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FSX > Missions > Page 22
Correction for FSX for missions in FA18 update
16.24Mb (2371 downloads)
This is an update or correction for the missions that I uploaded with my update of the default FSX FA18. I found out what was making the 2D view in the missions different than when on the runway in free flight. These two missions are to replace the previous missions with the same name that were with the FA18 update.
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Posted Oct 10, 2014 16:53 by Bob Chicilo
FSX Rescue 915 -  Emergency
17.25Mb (6363 downloads)
A aircraft has crashed somewhere up in the mountains, We need to go find and rescue them. Reports say that the 3 passengers are on-board are OK but the weather is coming in and it will be night time soon. They do have a tent for shelter but temperatures are dropping and we don't want to risk them been out all night. The mission begins on the helli-pad at Geneva with the engine running.
Posted Jan 27, 2014 07:04 by StevenKiberton
Aerial Firefighter Training Mission
12.22Mb (4400 downloads)
The Aerial Firefighter training mission is for players to learn and practice aerial firefighter skills. The flying tests will help you learn the approach, speed, and height control skills needed to successfully drop mud bombs (retardant) on spot fires. Then you'll be able to practice mud bomb drops on a never-ending series of spot fires. Earn certification reward as an aerial firefighter by passing all three flying tests and by putting out 15 spot fires in less than 15 minutes. Tutorials included.
Posted Jan 12, 2014 12:21 by Al Goodrich
FSX Marignane Civil Security CL-215 Mission v2.00
FSX Marignane Civil Security CL-215 Mission v2.00
Experience an exiting day in the Marignane French "Civil Security" Sky Firemen and protect the French Territory again fires. As a recruit of the Civil Security, you are in command of a Canadair/Bombardier "Cl-215" Water Bomber based at Marignane (LFML) your mission "if you accept it" is to localize and extinguish several fires in the Island of Corsica in the Mediterranean sea. you must fly low and drop your water freight whit accuracy in this mountainous and spectacular country if you want to get rewarded at the end of your day. Good luck !
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Posted Jan 6, 2014 20:36 by Ronald Dandurand
SOAR FAI Diamond Badge Task 500 km Distance St Raymond
SOAR FAI Diamond Badge Task 500 km Distance St Raymond
2.70Mb (1078 downloads)
Do a relaxing flight in the valley of the "Mauricie" in Quebec/Canada. This flight is Based on a real Diamond Task (made by Bruno Begin on 05/14/2013) whit a Schleicher ASW-20 Glider. The task starts at St Raymond (CSK5), for a course of 273 nautical miles. Weather (based on real) is pretty good, ceiling is approx. 6 000 ft MSL, and wind is about 5 knots. Time to complete will be around 5 hrs. Features: Chronometer timer, felicitation and encouragement by your ground team at each event, turn point, Start and finist line, message if you land out, message when Goals was acheive, Badge award at the end of the flight if you have reach all Goals requirement. for use with CumulusX Good Luck !
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Posted Oct 7, 2013 12:38 by Ronald Dandurand
The Green Dragon!!!
The Green Dragon!!!
1.66Mb (1173 downloads)
Atomic Fission was studied by many nations in the 1930s. The ultimate weapon would be the end result and only one nation would have it by 1945. Japan invaded China in those years and with its wind of death and destruction brought in the "Green Dragon"...Max Rex is called by the R.A.F to do a "special Job" for them and the Chinese. Max being who he is flies to the British base in India very near the Chinese border. Not known by the aviator a Japanese plane awaits for him there and obviously a New Adventure in the war skies of China!!!! Will you fly with him as his observer?? many air miles will be covered in the high skies of the old Oriental state.
Posted Aug 26, 2013 11:10 by Gera Godoy Canoca
The Maya Link--Max Rex DeLuxe Adventure Flight
The Maya Link--Max Rex DeLuxe Adventure Flight
1.91Mb (1137 downloads)
Kulij-Uktum always felt that somehow he belonged near the star he was watching from Tikal's main observatory. The large orange star, Kimbar, which he believed must have had planets at one time, or kraskas, as the Mayas called them had exploded thousands of years ago. Obviously now the growing star had burned all of the five planets and a feeling of sadness overwhelmed him. He had contended in the University annual scientific presentations that his computations showed that the third planet must have had life, much laugh had been heard then.--Max Rex landed in Merida to find tears in the eyes of Aminta for her brother, Edgardo, had crashed and was missing.....Will you help Max find her older brother?..was Kulij-Uktum right about the planet he talked about??..It has been guaranteed by the new insurance association that this flight adventure will take you where you have never gone!!!!
Posted Aug 22, 2013 18:46 by Gera Godoy Canova
The Talisman of Okutumba..Final Episode
The Talisman of Okutumba..Final Episode
2.52Mb (1249 downloads)
Are you puzzled in front of the incredible structure???..You sure are if you read and flew Episode One!!!, but like always Max Rex is there to solve the mystery. This last episode will give you the opportunity to Solve the Talisman's curse on earth!!!and if lucky or otherwise go to the site where the "machine" is causing the axis of the earth to shift and destroy it...Yes, with Max you just do not simply fly around, you are part of a unique adventure that puts you and your sim in a make believe world like a real adventure sim does!!!!..Bon Vollage Pilot!!!!
Posted Aug 13, 2013 10:06 by Gera Godoy Canova
2.17Mb (1662 downloads)
This is your first assignment with Idaho Air Service. IAS is a charter and cargo company located in the Idaho backcountry. Do you have what it takes to earn your wings and fly for IAS? This mission is the first in a series of missions and was created with ORBX NRM and the Carenado C185 Bush package.
Posted Aug 10, 2013 22:17 by Brett Lee
The Talisman of Okutumba
The Talisman of Okutumba
2.40Mb (1495 downloads)
For some reason or other Adventure, flying adventures to be exact, follow the paths of Max Rex, aviator an Gentleman class one. But this time he never expected to be called to possibly "save the world" as his new friend Dr. Ojuster assured him in front of a delicious dinner of stuffed pork and roasted duck in the jungle city of Iquitos in Peru. His lovely daughter looked with green eyes at the pilot as he heard the story her father was telling amigo piloto, here is another chance for you to join the expedition but be aware that danger will be a passenger all the way!!!!!!
Posted Aug 9, 2013 21:35 by Gera Godoy Canova