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FSX > Scenery > Page 221
Muchamiel LEMU, Spain
Muchamiel LEMU, Spain
0.00Mb (1337 downloads)
Ruchamiel Airfield located in the province of Alicante, Spain.
Posted Mar 18, 2010 09:53 by Alex
FS2004/FSX Zion National Park North, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Cedar City KCDC, Utah Package
97.13Mb (1955 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Zion National Park North, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Cedar City (KCDC), Utah (UT) photo-scenery. Cedar Breaks National Monument is a large amphitheater cliff in bright colors of red, orange and purple. It lies east of Cedar City in the northern region of the scenery. The cliff was formed by erosion thru wind, water and ice. Today erosion continues with a pace of about 2 inches every 5 years. Although it is called Cedar Breaks, there are no cedars growing there but juniper trees. The scenery extends south to Zion National Park and covers a large part of Zion Canyon and the Kolob Canyons area. Zion National Park is another place where erosion of the Colorado Plateau formed the most beautiful colorful stone formations of unique and wonderful shapes. There are nine different layers of stone visible in the park. Most of them consist of sandstone. But there is also limestone, gypsum, siltstone, shale, clay and mudstone. The Virgin River cut a spectacular and famous canyon thru Zion Park that is as narrow as 20 feet and up to 2000 feet tall. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Mar 18, 2010 07:27 by Gottfried Razek
FSX Gibraltar
5.18Mb (7421 downloads)
Fsx scenery of Gibraltar, version 3. Uses buildings from Fsx library objects.
Posted Mar 17, 2010 16:52 by pipz perez
FS2004/FSX Kanab Airport Area (KKNB), Utah / Arizona (UT / AZ) Photo Scenery Package
95.36Mb (2301 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Kanab Airport Area (KKNB), Utah / Arizona (UT / AZ) photo-scenery package. This scenery covers the southwestern part of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. From the air you can see all the "stairs" from the Pink Cliffs of Bryce Canyon in the north down to the Grey Cliffs, the White Cliffs and the Vermillion Cliffs just north of Kanab and then the Chocolate Cliffs further south. Nothwest of Kanab you can fly above beautiful Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park which features coral-hued sand dunes located beside red sandstone cliffs. These dunes consist of sand that formed thru erosion of pink colored Navajo Sandstone surrounding the park and was deposited by wind. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Mar 15, 2010 06:13 by Gottfried Razek
LOWG, Graz Airport, Austria  V 2
14.73Mb (15133 downloads)
New reworked Addition (works well with Aerosoft's "Austria Professional X" Scenery). You may use it without but it will look not that complete! This Scenery uses alot custom made objects for your eyes and is best used in multiplayer sessions! Credits in the Installation Guide. If you still use version 1.0 of my scenery = Please delete it before you overwrite it! Thank you Simon, Guy and Jim for the help!
Posted Mar 14, 2010 14:58 by Karl Meindl
Red Bull Air Race Abu Dhabi 2010
0.30Mb (963 downloads)
Track Red Bull Air Race 2010
Posted Mar 13, 2010 08:08 by Sy Dsg Siscot Yves
Tasmania Hobart International Airport (YMHB)
Tasmania Hobart International Airport (YMHB)
16.23Mb (1848 downloads)
Featuring custom GMAX models, landclass changes, satelite imagery, and AFCAD airport update, Hobart International Airport (YMHB), Tasmania, is the result of several years development. The model itself has been designed with first hand knowledge and is highly accurate to the real airport. The textures of the airport are also based on real-life photographs. This download includes the nearby Mt. Wellington observatory and signal tower. It is recommended to be flown with FTX landclass installed. A free no restrictions demo of Tasmanian landclass is available from FTX at www.fullterrain.com/freeware.html. Authors: Sean and Matthew Devenish.
Posted Mar 11, 2010 19:10 by Matthew Devenish
FS2004/FSX Page (KPGA), Lake Powell West, Utah/Arizona (UT AZ)
92.41Mb (2150 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Page (KPGA), Lake Powell West, Utah/Arizona (UT AZ) photo-scenery. This scenery covers the western part of Lake Powell, the city of Page (KPGA), the Vermillion Cliffs, Glenn Canyon just south of Glenn Canyon Dam, the northern part of Marble Canyon, Paria Canyon, Cockscomb, etc. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Mar 10, 2010 05:51 by Gottfried Razek
FS2004/FSX Bryce Canyon National Park (KBCE), Utah (UT) photo-scenery.
96.35Mb (3235 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Bryce Canyon National Park (KBCE), Utah (UT) photo-scenery. Despite its name, Bryce Canyon is not actually a canyon that was formed by a river, but rather a giant natural cliff shaped thru erosion by wind, water, and ice. Bryce is distinctive due to its geological formations, delicate and colorful pinnacles called hoodoos that are up to 200 feet high. The bizzarre forms and red, orange and white colors of the rocks provide spectacular views. Unfortunately the hoodoos are too small for the elevation mesh in flight simulator. But you can enjoy the colors and shape of the cliffs. The cliffs in main region of the park, just south of the airport are partly covered by snow. But on the southern and western part of the plateau you can enjoy them free of snow. Bryce Canyon is named after the Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce who settled in this area in the 1850s. It was designated as a national park in 1928. Bryce Canyon Airport (KBCE) just handles small aircraft on a daily basis. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Mar 10, 2010 05:07 by Gottfried Razek
FS2004/FSX Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument/East, Escalante
96.20Mb (1732 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument/East, Escalante (1L7), Utah (UT) photo-scenery. This scenery contains the eastern part of the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. It extends from the town of Escalante down south where it connects with the Page/Lake Powell scenery. Contains the upper part of wonderful Escalante Canyon. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Mar 10, 2010 05:06 by Gottfried Razek