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FSX > Scenery > Page 134
LEMD-Barajas International Madrid Spain v2.4780 for FSX
LEMD-Barajas International Madrid Spain v2.4780 for FSX
1.15Mb (8073 downloads)
Barajas (LEMD) Addon was developed using ADEX v1.5, and tested using FSXA (Acceleration). The project is about a total overhaul of Barajas International worked up from default stock FSX LEMD. Significant changes include: the installation of missing ILSs, making runway 18C/36C operational, and lush details to the entire airport. Aprons tailored geometrically and flooded with ground objects and airport vehicles. All parking aligned precisely parallel, perpendicular or at constant angle to their respective paths, some parking assigned with airline codes. Make sure you look around the airport while taxing to enjoy the eye candy on the ground, or take flight on a super-light enjoying Barajas International great scenery. LEMD-Barajas International Upgrade by Jamagn.
Posted Feb 1, 2013 04:52 by Jamagn
KTNX Tonopah Test Range, Tonopha, NV
1.71Mb (1219 downloads)
KTNX- Tonopah Test Range, Tonopha, NV, USA Tonopah Test Range Airport is located near the center of the Tonopah Test Range, 27 NM southeast of Tonopah, NV. It is a major air- field with a 12,000 ft runway, instrument approach facilities, and nighttime illumination. By Tony Vienonen
Posted Jan 31, 2013 14:26 by uploader
EDDF Frankfurt Airport, Germany
0.81Mb (9823 downloads)
FSX EDDF Frankfurt Airport, Frankfurt, Germany. With new Terminal A Plus, ILSZ and ILSY for RWY 07L-25R, Runways taxiways and taxiway signs are up to date ( January 2013). The gates have gate signs to show the number of the gate and gates and parking positions have ground painted taxiway signs for better orientation. Update for V3 removes AI traffic from taxiway P. This is complete scenery, previous version not needed. By Stefan Liebe.
Posted Jan 31, 2013 13:51 by admin
Shemya Island, Alaska
Shemya Island, Alaska
1.14Mb (2053 downloads)
Presenting an enhanced area scenery of Shemya Island, Aleutians, Alaska Eareckson Air Station (Shemya Air Force Base) Compatibility with Flight Simulator X
Posted Jan 26, 2013 03:47 by Sam Sanders
Avro Vulcans and retro  scenery of RAF Waddington, UK
Avro Vulcans and retro  scenery of RAF Waddington, UK
80.09Mb (2202 downloads)
FSX AI Aircraft. Avro Vulcans and retro scenery of RAF Waddington with 26 aircraft. 7-LOD models with 8 variations and a variety of textures, including the only flying Vulcan remaining in the world - XH558. Also included is a sound pack that will make the room shake when the aircraft depart and a Paint kit. Separate pack in FSX native code is in JY_AI_Vulcans_FS9_1.zip. By John Young, ACG. Sound by Military Sound Studios.
Posted Jan 25, 2013 19:55 by uploader
 WSST Saint-Inglevert Airfield, Northern France WW2 Airfield
 WSST Saint-Inglevert Airfield, Northern France WW2 Airfield
0.00Mb (618 downloads)
This is a depiction of WSST during the Battle of Britain created for use by fellow members of the 91st Bombardment Group (H). As there was no substantial photos of the airfield and only a modern day aerial view, I did my best to recreate an accurate image from text and images of other Armee de l'Air airbases captured by the Nazis. This airfield is near Calais and was used by JU87 Stukas and smaller numbers of fighter aircraft.
Posted Jan 24, 2013 11:15 by Chris Duncan
LOGG Guessing Airfield, Austria
LOGG Guessing Airfield, Austria
1.73Mb (1060 downloads)
LOGG Guessing Punitz in Austria does not exist in FSX, so I made it.
Posted Jan 23, 2013 08:57 by W.Wassmann
LOAB Dobersberg Airfield, Austria
LOAB Dobersberg Airfield, Austria
1.79Mb (833 downloads)
LOAB Dobersberg in Austria does not exist in FSX, so I made it.
Posted Jan 23, 2013 08:41 by W.Wassmann
LOLU Gmunden Traunsee Airfield,  Austria
0.00Mb (796 downloads)
Gmunden Airport in Austria does not exist in FSX, so I made it.
Posted Jan 23, 2013 08:36 by W. Wassmann
0.05Mb (983 downloads)
Here is a North Korea Scenery Mega Package. It's far from perfect but it does put quite a few airports (about 50) in there correct places. More info in the readme.txt. Not tested in FS2004. Made with ADE9x
Posted Jan 20, 2013 01:36 by Matt Martin