1.76Mb (3812 downloads)
ANA Pokemon textures for the 747-400 from PMDG. FSX ONLY.
Posted Sep 26, 2009 10:02 by Daniel Gonzalez

7.36Mb (4468 downloads)
EUROFIGHTER Excellent Edition Demoversion FSX - Germany special paint " 5 year eurofighter JG 73 "
Posted Sep 25, 2009 05:13 by Andreas Meyer

0.29Mb (1040 downloads)
Enclosed is a texture showing what an armed, non-practice
AIM-9M looks like instead of the AerialFoundry CF-18 default blue. This only works on the AerialFoundry CF-18s. Enclosed is a backup in case of accidential overwrite as well as some screenshots. Otherwise, just place af_cf18a_weapons.bmp in desired CF-18 texture files - created in Abacus Repaint V2 so should work in FS2004 as mine do in FSX Gold for me. By Josef of FSXTipline.blogspot.com
Posted Sep 24, 2009 01:31 by Josef of FSXTipline.blogspot.c

3.00Mb (1937 downloads)
Enclosed is a repaint combining the F-35B Flying Tigers Texture and Andy Nott of AGN textures' JSF Demo Team USA for the payware IRIS F-35B texture into one for FSX that may work for FS2004. Although with all my addons, I have to warn that results may vary from my screenshots - I hope you like my paintjob. This required some work in Abacus FS Repaint V2 to make possible + bmp2dxt3 & imagetool to work in FSX Gold (FSX Deluxe + Acceleration in one package). By Josef of FSXTipline.blogspot.com
Posted Sep 22, 2009 18:36 by Josef of FSXTipline
FSX 35 textures Pack for the Dodosim B206 :
Coca; Redbull; Jaguar; France television; Patrouille de France; Armee de l'air; Canon; Samu;samu2; UPS; Police; Douanes (Customs); Sexpistols;H Heineken .. lady; Loxos & civil versions
Posted Sep 22, 2009 01:21 by R.Blanchard

9.97Mb (428 downloads)
Dodosim 206 FSX boatpix.com textures only.
Posted Sep 21, 2009 05:00 by BLACKOUT

2.25Mb (1339 downloads)
You have purchase the Captain Sim C-130 for these textures. This textures is Youngstown Oh, ARS 910th AW C-130 Located at (KYNG) Made By Le'Will Brown (Vapor) 1st Time Painting an aircraft. No one Had these textures, and i wanted it so bad so I figured I'd make it and shared it with the people who has the Captain Sim C-130. Enjoy. Made by Le'Will Brown (Vapor)
Posted Sep 10, 2009 00:45 by Le'Will Brown

0.13Mb (1178 downloads)
FSX Payware Alphasim F-111 Aardvark HUD Navigation/Situation awareness cockpit.
Panel Update . Revision 1 .. 31AUG2009.
Removes Jitter problem . Plus graphic improvements to both Bombs and
Missile effects. Works in both FSX and FS9.
Must have Alphasim F-111 Aardvark PLUS either fxpiggb1.zip for FSX or
f9pigga1.zip for FS9.
By Karol Chlebowski.
Posted Aug 31, 2009 04:02 by Karol Chlebowski

33.71Mb (1357 downloads)
Alphasim RAF Tornado F3 1435 FLT Final Aircraft Textures only.
These textures depict the RAF Tornados of 1435 FLT Mount Pleasnat [Falklands], These are the final 4 Tornados on the flight before being replaced by the Typhoon in 1989.
Posted Aug 27, 2009 15:21 by ukmil

25.02Mb (1096 downloads)
FSX Alphasim F-111 Aardvark HUD Navigation/Situation awareness cockpit
with massive amount of digital data. Must have ALPHASIM F-111 Aardvark to
build up this complete and separate F-111. Exceptional capability cockpit
Comprising: Pilot, WSO and virtual panels.3 MFD with 19 selectable pages
of data. 3 GPS type moving maps. 16 Nearest airports page with full City
names and ICAO entry capable displays in HUD. autopilot. autothrottle
and TFR. Enhanced HUD is selectable in all views including 10 camera
views. All data clearly readable size. Aircraft carrier capable.
Effects: bombs. missiles. flares. dump and burn. exhaust trail.
Detailed 40 pge Flight Manual plus docs folder.Configuration ensures
crisp and extremely precise controlled flight even down to 10 ft AGL.
This panel will set a new benchmark of the amount and type of data
provided and its presentation. Possibly the best pilots aircraft ever.
By Karol Chlebowski.
Posted Aug 21, 2009 09:40 by Karol Chlebowski