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FSX > Missions > Page 17
Deliver some Christmas packages in Montana
2.71Mb (733 downloads)
Fly a Red and White Piper J-3 Cub from Crystal Lakes Resort airport in Fortine, drop off some Christmas packages at Lone Hawk, & make a helicopter trip to a mountain cabin. Back to Lone Hawk, fly to Glacier Park Intl airport in Kalispell and land there with more packages..
Posted Dec 20, 2016 15:30 by Don Olsson
Holiday mission in Santa's jet sleigh
2.01Mb (472 downloads)
Santa's Sleigh from Strom airport in Morton, to Mt St. Helen's and fly over Mount St Helen's Aero Ranch airport in Cougar. Continue on and land at the Portland airport. Santa's sleigh with reindeer is a small download from Simviation. Animation, bells jingling and fast!
Posted Dec 19, 2016 12:58 by Don Olsson
Land in a Hole
0.50Mb (856 downloads)
Select 1 of 3 medium sized FSX aircraft. Fly from Bozeman, Montana to 3Forks. Then onto a scenery mesh 'glitch' in FSX & airport made with an addon & placed in a large Hole. Small addon from flightsim. Land and park there. Take off and get out of the hole. Fly to, and land at, Helena, Montana.
Posted Dec 17, 2016 16:19 by Don Olsson
PT Boat torpedo mission
5.09Mb (600 downloads)
The book and movie: "They Were Expendable" sort of prompted me to make this mission. In this mission, you are to use a PT boat to locate a cruiser that is anchored in the Solomon Islands. Fire torpedoes at it and set it afire. Recommend you refer to the map in your quest of the area. 2 downloads of a PT Boat from flightsim are required.
Posted Dec 15, 2016 09:39 by Don Olsson
Saab 105 Recconissance Mission (fixed)
7.69Mb (1157 downloads)
Start with your Saab 105 OE at the Airbase Linz-Hörsching and fly to the Lake Neusiedl. There you performe a very low pass from North to South over the lake and make photos of strange objects. Then return back to the Airbase Linz Hörsching, land there and report your officer what you have seen. Today we have clouds and fog at the airbase, so be prepared for an ILS-Landing. Updated Version with corrected flt-file and mission file.
Posted Dec 11, 2016 02:21 by Jens Laimgruber
Hang glider in Washington state
1.23Mb (552 downloads)
Soar in an A.I.R Atos VR hang glider from a Cascade's mountain in Washington state and land at one of several airstrips. You will have 5 possible landing sites to choose from.
Posted Dec 10, 2016 16:40 by Don Olsson
Glacier Park, Montana mission
3.81Mb (1091 downloads)
Take off in a Cessna C172 from Glacier Park Intl airport in Kalispell, Montana and follow a road through the mountains and land at Babb airport.
Posted Dec 9, 2016 16:46 by Don Olsson
Search the fortress of Solitude in Greenland
2.24Mb (765 downloads)
Make a search around the "Fortress of Solitude" of Superman in Greenland. (It is a very interesting artifact in FSX!) Aircraft is the Bell Jet Ranger. There are 2 separate missions in the same area of essentially the same kind.
Posted Dec 3, 2016 07:48 by Don Olsson
Bell206 Autorotation Training
3.81Mb (791 downloads)
This is an short tutorial for autorotation training in the default FSX Bell 206 created by Jens
Posted Dec 2, 2016 09:16 by Jens Laimgruber
Operation Tahiti
11.75Mb (1160 downloads)
This mission takes place in Tahiti. It has been discovered that an illegal weapons factory is operating somewhere on the island. Fly a DC3 to a jungle warfare training camp where you will pick up paratroopers. Locate the factory, drop the paratroopers to apprehend and evacuate the occupants then fly back to Tahiti Intl.and switch to an F-14D Tomcat armed with bombs. Fly the Tomcat to the factory and bomb it out of existence. You will then have the choice of either landing safely at Temae airport on Moorea Island or taking the risk of landing on the aircraft carrier in the bay. You will need Accleration for this mission.
Posted Dec 2, 2016 08:55 by Geoff Peel