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FSX > Scenery > Page 218
FSX Marine Corps Military Base
FSX Marine Corps Military Base
0.01Mb (2639 downloads)
A Military Base for the FSX Marine Corps... Airport ID is FSMC. There is a Bombing Run as part of a side mission too, id BOMB, in the GPS, it is an Industrial area with a few fires where others have tried to bomb it for practice.A few carriers just off the coast too from the base.
Posted Apr 28, 2010 22:55 by HOTZONER
Atlantis Volcano Island 2 V2.0
Atlantis Volcano Island 2 V2.0
0.89Mb (1755 downloads)
A fictitious Island off the north east coast of The Bahamas. The Island has a live volcano with great smoke effects and a nice cargo port and airport for Multiplayer Session! Created by ADE,SDk and Sbuilder X programs.
Posted Apr 26, 2010 16:37 by Jim Abbey
Griffiss AFB_KRME
Griffiss AFB_KRME
29.82Mb (3974 downloads)
Griffiss AFB, NY as it was back in the early 80's before it was de-activated due to downsizing of military bases. Accurate runway and taxiways using Google Earth.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 06:09 by Glenn Duerr
FS2004/FSX Mormon Range, Enterprise, Beryl (UT82), Utah (UT) Photo Scenery Package
97.45Mb (1346 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Mormon Range, Enterprise, Beryl (UT82), Utah (UT) photo scenery. This scenery covers the area of just north of St. George (KSGU) north along the Mormon Range and Enterprise to Beryl (UT82). It completes the southwestern corner of Utah and paves our way into Nevada. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Apr 23, 2010 04:54 by Gottfried Razek
ILS Carrier Landings
ILS Carrier Landings
0.19Mb (1456 downloads)
This is basically an ILS approach set up for two waypoints in the middle-east (SESRA and IBKUG) near Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran. You must use AICarriers2 to spawn a carrier at the waypoint, and then the ILS can be used to safely land the plane exactly where it it supposed to hit.
Posted Apr 22, 2010 21:03 by drumaboy590
Aquatica 5
0.59Mb (725 downloads)
Aquatica5 Airport is off the North east coast of Hilo Hawaii Airport ID is PNEW (New) as in new island It was created with variouse programs to create the mesh textures and land classes Features include ILS enabled airport with VORs and a cargo port. Created by Jim Abbey
Posted Apr 22, 2010 15:50 by Jim Abbey
5.29Mb (814 downloads)
This is a try to put Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg (LFSB) into FSX. It's not finished and a long way to go.
Posted Apr 16, 2010 10:40 by Othmar Egli
Iceland Volcano 2010 V2.0
Iceland Volcano 2010 V2.0
0.97Mb (4069 downloads)
Created for multiplayer and single free flight. See the volcano errupt and added new smoke effects and huge fire balls there is an aircraft crash rescue scene on the side of the mountain. Can you find them?
Posted Apr 15, 2010 19:24 by Jim Abbey
11.93Mb (5557 downloads)
Brussels Airport (IATA: BRU, ICAO: EBBR) (also called Brussel Nationaal/Bruxelles-National (Brussels National)) is an international airport located in Zaventem, 6 NM (11 km; 6.9 mi) northeast[1] of Brussels, Belgium. Also includes and additional 'old Brussels' scenery.
Posted Apr 13, 2010 16:59 by uploader
SAR1 Low
0.01Mb (839 downloads)
Accident Scenery for Search And Rescue sessions in Fsx. Lite version for medium or older PC's.
Posted Apr 11, 2010 09:03 by HOTZONER