2.09Mb (529 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN repaint textures
for the fictional N6539H, a yellow on white 152
with black trim for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for better
clarity and higher definition, both with no mips.
Install one or the other, or install both at once
if you wish. Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 04:56 by Tom Tiedman

2.11Mb (497 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN repaint textures
for the fictional N7187Y, a blue on white 152
for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for better
clarity and higher definition, both with no mips.
Install one or the other, or install both at once
if you wish. Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 04:56 by Tom Tiedman

2.40Mb (851 downloads)
Zlin Z-142 Malev textures only for Milan Lisner's FSX Zlin_Z-142_30
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 02:39 by T.Feri

1.88Mb (341 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN blank white flyable
repaint textures for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
This blank texture for painting is white with no
shadows or dirt so that tranferring your paint details
transparently is a breeze. This texture has been
extensively reworked, fixing bugs too numerous to
count and adjusting the notoriously mismatched wing texture
sizes so that the resulting aircraft displays as properly
and evenly as possible. Previously undefined
characteristics have now been defined, most notably
the rudder, elevator trim tab, more realistic cowl, more realistic
door handles, etc. The door hinges can not be found for painting,
so instead they are now precisely located to make planning
your paint design around them (or with them) easy. This blank texture is
extensively labeled for ease of understanding. There are a couple
bugs which still can't be fixed, but I believe this effort at
improving these blank textures will make this aircraft
a reasonably acceptable addition to the FSX family, as well as
providing you with a pleasurable repainting experience. I hope you
agree. Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for better
clarity and higher definition, both with no mips.
Install one or the other, or install both at once
if you wish. Easy installation. By Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 12, 2011 05:49 by Tom Tiedman

2.03Mb (1262 downloads)
This is Rancho JEN's Cessna 150 Model Updated for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft updated to Cessna 152 Aerobat specs. This is a Blank Texture BMP a starting point for any Cessna 152 Aerobat Project Textures by Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft. Package includes a new 2D and VC using default gauges Panel By Mark Rooks.
Posted Oct 7, 2011 02:57 by Mark Fireball Rooks

8.60Mb (6982 downloads)
This is Rancho JEN's Cessna 150 Updated for Flight Simulator X. Aircraft updated to Cessna 152 Aerobat specs. Textures by Mark Rooks of RDG Aircraft. Package includes a new 2D and VC using default gauges.
Posted Oct 6, 2011 01:04 by Mark Fireball Rooks

2.00Mb (485 downloads)
Textures for the Z-526. SP-AUB belongs to a group of acrobatic Zelazny Polish Aero Club.
About real plane
Zlin Z-526 is Czechoslovak sports and training plane. It's intended for basic and for advanced training, for aerobatics training, and also for glider's towage.
The first prototype flew in 1964. Zlin Z-526F is metal with chintz cover, two seat, single engine, low-wing monoplane, with tandem seats. It's powered by engine M-137A with power 180HP.
The propeller is metal, two blade, with automatic adjustment.
Technical data
Wingspan: 10,596 m.
Length: 8,0 m.
Height: 2,06 m.
Wing surface: 15,451 m2
Empty weight: 675 kg.
Max. take off weight: 975 kg.
Vmax : 304 km/h
Vmin : 90 km/h
Vclimb : 6,0 m/s
G load factor: +6,0 -3,0 G
Engine type: M-137A
Output: 180 HP
Propeller type: V-503A automatic, metal
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 29, 2011 08:01 by Jozef KosÃk

11.66Mb (531 downloads)
FSX default Cessna 172SP Skyhawk repaint textures
for the fictional N8643L, a tan on white Skyhawk
with mint green trim. Textures are your choice of
DXT3 1024 pixels for better frame rates,
or 32 bit 1024 pixels for better clarity,
both with no mips. Install one or the other,
or install both at once if you wish.
Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Posted Sep 28, 2011 11:34 by Tom Tiedman

5.58Mb (939 downloads)
After looking over the files I decided to do some slight updates to my Stingray Air Saint Texture. This new texture has a more classy look and also the aircraft.cfg file has been updated to match the new tail number on this texture. I suggest you delete the other Stingray Air Saint texture folder you have and replace it with this new one as well as update your aircraft.cfg with the new one in the "read me" note.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 27, 2011 10:23 by Darnell Metcalf

4.33Mb (729 downloads)
FSX default Cessna 172SP Skyhawk repaint textures
for the fictional Canadian registered C-ITOH, an orange
on white Skyhawk with brown trim. Textures are 1024 pixels
saved in DXT3 for good frame rates, with no mips for clarity.
Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Posted Sep 26, 2011 10:15 by Tom Tiedman