87.90Mb (672 downloads)
. For the 1944 jet bomber competition Consolidate Vultee (which became Convair) offered their model 109, which featured four Allison J-35-A-3 jet engines slung under the long straight wings in two large pods. Designated the XB-46, the first and only aircraft built made its maiden flight on 2 April, 1947. On a flight to Wright Field the XB-46 averaged 533 mph. Top speed was 548 mph at 15,000ft. The XB-46 could cruise at 439 mph with a service ceiling of 40,000ft. The aircraft was capable of carrying 4280 gallons of fuel and estimated range would have been 2870 nautical miles with an 8000lb bomb load. The XB-46 carried a crew of three, a pilot, co-pilot and bombardier. One of the more unusual features of the XB-46 was its pneumatic system which ran the undercarriage, bomb bay, crew doors, and brakes. No production orders were ever issued for the XB-46 as the Air Force deemed the type obsolete with the advent of the Boeing XB-47.
Posted May 1, 2023 09:23 by virtavia
16.38Mb (753 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration Junkers A50 Junior German two seater sportsplane from 1929 with wheels or with floats. It was a whole metal Aluminium plane with a 5-cylinder radial engine and was supposed to become a "Volkswagen" for the skies. Then, the world economic crisis destroyed the plans of Hugo Junkers and only 69 planes were build and only 50 sold. Even so the great plane was sold to different countries including float plane versions. My wheelplane is designed regarding the model I have seen in the Deutsche Museum Munich. The passenger in the front seat can be toggled using Tailhook. Probably the model will also fly in FS2004 and P3dV3 (not glossy textures in P3d!) but it is not tested and no guarantee and support ist given. FSDS model by Erwin Welker
Posted Apr 30, 2023 03:52 by Erwin Welker

15.52Mb (461 downloads)
P-40B repainted as the airplanes flown by Lieutenants Taylor and Welch in pursuit of Imperial Japanese aircraft during the attack on Pearl Harbor Hawaii on December 7th, 1941. Includes model by A.F. Scrub, repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Apr 29, 2023 21:21 by R.E. Wyman

114.83Mb (1122 downloads)
An upgrade of my previous uploads 10 years ago for DB70 and DB71. As previously, this package is based on the same fs9 aircraft by PLANE-DESIGN updated by me for FSX. Suitable also for FSX-SE. RAF Lancaster aircraft supplied for Training are Type 683: AJ-D and AJ-Q. Type 464: AJ-G, AJ-J, AJ-N and AJ-Q. Flying Ai's in Training: AJ-M, AJ-P and AJ-B. The OPERATION CHASTISE RAID on the Moehne Dam is part of this package. The difficult Eder attack is not. Saved flights for Training (8) and for the Raid (1). Learn some of the history and try your luck at qualifying as a No 617 Squadron RAF Dambuster Pilot and Bombaimer. Hopefully not being sent back to your original Squadron because you could not meet the Dambuster Brief that instructed: "FLY EVERYWHERE AT TREE TOP LEVEL AND +60 ft OVER WATER". Flying at tree top level and +60 feet was a developed skill in 1943 and so it is in the sim. If you graduated from training, could you have breached the Moehne Dam? A Tribute to No 617 Squadron RAF Dambusters, Pilots, Crews, Ground Personnel, Technicians and the UPKEEP designer, Barnes Wallis. Multiple acknowledgments in the pdf documentation. Demo video included. Packaged by Ross McLennan.
Posted Apr 21, 2023 02:58 by Ross McLennan

15.32Mb (402 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3.v4.v5 Sea Fury Racer September Fury
The Sea Fury was retired by the majority of its military operators in the late 1950s in favour of jet-propelled aircraft, a considerable number of aircraft saw subsequent use in the civil sector, and several remain airworthy in the 21st century as heritage and racing aircraft. Many were re engined with an american engine, a four bladed prop, modified canopy and bigger spinner.
Upgraded Native FSX/P3D mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 25, 2023 11:35 by A.F.Scrub

19.23Mb (402 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4,v5 SF_corncob_Reno_Racers
Dreadnought and Furias are modified T.20 Hawker Seafury powered by the worlds largest production built piston engine, the Pratt & Whitney R-4360-63B putting out around 4000HP. This engine was nicknamed "corncob" with the spiraled 28cylinder setup. Dreadnought mdl, textures and aircraft.cfg have been modified to the Furias specifications.
Upgraded Native FSX/P3D mdls by A.F.Scrub
Posted Mar 22, 2023 13:18 by A.F.Scrub
9.26Mb (471 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration WWI Floatplane Friedrichshafen 33FFe_Woelfchen. This is a very rare and special aircraft. It was the boardplane of the famous German raider "Wolf" and so the plane was named "Woelfchen" (little Wolf). Normally the plane was hidden in the hold of the Wolf. That floatplane was one of the first reccon aircrafts worldwide stationed on board of a vessel. Flying recconisance it allowed to see ships in a distance of more than 50 km or 25 nm. When seeing enemy crusiers the Wolf could easily escape into another directions or when seeing cargoships from the enemy the Wolf could persue the other ship to take it as prise. The model has a 2D-panel and a VC. The pilot figure in the VC can be hidden using Waterrudder command. Probably the model will also fly in P3dV3 and FS2004 but it is not tested and no guarantee and support ist given. FSDS model by Erwin Welker
Posted Mar 22, 2023 04:25 by Erwin Welker

21.67Mb (415 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3.v4.v5 Hawker Sea Fury Reno Racers
The Sea Fury was retired by the majority of its military operators in the late 1950s in favour of jet-propelled aircraft, a considerable number of aircraft saw subsequent use in the civil sector, and several remain airworthy in the 21st century as heritage and racing aircraft. Many were re engined with an american engine, a four bladed prop, modified canopy and bigger spinner.
Upgraded Native FSX/P3D mdls by A.F.Scrub
Posted Feb 22, 2023 09:39 by A.F.Scrub

8.06Mb (679 downloads)
Built as a Liberator Mk 1 for the Royal Air Force, AM927 was involved in a landing incident, major enough for the aircraft to be returned to Consolidated for repair, and then conversion to the prototype LB-30. Retained by Consolidated, it was used to shuttle parts and executives between factories. In November 1948, AM927 was sold to the Continental Can Company as N1503 and outfitted with sleeping berths and reclining chairs to transport executives from its hometown of Morristown NJ. I have copied an old photograph of N1503 as she originally looked in service with Continental Can. In 1959 she was sold to Pemex, a Mexican oil company as XC-CAY. In 1969 the Confederate Air Force bought her, and, as N12905, she joined the Warbird circuit. Now, converted back to B-24A/LB-30B configuration, and registered as N24927, "Diamond Lil" continues to wow spectators at airshows both at home and overseas. Painted on to the Jim Nelson/Jaap de Baare/Alphasim Liberator Express model, I have also used Krzysztof Malinowski's B-24 panel as I like it better than the original. Enjoy.
Posted Feb 7, 2023 05:16 by turbodak

23.56Mb (347 downloads)
The only Miles M2U built, G-ADOD was ordered by Ruth Fontes with the intention of beating her brother Luis (flying M2L G-ADGP) in the 1935 King's Cup Air Race. Unfortunately, Miss Fontes turned inside a pylon during the 800 mile race and was disqualified. Returning for the 1936 race, piloted by the 1935 winner, Tommy Rose, G-ADOD came second. Then A.E. Clouston and F.E. Tasker bought the aircraft and entered her in the 1936 Schlesinger Race from Portsmouth to Johannesburg. Sadly, engine trouble forced Mr Clouston to crash land 150 miles short of the finish, wrecking the aircraft. Only the dH Gypsy Six R racing engine was salvaged. Painted on to Keith Paine's beautiful Hawk Speed Six, I have used the panel from Keith Paine's Miles Mohawk and the sounds from Derek Palmer's dH Dove. The repaint shows G-ADOD before the start of the Schlesinger Race, and, no matter what I have tried, the canopy stubbornly remains black! Enjoy.
Posted Jan 28, 2023 12:07 by turbodak