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FSX > Military > Page 155
Lockheed C-130 IRIAF Package
Lockheed C-130 IRIAF Package
22.83Mb (18328 downloads)
IRIAF Iran Airforce C-130 C3 package. 40 years in service in Iran. Original C-130 model by Brian Franklin/Simshed and updated by Eduardo Fadul. Panel updated for FSX by Danny Garnier. Now you can fly the best freeware C-130 in your FSX. IRIAF Iran Airforce repaints by Arman Riazat.
Posted Oct 31, 2010 19:09 by Arman Riazat
FSX F/A-18 Combat Version
FSX F/A-18 Combat Version
13.62Mb (40534 downloads)
This is the Acceleration F/A-18 Hornet equipped with 20mm M61 cannon and a fully functional air-to-air gun mode found in the real F/A-18. With the two radar modes, the two gun sights and the flying tracers, the virtual dogfight will be very similar to a real one. You will not be able to shoot down other aircraft, but you will receive an immediate indication on your HUD if a bullet hit the bandit. The flight model is unchanged from the Acceleration F/A-18 except for allowing manually controlled flaps and reducing the arresting wire tension for smoother carrier landings. The HUD is an upgrade of the Realistic F/A-18 HUD by Jivko Rusev and Scott Printz, which allows ILS and TACAN navigation for aircraft carriers. You will also get a couple of additional gauges - an In-Flight Refueling Gauge, PLAT Camera and a Carrier Landing Gauge. By Jivko Rusev.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 23:33 by Jivko Rusev
F-5 Freedom Fighter VFC-13 Saints Updated Package
F-5 Freedom Fighter VFC-13 Saints Updated Package
18.58Mb (6696 downloads)
FSX F-5 Freedom Fighter VFC-13 Saints package. Updated version of Mark Rooks repaint of Tim Conrads F-5. Fixed eyepoint view and added Tim's original VC. This is a Repaint of Tim Conrad's F-5 Freedom Fighter For Flight Simulator X Painted in a low luster Desert Camo Paint Scheme of The VFC-13. The VFC-13 Saints provides quality adversary training for regular Navy fleet and replacement squadrons and air wings, reserve fighter and attack squadrons, U.S.A.F. and U.S.M.C. units,. In 1994, the Fighting Saints Received a Battle "E" award. In April 1996, The Saints made the transition to the F-5E/F Tiger II Textures by Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft Package Includes Pictures of the Actual Aircraft and Squadron History. Updated by Chris Evans October 2010.
Posted Oct 29, 2010 08:06 by Chris Evans
Northrop YF-5A IRIAF Iran Package
Northrop YF-5A IRIAF Iran Package
11.48Mb (5601 downloads)
Northrop YF-5A IRIAF Iran Package. original F-5A package by Tim Conrad with VC. Iran Airforce texture Airforce of Iran by Arman Riazat
Posted Oct 27, 2010 04:45 by Arman Riazat
FS2004 / FSX Dassault Mirage III B "Last Flight"
FS2004 / FSX Dassault Mirage III B "Last Flight"
16.32Mb (13085 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX Dassault Mirage III B "Last Flight" with new VC, full package with 2 liveries and 4 aircraft, by Patrice Grange. This IS NOT A SIMPLE REPAINT of my former Mirage IIIB. This is a completely reworked model with a lot of new features and animations: fully reworked textures, different canopy positions, ejection process, wheel blocks and ground animations, enhanced virtual cockpit with new gauges and animated lights, etc. The Mirage III is the emblematic French Fighter of the sixties. This new package contains 2 different Mirage III B (two seat trainer): special last flight version in 3 different configurations and standard silver scheme. This package is complete and stand-alone. The models have full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gears, spoilers, canopy, dragchute, rocket cover, pilot ladders, guns, wheel blocks, etc.) + a new complete virtual cockpit + a custom 2D panel. Fully compatible with both FS2004 and FSX (SP2).
Posted Oct 12, 2010 17:31 by Patrice Grange
Military Call signs
Military Call signs
0.00Mb (5308 downloads)
Military call sign package for FSX. To install go to your fsx folder and open Airlines.cfg with "notepad". Do the same with the file you downloaded and copy the text from the downloaded file to the original airlines.cfg Special thanks to my mother ( she also worked on this project)
Posted Oct 11, 2010 08:52 by Charon De Beukelaer
FSX Cattaneo F-35A Lightning II - 32mo Stormo Textures
11.43Mb (1483 downloads)
FSX F-35A Lightning II, 32 Stormo AMI. Series "Italian Style" - LM F-35A Lightning II of 32 Stormo, 13 Gruppo. Attention: high definition textures (4096). Repaint for the payware model F-35 by Dino Cattaneo. By Luigi Martinelli.
Posted Oct 3, 2010 16:04 by Luigi Martinelli - merida72
FSX Cattaneo F-35A Lightning II 50mo Stormo Textures
11.46Mb (845 downloads)
FSX F-35A Lightning II, 50 Stormo AMI. Series "Italian Style" - LM F-35A Lightning II of 50mo Stormo, 155mo Gruppo. Attention: high definition textures (4096). Repaint for the payware model F-35 by Dino Cattaneo. By Luigi Martinelli.
Posted Oct 3, 2010 15:42 by Luigi Martinelli - merida72
FSX Cattaneo F-35A Lightning II Textures
FSX Cattaneo F-35A Lightning II Textures
7.79Mb (1208 downloads)
FSX F-35A Lightning II, 51 Stormo AMI. Series "Italian Style" - LM F-35A Lightning II of 51mo Stormo, 132mo Gruppo. Attention: high definition textures (4096). Repaint + fix for the payware model F-35 by Dino Cattaneo. By Luigi Martinelli.
Posted Oct 3, 2010 15:12 by Luigi Martinelli - merida72
P-80 Shooting Star First Kill
P-80 Shooting Star First Kill
7.72Mb (3134 downloads)
This is Alpha Sim's freeware P-80 Shooting Star For Flight Simulator X. This is 45-8490 / FT-490 currently on display at the Castle AFB Museum, Atwater, California. She wears a single MiG-15 kill marking under the cockpit .On November 8, 1950, the first jet-vs-jet aerial combat took place between a P-80 Shooting Star and a MIG-15 in the area in northwest Korea later known as "MIG Alley." Several days prior to the fateful day, MIG-15 jets had been encountered by U.S. AF F-51Ds on patrol near the Yalu River area. On the afternoon of 8 November, Lt. Russell Brown piloting his Shooting Star of the 16th Fighter Squadron, out maneuvered two attacking MIG-15s, tacked onto the tail of one of them, and poured .50 caliber fire into him until the MIG exploded. It was the first of 827 MIGs to be shot down in Korea and the first jet-vs-jet victory ever. Textures and Updates by Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft.. This aircraft is Entitled " First Kill "
Posted Sep 27, 2010 08:01 by Mark Rooks