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FSX > Vintage > Page 100
FSX\FSXacceleration Bristol Bulldog IIA
FSX\FSXacceleration Bristol Bulldog IIA
7.86Mb (2168 downloads)
FSX/FSX Acceleration Bristol Bulldog IIA. The Bristol Bulldog was a single seat biplane fighter of the inter-war period and one of the most famous aircraft used by the RAF during that time. The Bulldog Mk II entered service with the Royal Air Force in May 1929, replacing the Gloster Gamecock and Armstrong Whitworth Siskin fighters then in frontline use. It is remembered for spectacular aerial formation displays at the annual Hendon RAF competition. The Bulldog's superb maneuverability and ease of handling made it very popular with its pilots. The Spanish used the Bulldog at the outset of the Spanish Civil War on the Republican side. This is AlphaSim freeware Bristol Bulldog, no 2D panel but working VC. Upgrade to FSX-FSX Acceleration by A.F.Scrub
Posted Nov 16, 2013 09:02 by A.F.Scrub
P-47M Thunderbolt IIAF
P-47M Thunderbolt IIAF
17.52Mb (1028 downloads)
P-47M Thunderbolt with the Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF), livery. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub. IIAF textures by Arman Riazat
Posted Nov 13, 2013 05:27 by Arman Riazat
FSX Grumman Gulfhawk II FSX Conversion
FSX Grumman Gulfhawk II FSX Conversion
5.63Mb (2013 downloads)
The Gulfhawk II was one of the most exciting aerobatic aircraft in the 1930s and 1940s and thrilled many air show specators throughout the whole world, due to its awesome flying performance. The package features a completely re-modelled VC and FSX compatible gauges. By Kazunori Ito, updated for FSX by Michael Pook.
Posted Nov 12, 2013 06:07 by Michael Pook
North American FJ-1 Fury FSX Conversion
North American FJ-1 Fury FSX Conversion
8.69Mb (1338 downloads)
The FJ-1 Fury was a single-engine carrier-born jet fighter. Its first flight took place in 1947. However, because of its disappointing performance only 31 were built and it had a brief service life. This package features the default livery as well as a repaint by Winfried Wollschlaeger. By Kazunori Ito, converted to FSX by Michael Pook.
Posted Nov 12, 2013 05:50 by Michael Pook
FSX Arado 196 Floatplane With Catapult Options
FSX Arado 196 Floatplane With Catapult Options
5.17Mb (1778 downloads)
FSX Arado 196 floatplane with catapult launch preconfigured files. This is a complete CFS2-Alphasim-model, converted to FSX. It has a VC with navigation map at the rearseat and a reargunner. My addon provides six FSX-cameras, weapon effects and the panel.cfg and the aircraft.cfg are preconfigured for catapult launches on ai-ships. Pictures are included but this special option requires some additional tools and enough knowledge. Configuration by Erwin Welker.
Posted Nov 12, 2013 04:09 by Erwin Welker
Grumman TBF-1 Avenger
Grumman TBF-1 Avenger
10.24Mb (3847 downloads)
Grumman TBF-1 Avenger, another great CFS2-model now flyable in FSX-SP2/Acceleration. All credits are for the original authors! Working VC, but you're very close to the instruments (just press '-' to go back a bit). All things work: wings fold, tailhook comes out, cowlflaps open and close, bombbay-doors open and there's a good bombsight. Enjoy!
Posted Nov 10, 2013 15:43 by erik hertzberger
Northrop P-61B Black Widow Textures Package
Northrop P-61B Black Widow Textures Package
4.49Mb (790 downloads)
This package contains the Elko Kuiper 'Coopers Northrop P-61B Black Widow repaint' (two textures, one weathered, the other not). And the Steven Lynn 'Northrop P-61B Black Widow repaint'. The textures have been reworked to show correctly in FSX, texture thumbnails added, and the complete CFG is included.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 9, 2013 08:43 by Michael E. Roberts
Northrop P-61B Black Widow Updated Package
Northrop P-61B Black Widow Updated Package
22.50Mb (4115 downloads)
This is an update to the Kazunori Ito FS2002/2004 Northrop P-61B Black Widow. The 2D panel has FSX XML gauges. The Nigel Richards Real P&W R-2800 Fastcats Sound Pack plus Fastcats Update has been included. This package has a 2D panel, but also has a non-functional VC.
Posted Nov 8, 2013 03:18 by archive
FSX Ilyushin IL-4 bomber
5.44Mb (1608 downloads)
FSX Ilyushin IL-4 WWII bomber. This CFS2 aircraft was made by Thicko. My features provides a photorealistic bomber panel with improved VC, which has the same looking as the 2D-panel. Nine cameras with bow- and reargunner views and weapon effects are included. This is a complete aircraft FSX-convertion, panel and features by Erwin Welker.
Posted Nov 7, 2013 11:17 by Erwin Welker
FSX/FS2004 Republic P-43A Lancer
FSX/FS2004 Republic P-43A Lancer
8.82Mb (1154 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Republic P-43A Lancer Built by Republic, the P-43 was a modification of the P-35. It had an early turbocharger and was quite fast for it's day. Roll was good but turn rate was poor. The turbocharger was not especially reliable and the fuel tanks were quite vulnerable, particularly in early models without self sealing tanks. 51 aircraft were delivered to China under lend-lease and a few saw limited operation with the American Volunteer Group.Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration.GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Nov 7, 2013 05:01 by A.F.Scrub