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FSX > Scenery > Page 216
FS2004/FSX Mesa Verde National Park, Cortez (KCEZ), Colorado (CO) Photo Scenery
92.87Mb (2592 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Mesa Verde National Park, Cortez (KCEZ), Colorado (CO) photo scenery. Mesa Verde National Park is famed for its numerous ruins of cliff dwellings built in the 12th century by ancient Pueblo people called Anasazi. Cliff dwellings are highly defensible stone villages situated under aloves (rock overhangs) along the canyon walls. The largest cliff dwelling in the park is Cliff Palace, which is the largest cliff dwelling in North America. Cliff Palace contained 150 rooms and housed approximately 100 people. Unfortunately you won't see the cliff dwellings from the air, because they are under the cliffs but you will see everything else like all roads, trails and facilities. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted May 17, 2010 06:23 by Gottfried Razek
FSX Easterton - UK
FSX Easterton - UK
0.00Mb (717 downloads)
Easterton airfield for FSX. Situated just south of the town of Elgin in Scotland, Easterton is home to both the RAF Fulmar and civilian Highland gliding clubs who share the use of facilities and aircraft. Updates for this scenery and more can be found at virtualflyingclub.co.uk
Posted May 16, 2010 17:15 by Jon Davidson
Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2010 Update without Corniche
0.59Mb (782 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2010 Release without the scenery of the Corniche of Abu Dahbi with new pylons for default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 14:28 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Red bull Air Race Windsor-Ontario 2010
0.43Mb (1115 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Windsor-Ontario 2010,this scenery work with default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 08:13 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Red Bull Air Race Rio De Janeiro 2010
0.53Mb (1332 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Rio De Janeiro 2010,this scenery work with default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 08:11 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Red Bull Air Race Perth 2010 update
0.55Mb (848 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Perth 2010 on the Sawn Bay central of the city of Perth Australia work with default scenery FSX
Posted May 16, 2010 08:08 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi with Corniche update
0.63Mb (845 downloads)
This is the track Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2010 Release with the scenery of the Corniche of Abu Dahbi By Carlos Santos thank you to him for this scene from the Corniche!! and New PylĂ´nes colors.
Posted May 16, 2010 08:04 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Combat In Afghanistan Ops Pkg. V.1.2
12.10Mb (3203 downloads)
Scenery for those who want to do combat ops in FSX it includes variouis locations in Afghansitan and Pakistan where I place camps, convoys, SAM sites and other targets of opportunity. If you have the Superbug by VRSimulations there are target aids for you to lock on to. Hope you all enjoy this package
Posted May 15, 2010 20:23 by Albert Wydeen
Hobart Airport v2.1
Hobart Airport v2.1
16.37Mb (2298 downloads)
Featuring custom GMAX models, landclass changes, satelite imagery, and AFCAD airport update, Hobart International Airport (YMHB) is the result of several years development. The model itself has been designed with first hand knowledge and is highly accurate to the real airport, with photoreal textures been used. This download includes the nearby Mt. Wellington observatory and signal tower. It is recommended to be flown with FTX landclass installed. A free no restrictions demo of Tasmanian landclass is available from FTX at www.fullterrain.com/freeware.html. v2.1 makes several improvements on the previous version, with ugrades including: updated afcad; enhanced satellite imagery; several new custom models; and a significant improvment to the helicopter area behind the main terminal. Authors: Sean and Matthew Devenish.
Posted May 9, 2010 21:23 by Matthew Devenish
Amazonas Air...1937
3.21Mb (1203 downloads)
Scenery and Flights...As war clouds are stirred in Europe the Amazon river starts to see the development aviation in the vast spaces it covers over virgin jungle....Signor Natalio Canovi better known as 'Senor Bigotes' started the 'Servicio Aereo del Amazonas' 10 years ago with a Curtiss amphibian and now has the Macchi 64 twin engine amphibian as well as a Curtiss Passenger plane. Virgin scenery in a virgin jungle will receive the new pilot as he flies the thunderstorn ridden sky. Beware and be careful for the airfields as short and small and the Pirahnas await in the waters.....
Posted May 6, 2010 16:20 by Gera Godoy Canova