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FSX > Scenery > Page 97
Kabul, Afganistan, OAKB Scenery
Kabul, Afganistan, OAKB Scenery
4.86Mb (1404 downloads)
ADEX based scenery of Kabul(OAKB) airport, Afghanistan.
Posted Dec 19, 2014 22:12 by Sergey Stoyanov
Daman Airport, India v1.05
Daman Airport, India v1.05
8.64Mb (687 downloads)
This was a quick scenery upgrade that I made for a client on FSeconomy. It is of Daman Airport in India. This scenery includes seasonal photoreal imagery that has been recolored to closely match FTX Global textures. Scenery by Chris Britton.
Posted Dec 15, 2014 03:30 by Chris Britton
Alfs UK Airfields Vol. 30 Denham, EGLD, UK
Alfs UK Airfields Vol. 30 Denham, EGLD, UK
26.86Mb (752 downloads)
Alfs UK airfields-Volume 30 - I have finally got around to doing my namesake. Denham is 7.5 miles N of London/Heathrow. The first flying school was established there in 1915. Apart from a spell between WWI and WWII, it has been in constant use.
Posted Dec 10, 2014 14:30 by Alf Denham
Rovaniemi Airport, Finland
Rovaniemi Airport, Finland
3.51Mb (949 downloads)
ADEX based Rovaniemi Airport, Finland, ICAO- EFRO. Rovaniemi Airport is the fifth biggest airport in Finland by annual number of passengers, located in Rovaniemi, Finland, about 10 kilometres north of Rovaniemi city centre. The Arctic Circle crosses the runway closer to its northern end
Posted Dec 2, 2014 22:54 by Sergey Stoyanov
LFQB Troyes-Barberey (France)
LFQB Troyes-Barberey (France)
88.97Mb (1461 downloads)
LFQB Troyes-Barberey (France). A new scenery that enhances the default one: Photorealistic ground texture with seasonnal and night variations, static planes, cars, "seasonal" peoples, birds, etc. VAC chart included. Includes update. Works with FSX and FSXA. By D. Bur
Posted Dec 1, 2014 10:54 by uploader
Des Moines Iowa International Airport
5.99Mb (1225 downloads)
Des Moines Iowa International Airport For FSX. New terminal buildings and parking ramps. Both runways are open for all and AI traffic. Taxi way's have been corrected to accurate placement. There is a large cargo area for both UPS and FedEX aircraft. Extra fuel trucks have been added throughout the airport. There is a fuel parking spot as well by GA parking. A generous amount of GA parking has been added, with some lighting. There is sectioned parking area's as well, NW, N, NE, SE cargo, South cargo, & SW. A dedicated area for the Iowa Air National Guard 132nd Fighter Wing has been added, comprising of 8- F-16's and 2- A7 Corsair II, the A7's were used there before the F-16's. I have added a lot of buildings and parking details as well as some lighting. By James Foutz
Posted Dec 1, 2014 09:51 by Nicolas Neveu
3.30Mb (432 downloads)
Refuge des Grands Mulets -- For FSX Mountain hut in the Alps ,build on the "Glacier des Bossons". You can land on the drop zone roof. The refuge Great Mules is located on the historic route of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in France. You can land on the drop zone roof .
Posted Nov 30, 2014 05:14 by Manolo Dobrazil
Kingman Reef Photoreal Scenery
Kingman Reef Photoreal Scenery
142.97Mb (482 downloads)
Kingman Reef is a large submerged, uninhabited triangular shaped reef, 9.5 nautical miles (18 km) east-west and 5 nautical miles (9 km) north-south. It's located in the North Pacific Ocean, and lies 36 nautical miles (67 km) northwest of the next closest island (Palmyra Atoll), and 930 nautical miles (1,720 km) south of Honolulu. This scenery recreates Kingman Reef using high resolution 30cm/pixel photoreal imagery. Developed by Chris Britton of Emerald Scenery Design.
Posted Nov 28, 2014 14:22 by Emerald Scenery Design
Palm Beach International Airport, Florida
Palm Beach International Airport, Florida
4.53Mb (2372 downloads)
Palm Beach International Airport, Florida (KPBI) - Final. This is the completed version of scenery for KPBI previously uploaded to libraries as "Beta". The terminal area includes assigned airline gate parking with moving jetways. All runways, taxiways, aprons, control tower, etc. have been brought up to date. The scenery includes custom scenery objects and ground polys, placement of library objects and landclass changes. Scenery is based on Google Earth and Bing Maps Birds Eye, and it is optimized for use with UTX. I find it flyable with low framerates on my computer with scenery complexity set to extremely dense, and extensive WOAI airline traffic enabled to activate jetways. By: Art Poole
Posted Nov 24, 2014 05:12 by Art Poole
Oristano Fenosu X 2015 (LIER), Sardinia, Italy
Oristano Fenosu X 2015 (LIER), Sardinia, Italy
4.65Mb (2152 downloads)
Oristano-Fenosu Airport is a small regional airport located in the central western Sardinia, Italy The original version of the scenery Fenosu-X (LIER) was developed by Mr.J, subsequently this has been modified for FSX.
Posted Nov 24, 2014 04:59 by Voyager