Feb 07, 2025 |
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06l-24r.BGL 34K
06r-24l.BGL 34K
24l-06r.BGL 34K
24r 06l.BGL 34K
360_camera_OBX.BGL 947K
3d US ground crew.bgl 910K
3RD hangar guam.BGL 94K
adsl_OBX.BGL 7K
afvoer.bgl 4K
agnis_papa_stop_sign_terminal_h334.5_s20_l10.BGL 9K
air containers 2.BGL 585K
air containers 3.BGL 182K
air containers.BGL 10K
antenne.bgl 188
Awacs Library.bgl 2M
bagage belt pgum.BGL 902K
bagage carts 4.BGL 169K
bagage carts1.BGL 2M
bagage.BGL 161K
barrer.BGL 2K
barrier roadwork.bgl 19K
barrier.bgl 14K
bench waiting area.BGL 464K
bld.BGL 13K
blue flowers.BGL 2K
blue light taxiway A.BGL 14K
blue light taxiway.BGL 19K
building navy side.BGL 43K
buildings.bgl 49K
bus small.BGL 76K
bus.BGL 65K
bus1.BGL 76K
busstation guam luifel.BGL 1M
cargo center PGUM.BGL 3M
cargo dhl.bgl 1K
cargo dollies.BGL 463K
cargo dollies1.BGL 463K
cargo loader PGUM.BGL 870K
cargo1.bgl 1K
cargo2.bgl 1K
cargo3.bgl 11K
cargo4.bgl 4K
cargo5.bgl 1K
cargo6.bgl 5K
cargo_van_OBX.BGL 117K
cars at cargo center.bgl 3K
cars at the home depot.bgl 3K
cars cargo building 2.bgl 860
cars n side.bgl 2K
cars.bgl 12K
catering and cargo guam.BGL 1M
concrete tube.bgl 78K
cone.bgl 12K
container.bgl 2K
containers.BGL 10K
control tower guam.BGL 265K
cows.BGL 847K
crane.bgl 188
crash barrier.bgl 15K
cristian academy.BGL 831K
CTSI logistics.BGL 68K
depatures.BGL 26K
details.BGL 29K
docking.bgl 9K
eelde light pole.BGL 13K
electricity poles navy side.BGL 24M
entrance cargo facility.BGL 23K
entrance grass.BGL 6K
F18 Canadian US.bgl 2M
F22 US.bgl 535K
fence guam.BGL 1M
fence.BGL 6K
fence0.BGL 18K
fence1.BGL 7K
fence3.BGL 4K
fence4.BGL 7K
fire departement.BGL 853K
flag US.bgl 28K
floor.bgl 4K
flower plant.BGL 4K
flowers.BGL 6K
former hangar guam.BGL 67K
guam light pole.BGL 19K
guam runway 06R.BGL 286
guam runway.BGL 286
guam sign.BGL 6K
guam taxi.BGL 74K
guam_intl_bord_OBX.BGL 380K
guard lightning.bgl 94K
hangar 4.BGL 7K
hangar det.BGL 2K
hangar guam.BGL 141K
ils.BGL 67K
jetway 0.BGL 483K
jetway 2.BGL 483K
KC 135 Library.bgl 531K
light glow street.BGL 2K
light glow.BGL 4K
light splash test.BGL 18K
limousine hummer.BGL 37K
little building guam.BGL 17K
loods.BGL 3K
no smoking area.BGL 7K
objects.BGL 4K
old terminal guam.BGL 1M
paaltjes guam.BGL 80K
painter.bgl 524
palm navy side.BGL 3K
palm plant small.BGL 4K
palm tropic.BGL 23K
palmtree.BGL 3K
palmtree1.BGL 11K
papi.bgl 284
parking home depot.bgl 41K
parking place.BGL 61K
people cargo center.bgl 284
people.bgl 476
pgum cargo and luggage entrance.BGL 9K
Photo01.bgl 24M
planes.bgl 380
police car.BGL 202K
postbox.bgl 18K
radar_OBX.BGL 438K
road closed.bgl 9K
road work ahead.bgl 9K
roads guam.bgl 1M
runway guam.bgl 642K
safe_gate_docking_system_OB1X.BGL 13K
shopping cart.BGL 184K
sidewalk.BGL 6K
speed limit.BGL 7K
static object library 3D aircrew.bgl 1M
stop sign airside.BGL 5K
stop sign.BGL 6K
street bench.BGL 8K
street light double.BGL 14K
street light single navy side.BGL 12K
street light single.BGL 9K
street light single2.BGL 9K
street lights home depot.BGL 10K
taxiway marking 1.bgl 389K
taxiway marking.bgl 566K
telephone.bgl 6K
terminal lights.BGL 18K
terminal_a_OBX.BGL 7M
terminal_b_OBX.BGL 6M
the home depot store.BGL 44K
tire marks pgum.bgl 57K
traffic light single.bgl 55K
traffic light.bgl 130K
traffic signs.BGL 13K
trucks at cargo facility.BGL 254K
tug.BGL 40K
tway marking.bgl 16K
vangrail 1.BGL 2K
vangrail.BGL 5K
varen plant.BGL 121K
veg.bgl 812
veg2.bgl 7K
VEH_air_fueltruck01_sm.BGL 218K
walkway terminal.BGL 40K
wall 1.BGL 2K
weather station.BGL 63K
welcome to guam.BGL 173K
wheelie bin.BGL 25K
windsock_OB1X.BGL 59K
work.bgl 380