3.32Mb (15800 downloads)
This incredible freeware shader control utility will allow you to change the FSX water shader tone and reflections in real time without rebooting the simulator. The utility comes with predefined profiles for FSX and Acceleration Missions along with favorite profiles of the development team. The utility allows a user to modify or create their own personal variation of water light/tone/reflection settings and save them for use or to share. This freeware utility has a 'soon to come', currently under development, restricted use freeware SDK for all developers to refer to in creating their own freeware weather connection plug-in for real time changes to FSX water rendering response. This version corrects a installer issue from v3.0 and includes a patch for those who may still be using the original release and need the patch support to upgrade with ease. From Ashton Lawson, Paul Wheeler and Nick Needham
Posted Jul 8, 2008 13:26 by archive

2.57Mb (15237 downloads)
This version is part of our contining developement and improvement program. In addition to fixing several bugs Version 1.35 introduces new functionality including Helper Shapes that make the drawing of regular elements easier. Indeed any shape can be turned into an Apron with a single mouse click. Users can include their own Models (mdl files) in an ADE project and either compile everything to a single bgl file or split the airport and scenery elements into separate files. The color, brightness and separation of Apron Edge Lights is now user controlled; chains of Taxiway Links can easily be straightened and Taxiway Junctions are drawn more realistically. Note that you must have at least version 1.20 installed to use this update package.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 6, 2008 12:05 by archive

12.56Mb (10655 downloads)
FSX Super Flight Planner 4 RC4 Navaids Database. This archive contains SFP4 RC4
database, including the whole FSX SP2 scenery base. It is intended only for
those people which have troubles with SFP Database Wizard. If you can create
databases with SFP4 RC4 database wizard, then you don't need this file. By
Alessandro Antonini.
Posted Jul 6, 2008 03:40 by archive

0.17Mb (5384 downloads)
Create FSX reward files with multiple reward sections and criteria.
Also allows decompiling of *.RWD files.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 29, 2008 21:12 by archive

0.35Mb (56786 downloads)
FS2004/FSX FS Aircraft Installer. A simple tool to install add-on aircraft automatically. It currently will install aircraft files, textures, gauges, sounds and effects. By Salem Aljarwan.
Posted Jun 21, 2008 02:58 by archive