A-18 of CVW7 and CVW11.
Recommended usage with Lamont Clark's AIcarriers2.
By Javier Fernandez.
Posted Jun 16, 2009 09:37 by Javier Fernandez