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FSX > Payware > Page 135
Alphasim F-111 Aardvark Radar
Alphasim F-111 Aardvark Radar
2.66Mb (1251 downloads)
RADAR - Ground Mapping Radar - FSX Only. FSX Alphasim F-111 Aardvark HUD.Navigation/Situation awareness cockpit. Panel Update . Revision 2 ..26NOV2009. - ADDS RADAR. GROUND MAPPING RADAR complete with AI aircraft and NAVAIDS.Provides highly detailed elevation contours.14 Zooms from 1 to 300NM .Increasing amount of Runway and text details close in.All data on/off selectable. Ideal for navigation, air intercepts and extreme low valley flying. Moveable and resizeable available in all 3 cockpits. Adds to and enhances what is already the most comprehensive and capable panel available for any military aircraft. Must have Alphasim F-111 Aardvark PLUS Panel upgrade) By Karol Chlebowski.
Posted Nov 26, 2009 00:24 by Karol Chlebowski
Gunsight for Skysim Mirage III/5
0.34Mb (1101 downloads)
As good as the Head-Up Display (HUD) is in the Skysim FSX Mirage III/5 package it is better applied to a more modern fighter, not one developed in the 1960s. It is more of the style that was added to some Mirage III/5 during their mid-life modernization upgrades -- the original gunsight was much more simplified. So I have made a new gunsight to replace it. It is based on the C.S.F. 97K optical sight as detailed in the Mirage IIIE Flight Manual.
Posted Nov 18, 2009 01:43 by Frank Safranek
Nemeth EC-135 STAT MedEvac 13 & 3 Textures
Nemeth EC-135 STAT MedEvac 13 & 3 Textures
55.46Mb (2350 downloads)
Through the work of powerful helicopters, and highly trained crews, STAT MedEvac 13 (based out of York, PA (KTHV)), and STAT MedEvac 3 (based out of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)provide rapid access to advanced medical care to patients in crisis. This package includes STAT MedEvac 13 (N308ME) and STAT MedEvac 3 (N703ME) textures for the payware Nemeth Designs EC-135 helicopter for FSX. Created by Garth Carden.
Posted Nov 16, 2009 22:00 by Garth Carden
Nemeth EC120 PH-UNN Textures
3.91Mb (416 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Eurocopter EC120 by Nemeth Design in the colours of the PH-UNN, owned by Heli Holland. Made by Marius Kramer.
Posted Nov 10, 2009 14:33 by Marius Krämer
6.53Mb (1682 downloads)
This is a new copilot voice pack for FS Passengers X. If like me you were tiered of flying with co-pilots that had almost no human emotion in them. The voice is best used on a jet with an intercom and closed flight deck door. It might also sound better if you do your flying in the south east United States. As my southern accent can clearly be heard in it. You will need FSpassengers X payware package.
Posted Nov 5, 2009 13:43 by TimTom Airways
Nemeth Bell 205 Air America Textures
38.90Mb (1490 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Nemeth Designs D UH1H, in 'Air America' livery.
Posted Nov 4, 2009 17:54 by Mric29
FSX Iris Harrier GR.7 USMC VMA-231 Ace of Spades texture pack
FSX Iris Harrier GR.7 USMC VMA-231 Ace of Spades texture pack
18.40Mb (2059 downloads)
This texture pack is for the payware Sigma Simulations (now Iris) Harrier GR.7. This pack contains three highly detailed textures modeled from the U.S. Marines VMA-231 "Ace of Spades" AV-8B Squadron. #01 CAG, #13 Low-Vis, and #20 Inverted Low-Vis. Thank you for your interest in the VMA-231 Texture Pack. By Christopher Willcutt.
Posted Oct 28, 2009 23:54 by Christopher Willcutt
 Captain Sim C-130 Brazilian Air Force FAB2456 textures
3.95Mb (1413 downloads)
Captain Sim C-130 Brazilian Air Force FAB2456 textures only. Based at Afonsos air base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Posted Oct 26, 2009 21:37 by DUX
Captain Sim C-130 Brazilian Air Force FAB2473 textures
3.17Mb (1584 downloads)
Captain Sim C-130 Brazilian Air Force FAB2473 textures only. Based at Afonsos air base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Posted Oct 26, 2009 21:32 by DUX
CAPTAIN SIM C130 Captain Sim C-130 Brazilian Air Force FAB2474 textures
3.17Mb (1950 downloads)
Captain Sim C-130 Brazilian Air Force FAB2474 textures only. Based at Afonsos air base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Posted Oct 26, 2009 21:27 by DUX