7.01Mb (2096 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 P47 D Thunderbolt
Never beautiful like the Spitfire, not as agile as the Bf 109, nor as long-legged as the P-51 Mustang, the big Republic P-47 Thunderbolt nevertheless was one of the most successful and best-loved fighters of all time. The 'Jug', named for its bulky shape, was a monster of a machine, yet it was fast and manoeuvrable. The pilot had enormous power at his fingertips and knew that if his aircraft was hit by gunfire, he had an excellent chance of getting home safely. P-47D-25 Gabreski and P-47D-30 Tarheel Hall variants included.Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Oct 10, 2013 02:25 by A.F.Scrub
16.48Mb (619 downloads)
The Chilton D.W.1 is a British light sporting monoplane designed and built in the late 1930s by Chilton Aircraft at Hungerford, Berkshire.Aircraft designed by Andrew Dalrymple & Alexander Wade
For full history refer to www.chilton-aircraft.co.uk
This aircraft G-AFSV is owned by Roy Nerou who is currently restoring her.
Posted Oct 9, 2013 06:53 by uploader
11.11Mb (522 downloads)
The Chilton D.W.1 is a British light sporting monoplane designed and built in the late 1930s by Chilton Aircraft at Hungerford, Berkshire. Aircraft designed by Andrew Dalrymple & Alexander Wade in 1936/37.
For full history refer to www.chilton-aircraft.co.uk
This prototype aircraft registered in January 1937 is owned by Roy Nerou who has rebuilt her as well as currently restoring G-AFSV.
Posted Oct 9, 2013 06:44 by uploader
18.88Mb (2631 downloads)
FSX Alphasim Grumman Tigercat. This package features FSX compatible gauges
for the VC and 2D panel.Configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 8, 2013 12:55 by Michael Pook
12.89Mb (6341 downloads)
I have used these great textures by Pavlac and reworked them to fit Tim Piglet's Lockheed P38 Lightning. VC Included.
Tested in Acceleration SP1 SP2, windows 7.
Adapted and packaged by Stephen Browning
Posted Oct 7, 2013 14:50 by Stephen Browning
12.84Mb (2225 downloads)
FSX update for the Alphasim Hawker Typhoon. This is the British WWII fighter Hawker Typhoon. It features three liveries, FSX compatible gauges and corrected smoke effects. This is the whole aircraft. Panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 7, 2013 07:57 by Michael Pook
5.23Mb (643 downloads)
This repaint represents the Skyraider F-AZHK parked on the Avignon Airport.
This repaint is for the A-1H Tim Conrad.
Repaint by Fabien RAOUL
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 6, 2013 08:40 by Fabien RAOUL
3.50Mb (1682 downloads)
FSX/2004 Alphasim Hawker Typhoon 247 Sq, with updated flight dynamics by Bob Chicilo.
Tested in Acceleration SP1 SP2, there seems to be a small bug with the VC, maybe someone out there could fix it, but still great to fly.
repainted by Stephen Browning
Posted Oct 5, 2013 05:17 by Stephen Browning
0.67Mb (931 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Catalina Spanish Air Force textures for Alphasim's PBY-5A . This is a repaint only for Alphasim's PBY-5A Catalina. The markings are that of Ejercito del Aire (Spanish air force). Repaint by Enrique Medal.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 29, 2013 23:34 by Enrique Medal
17.87Mb (4015 downloads)
Aeroplane Heaven Hawker Hurricane BE505, with photo real parts and MipMaps removed, I have also changed the sound file. This file includes the gauges previously missing. Tested in Acceleration with Windows 7 SP1 and SP2. Repaint by Stephen Browning
Posted Sep 28, 2013 05:58 by Stephen Browning