3.69Mb (457 downloads)
This is a fictional repaint for my FSE company Montana Freight Handlers. It is based on the Payware Caribou by Virtuavia.
Posted Apr 13, 2012 13:22 by Harry Gage

2.39Mb (746 downloads)
New Blue Blasters CAG textures for the payware VRS Superbug.
Posted Apr 12, 2012 20:34 by Chris Hammons

2.55Mb (764 downloads)
The new VFA-86 Line Bird credit goes
to VRS Superbug must have VRS superbug for
paint to work Enjoy
Posted Apr 7, 2012 17:36 by Chris Hammons

7.10Mb (632 downloads)
Textures only for the payware VRS Superbug in VFA-14 CAG for 2011.
Credit goes to Zsolt Beleznay for the repaint.
Posted Mar 31, 2012 10:35 by Chris

2.74Mb (1227 downloads)
VRS Superbug VFA-122 DigiCamo Cona Textures only for the payware VRS Superbug. Repainted by Sean Eberle
Posted Mar 29, 2012 16:46 by Chris

12.48Mb (971 downloads)
This is a Repaint for the payware CLS 767-300ER in DELTA & ALITALIA SKYTEAM in 32 bit textures.(textures only). By Tomi Koivunen.
Posted Mar 24, 2012 20:54 by Tomi Koivunen

3.15Mb (600 downloads)
3D RAF Ground Crew, built with FSDS, to place with the payware Instant Scenery
Posted Mar 24, 2012 01:56 by Malte Deja and Wolfgang Schröder

2.48Mb (592 downloads)
FSX 3D German Air Force Ground Crew, built with FSDS, to place with the payware Instant Scenery
Posted Mar 24, 2012 01:52 by Malte Deja and Wolfgang Schröder

3.27Mb (769 downloads)
3D US Air Force Ground Crew, built with FSDS, to place with the payware Instant Scenery
Posted Mar 24, 2012 01:18 by Malte Deja and Wolfgang Schröder

4.17Mb (638 downloads)
This is an addon for Lime Sim / Aerosoft Antartica X. It adds highlights elements around McMurdo.v1.1
(1) Marble Point Refuel base (2) remains of Vanda base (3) wreck of the pegasus (4) Scott Hut (5) Schackelton Hut.(6) Lower Erebus Hut, nearby helicopter wreck and lava (7) New Harbor (8) Air New Zealand 901
wreck site and monument.
The glacier just above Marble point is "landable" is reality and is a nice half way between McMurdo and MarioZuchelli. A Kmz map is provided
Credits: Marble Point and Vanda are orginals, the pegasus is a transformation of the Constellation of 707 (3D warehouse), the two huts are just convertion of the work of pmolsen (3D warehouse), some filler
objects from the Antartica X libraries (sascha). Etienne. evarloot@free.fr (Other good addons if you missed them: my MarioZuchelli and Atka Bay penguin colony by stefan kessler)
Posted Mar 11, 2012 07:15 by etien