94.77Mb (1383 downloads)
LOWZ V 1.1 GZ for FSX and P3D V2. LOWZ Zell am See Airport is a public use airport located 4 kilometres south of Zell am See, Salzburg, Austria. Usable for airplanes up to 5.7 tonnes.
Posted Mar 1, 2015 06:53 by uploader

6.72Mb (663 downloads)
Alf's_UK_airfields Sutton Bank version 2. Home of Yorkshire Gliding Club and originally issued in my Volume 11. Main change, generic hangars replaced by custom built ones.
Posted Feb 21, 2015 08:55 by Alf Denham

35.77Mb (759 downloads)
We are pleasd to release this update for our Durham scenery. new features include...
Improved night lighting.
New HD apron and taxiway textures.
Runway guard lights and wigwags.
Improved and repositioned ground markings.
Updated AFCAD
new runway lights
and volumetric Grass
Posted Feb 21, 2015 08:12 by Mark Piccolo - Soarfly Concepts

0.16Mb (233 downloads)
**Traffic Port Venlo PATCH** Those of you who like to fly with your aircraft settings set to Crash Detection ON will be having problems. I normally remove the Crash Detection from my objects to make life easy. I forgot to do it this time. This patch should fix it.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 21, 2015 04:28 by Alf Denham
0.01Mb (750 downloads)
FSX Scenery Fix for egss-1.zip London Stansted Airport (EGSS) UK
If you have problems with the runway please instal this bgl file in your Addon Scenery/ addonscenery/ scenery.
Be sure that you have given in the settings Scenery Library your addonscenery a higher priority than Stansted.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 16, 2015 03:59 by uploader

64.03Mb (2294 downloads)
Lehigh Valley International Airport (FREE) for FSX
Located in Allentown, Pennsylvania (USA), the Lehigh Valley International Airport (KABE) resides in Class C airspace and offers
local residents connections to the major airline hubs in Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia, as well direct
service to cities in Florida. Over half-a-million passengers utilized ABE in 2014. The airport is an alternative to hubs in
New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington DC. By Matthew Derr
Posted Feb 15, 2015 04:27 by FSXMurf

4.88Mb (3006 downloads)
FSX Scenery London Stansted Airport (EGSS) UK
Made with ADE . This is John Young's scenery for London Stansted Airport (EGSS) for FS2004 (version7) and P. Nigel Grant converted this scenery to make it work in FSX. Please do not contact John Young for problems
in FSX, this patch is not his work. Please do not contact P.Nigel Grant for problems in FSX, this was produced for his own use. Thanks Jim Dhaenens for his fsx lights.
I just added trees, parkinglots, lights and minor corrections.
Many thanks to all developers who made it possible to create better look alike scenery.
Peter Hermans
Posted Feb 13, 2015 08:42 by uploader

0.98Mb (1251 downloads)
Scenery Patch for LFQA Reims-Prunay (France).
Corrects wrong taxiway signs, removes and relocates the static aircraft on the cargo parking, adds an helicopter near the Heli-Champagne hangar, new fuel trigger now connected to the taxiway network.
Requires lfqa_fsx.zip. By D. Bur
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 11, 2015 00:54 by uploader

29.02Mb (3450 downloads)
Edinburgh is a reasonably large airport in Scotland, UK. in stunning HD we have created this version for FSX using generic textures and photo textures this airport is defiantly at the top end of the quality chart. Features include
HD ground detailing
Stunning night lighting
Compatible with Taxi Signs HD
and much more
Posted Feb 9, 2015 15:50 by Mark Piccolo - Soarfly Concepts

2.67Mb (620 downloads)
The Dutch airstrip of Traffic Port Venlo is a few miles WNW of Venlo. Opened in 2009, it is unusual in that it shares it's site with an Articulated -Lorry Driving School! Hence the road markings on the apron. I did it at the request of a Dutch Flight Simmer who drives past it regularly and wanted to be able to 'fly in' as well.
Posted Feb 6, 2015 04:34 by Alf Denham