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Prepar3d > Scenery > Page 20
P3D LFPG - Charles-De-Gaulle Intl Airport, Paris
P3D LFPG - Charles-De-Gaulle Intl Airport, Paris
3.28Mb (1174 downloads)
LFPG - Charles-De-Gaulle Intl Airport, Paris, France. This is Ray Smith's FSX file. Ray has given me permission to modify his file for P3Dv4. This is an accurate and up-to-date version of Charles De Gaulle Intl Airport. All terminals and jetways now updated, assigned parking as per their website with extra parking including many gates for the A380. Taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts plus approaches updated where needed. Extra fuel trucks added and the strangely textured building at the south cargo apron N has now been replaced. Support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other scenery improvements and objects added. By Robert Catherall
Posted May 6, 2018 08:39 by uploader
Oelgod airfield EKOF, Denmark.
24.08Mb (332 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3 scenery Oelgod airfield EKOF. The small airfield EKOF are placed close to center part of Jutland in Denmark. A photoreal scenery, with some challenge in starts and landings, because of the runway is surrounded of big trees. Animated windsock, but only in FSX. By Otto Knudsen.
Posted May 1, 2018 16:26 by Otto Knudsen
 FSX/P3D Seattle X Demo - Airports and City (Demo version updated)
 FSX/P3D Seattle X Demo - Airports and City (Demo version updated)
90.14Mb (3282 downloads)
Seattle X Demo features an extremely detailed scenery of large area of Seattle, USA, fully compatible with FSX, FSX SE, P3D v1/v2/v3/v4 and FSW by Dovetail. Updated from previous version. With Seattle X you are free to fly to any of 5 airports: KSEA Tacoma, KPAE Paine Field, KBFI Boeing Field, KRNT Renton, S50 Auburn, admire some of the world-renowned landmarks, bridges, harbours, heliports, seaplane bases, ships, etc. This Demo version features both - the City and the Airports packages (commercial poducts) and includes some downtown buildings as well as all airports with terminals but with low resolution textures, non-animated jetways and generally much less details. This ensures no problems with online (VATSIM, IVAO and multiplayer) flying in case some users have the payware scenery and some don't. It's equipped with an automatic installer, which means that the scenery will be automatically added to the Flight Simulator Scenery Library. Please uninstall all previous versions of the above-mentioned airports you may have installed before. Please make also sure that no duplicated AFCAD files are installed. Enjoy your virtual flying with Drzewiecki Design!
Drzewiecki Design - Seattle City X for FSW, FSX and P3D
Posted May 1, 2018 09:08 by Drzewiecki Design
Roodewal weapons test range FARW, Sth Africa
52.33Mb (283 downloads)
FSX-P3Dv3 Photo real scenery of Roodewal shooting range in the north east of South Africa, made after a request from Willie a flight-simmer from down there. Includes some animated/moving targets and an airfield.
Posted Apr 30, 2018 06:53 by Otto Knudsen
Flugplatz Reutte-Hofen-LOIR, Germany
Flugplatz Reutte-Hofen-LOIR, Germany
3.52Mb (138 downloads)
P3D V4 Flugplatz Reutte-Hofen-LOIR, Germany. Reutte-Hofen Airport (German: Flugplatz Reutte-Hofen, ICAO: LOIR) is a private use airport located near Reutte, Tyrol, Austria. beautiful and challenging VFR flying area. This Airport is not included in P3Dv4, 2 small GA parking spots, 1 fuel parking spot and 1 helipad. This airport uses stoke library objects. No night operation. Charts and airport plan included. By Mak
Posted Apr 28, 2018 05:47 by uploader
0.02Mb (269 downloads)
In my recent upload for 'KSFO - San Francisco Intl Airport' ( I neglected to include a texture file to display textures for the added ramp and terminal light poles. Please install the included '' file in your 'Addon Scenery\texture' folder. Robert Catherall
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 28, 2018 05:25 by uploader
KSFO - San Francisco Intl Airport, California
KSFO - San Francisco Intl Airport, California
2.28Mb (886 downloads)
KSFO - San Francisco Intl Airport, California, USA. This is Ray Smith's FSX file. Ray has given me permission to modify his file for P3Dv4. This airport update has two optional files. One version with the Crosswind runways operating, where all 4 runways will be used for takeoff/landing and one version as the default runway operation. Assigned parking as per their website including gates for the A380. A new control tower added. Runway 1L/19R now at its new length. Taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts. Extra fuel trucks, support vehicles and roads rebuilt and many other scenery improvements added. By Robert Catherall
Posted Apr 26, 2018 02:37 by uploader
FSX/P3D Lakeland Linder/Sun N Fun Scenery, Florida
FSX/P3D Lakeland Linder/Sun N Fun Scenery, Florida
123.05Mb (679 downloads)
This scenery will update Lakeland Linder Regional Airport. AFCAD has been completely redone. Updates include correcting taxiway layout, updating approaches, updating ILS navaid to use runway 9. Special Sun and Fun version included. details on using it and some operational details are in the readme. Scenery is self contained with no additional downloads required. Compatible with FSX, and P3D. Install instructions for each is in the readme.
Posted Apr 23, 2018 22:03 by CountryFlyboy
FSX/P3D/FSW Orlando Seaplane Base
FSX/P3D/FSW Orlando Seaplane Base
113.72Mb (799 downloads)
This scenery mod will add Orlando Seaplane base to the scenery of FSX, P3D, and FSW. The airport is not present in the default scenery of any of these sims. In addition to adding the airport the scenery around Lake Apopka has been improved and there are even sound effects around the base. This scenery uses default objects so no additional downloads are required. Scenery is compatible with FSX+Acceleration, FSX Gold, FSX-SE, all versions of P3D, and Flight Sim World. For best results I recommend having ORBX Global plus vector and open LC installed, but these are not required.
Posted Apr 21, 2018 05:20 by CountryFlyboy
Nashville Tennessee International Airport
5.47Mb (303 downloads)
Nashville Tennessee International Airport for P3D. Originally created for FSX, this airport has been converted to work in P3D. Several improvements have been made to the default airport. The default terminal buildings have been replaced with buildings created in FSDS; there are custom built hangars in the Embraer maintenance area, also created in FSDS; aircraft gates have been correctly coded and named using Airport Design Editor 1.76.6582; a new airport vehicle network has been built; extra fuel trucks have been added throughout the airport; the tower view has been changed to display from the roof of the control tower; all taxiway designators are correct and all taxiway signs are correctly placed and named; there is the option to open all runways to AI traffic; the FedEx and UPS cargo areas are modeled, as well as the Embraer maintenance area; and Jim Dhaenen's excellent ramp lights are also included. Please refer to the README FIRST.txt file to insure proper installation of all files
Posted Apr 20, 2018 17:53 by uploader