3.17Mb (688 downloads)
Alternate panel backgrounds for Flight1/Virtavia BN-2 Islander -- Gold
Posted May 15, 2010 05:17 by Frank Safranek

2.96Mb (550 downloads)
Alternate panel backgrounds for the payware Flight1/Virtavia BN-2 Islander -- Black
Posted May 15, 2010 03:57 by Frank Safranek

3.02Mb (582 downloads)
Alternate panel backgrounds for the payware Flight1/Virtavia BN-2 Islander -- Gray
Posted May 15, 2010 03:55 by Frank Safranek

2.62Mb (1265 downloads)
Skysim BAe Systems Hawk T1 - Saudi Hawks aerobatic team textures only.
This repaint represents Saudi Air Force No.88 Squadron aerobatic team based at King Faisal Air Base (Tabuk),
The squadron is known as the "Saudi Hawks" Flying 9 BAE Hawks Mk.65 and 65A. this repaint and model were the most difficult and complicated once I've ever came across, I hope you"ll enjoy the end result, this repaint requires the payware Skysim BAe Systems Hawk T1 developed by Rick Piper.
Posted May 12, 2010 17:08 by Emad Qtiefan

0.72Mb (727 downloads)
Petit Canouan and Savan island as a complement of payware Fly Tampa Grenadines.
This scene has been designed as a complement for fly tampa grenadines (which is great), just because I was bothered about the 2 missing small islands.
Used what I could find on the web to have an idea of what they look like. Petit Canouan is hardly described, so I had to be a bit imaginative.
The 2 small islands should blend nicely with the amazing fly tampa scene and aren't fps eaters.
Just copy and paste the scenery and texture folders the usual way, then declare the scene. It should have a higher Priority than Fly Tampa Grenadines.
All the elements were developed in the "instant scenery" library framework, so you can modify the scene as you wish.
Posted May 10, 2010 01:22 by Etienne V

6.94Mb (662 downloads)
This scene has been made as a complement for France FVR Bretagne FSX + also creation Brittany Lighthouses payware. Both excellent.
It covers extensively the island of Ouessant and add stuff to ile de Sein and Ile of Molene. (more than 1000 non generic detailed objects added, some of them stupidly highly detailed, still a concerted effort was made not too affect the FPS)
Missing lighthouses after the Alro addon have been added too.
Just copy and paste the scenery and texture folders the usual way, then declare the scene. It should have a higher Priority than France VFR FSX Bretagne and Alro's Lighthouses.
Posted May 10, 2010 01:15 by Etienne V

3.22Mb (1510 downloads)
Demo version with Banners in model and VC. The A350 XWB (Xtra Wide-Body) is Airbus’ response to market demand for a medium capacity long range wide-body family. Designed with airlines’ priorities in mind, the A350 XWB confronts the challenges of high fuel prices, rising passenger expectations and increasing environmental concerns.
Panel, GAUGES, model, sound and textures by www.afs-design.de - Author: A.Meyer.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 06:01 by Andreas Meyer

2.29Mb (1346 downloads)
Textures for the payware F-104 Alphasim Starfighter represent a German JG74 texture. By De Kergariou Geoffrey
Posted Apr 14, 2010 02:50 by de kergariou geoffrey

0.35Mb (753 downloads)
Desert Camo textures only for the payware Alphasim MV22 Osprey.
Posted Apr 6, 2010 11:15 by HOTZONER

7.03Mb (816 downloads)
Dutch Airforce textures only for the payware Iris Pro Series F-16D .
Posted Mar 30, 2010 12:25 by Floris