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FSX > Scenery > Page 15
Leme Airport, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Leme Airport, Sao Paulo, Brazil
40.94Mb (362 downloads)
This is the Leme airport, in the Sao Paulo countryside, Brazil. ICAO: SDLL Check the blog in the Readme file for more sceneries and updates!
Posted Feb 17, 2020 09:54 by Zed
Morro do Chapeu II Airport, Brazil
Morro do Chapeu II Airport, Brazil
21.03Mb (389 downloads)
Hello! This is the scenery of Morro do Chapeu II Airport, in the Chapada dos GuimarĂ£es, Brazil! ICAO: SIQJ Includes the Manso's Dam. A beautiful place to fly! I also corrected errors in the airports I've uploaded previously. You can find the corrected files in the address in the Readme file.
Posted Feb 11, 2020 09:10 by Zed
Brisbane Intl Airport - YBBN - Queensland, Australia
Brisbane Intl Airport - YBBN - Queensland, Australia
4.56Mb (1318 downloads)
Brisbane Intl Airport - YBBN - Queensland, Australia. This is a reasonably accurate and up-to-date version of Brisbane Intl airport and made only for FSX users, do not use in P3D: This is for the many that requested this and those that cant wait, now included is the new runway 1L/19R and its associated taxiways, i had to take a guess at the taxi designators as there are no charts available yet, basic ILS approaches are added for it, I will update this airport as and when the charts become available to me, the main runway corrected to 1R/19L and the approaches corrected for it, the International and Domestic terminals rebuilt with something a little better than the stock airport, assigned parking as per their website where possible, including gates for the A380 (Gates 72,73,76) new control tower, runway 14/32 decommissioned, helipad with start location, extra fuel trucks, support vehicle roads rebuilt, and many scenery objects and improvements added to further enhance this airport, airport views are from the roof the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation. By Ray Smith
Posted Feb 7, 2020 00:26 by uploader
KOGS Ogdensburg International Airport (Ogdensburg, NY) for FSX , FSX:SE & P3D
0.04Mb (251 downloads)
KOGS Ogdensburg International Airport, New York. FEATURES: Properly aligned runway, taxiways and aprons perfect for flying online. Glideslope path corrected to match real setup. Taxi signs placed according to real location. Correct designation of taxiways. Accurate gate and GA Apron based on satellite images. Accurate-to-size terminals & hangars. Apron lighting
Posted Feb 3, 2020 11:51 by Matt Lock
38.04Mb (211 downloads)
This file replaces the original scenery. Fixes include a tweaking of misaligned ILS localizer for runway 4 and adjustment of 'shimmering' terminal textures. Standalone download, KMQJ_2020 not required for use. EZ Scenery Library ( recommended for static planes but not required for use. Enjoy!
Posted Feb 1, 2020 01:48 by Matt Lock
98.12Mb (214 downloads)
This is an attempt to bring KCVN into P3D and FSX for the first time. Built from the ground up based on 2020 satellite images in order to provide the most accurate layout possible. Includes an optional photoscenery file. FEATURES: Properly aligned runway, taxiways and aprons perfect for flying online Glideslope path corrected to match real setup Taxi signs placed according to real location Correct designation of taxiways Accurate gate and GA Apron based on satellite images Accurate-to-size terminals & hangars Apron lighting Night and day photoreal textures from January 2020
Posted Feb 1, 2020 01:09 by Matt Lock
Santa Catarina Air Club
Santa Catarina Air Club
Santa Catarina Air Club, in the Brazillian state of Santa Catarina. ICAO: SSKT. This scenery was created with Airport Design Editor. It uses FSX-Acceleration libraries as well as third party freeware object libraries.
Posted Jan 31, 2020 15:36 by Zed
Gower Field (Corrected version)
Gower Field (Corrected version)
42.52Mb (218 downloads)
These are corrected files to the Gower Field, uploaded in Jan 21, 2020. Some reported problems with flat and missing objects. The original link was updated, so if you download it today, you don't need to use these corrected files!
Posted Jan 31, 2020 13:37 by Zed
KOAK - Metro Oakland Intl, California
KOAK - Metro Oakland Intl, California
8.78Mb (1042 downloads)
KOAK - Metro Oakland Intl, California. This is a reasonably accurate and up-to-date version of Metro Oakland Intl airport with two optional files and made only for FSX users, do not use in P3D: There is one version with the Crosswind runways operating where all 4 runways will be used for takeoff/landing and one version as the default airport runway operation. This update removes the "jfk jetways" mainly for those who have had issues installing the textures to get these jetways to display, these have now been replaced by jetway extensions that are more like the real world, Terminals 1 and 2 rebuilt with something better than the stock airport, assigned parking as per their website with extra parking, the Fedex and UPS ramps and buildings replaced, all taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts, support vehicle roads rebuilt, extra fuel trucks, Helipad added to the GA apron and many other scenery improvements and objects added, airport views are from inside the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation. Ray Smith
Posted Jan 29, 2020 02:32 by uploader
VFR Balice, Poland, for FSX  v1.1
VFR Balice, Poland, for FSX  v1.1
95.29Mb (373 downloads)
VFR Balice for FSX V1.1 This is the extended scenerie VFR Balice for FSX designed on new ground textures of the old town Krakow in the vicinity of EPKK Balice (Poland)Additional objects made in the scenery are listed in the sketch. Animations and many objects and monuments in 3D visualization. Designer: Lotar Tomczyk, Jakub Mista
Posted Jan 27, 2020 11:04 by Lotar Tomczyk, Jakub Mista