All Files > Page 1049

FSX Grumman Avenger TBM-3U
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
9.53Mb (1348 downloads)
FSX Grumman Avenger TBM-3U
The Grumman Avenger made a major contribution to the outcome of the Second World War as a carrier-based naval aircraft. Procured in large numbers, the type saw action with Allied Forces in virtually all theatres of operation. Robust and reliable, the Avenger survived in large numbers into the post-war period and was adapted to a wide variety of uses.The -3u was a general utility and target towing variant and remained in service until the mid 1950. GMAX model, tested in FSX/FSXacceleration/Fs2004 Win7/8 by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Mar 24, 2015 04:18 by A.F.Scrub

Savoia Marchetti SM82 canguro bomber
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
8.81Mb (937 downloads)
FS2004-Savoia Marchetti SM82 Bomber
This model is the bomber version of the SM 82
Canguro transport,entered into service with the Regia
Aeronautica in June 1940.This model took part
in a raid against Manama, Bahrain on 18 October
1940. It took off from Gadurra airfield, Rhodes
and after 15.5 hours and 4200 km landed at Zula
airbase, Italian East Africa; It is indicated by
White rhombus insignias on upper wing surfaces.
Model, texture, v. ccockpit, panel by F.Giuli.
Gauges other authors
Posted Mar 23, 2015 23:48 by FRANCESCO GIULI

FSX Kaman HH-43 Huskie Updated Package
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
54.03Mb (3716 downloads)
This is an update to the Paul Dee FS2004 Kaman HH43F. Included are Six additional textures and models by Mick Morrissey, the panels are updated with XML gauges replacing the gau files, there are nine models and ten textures with thumbnails. 2D and VC panels included.
Posted Mar 23, 2015 23:26 by Michael E. Roberts

Snow X v.1 - FSX
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
15.48Mb (3740 downloads)
Snow X is an update of textures global coverage in order to make more realistic snowy mountain ranges.
'Fsx snow is not very realistic, edit agunas textures and others only the renowned giving a good result (as data can tell you that if you include these textures fsx but not used at all)
(Does not affect performance and is compatible with all addons Orbx, fs-global, and other addons field)
Posted Mar 23, 2015 12:11 by juan30005

Moorea Air's DH6 Twin Otter
(Category: FSX > Props)
17.33Mb (2287 downloads)
Aerosoft advertised TahitiX with Moorea Air's Twin Otter but I had to rerigg some files to get it work in FSX. So here's the Update for you to enjoy with the scenery!
Posted Mar 23, 2015 07:58 by storm_cloud

Ifly Boeing 737-600 Air China Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
11.96Mb (1018 downloads)
Air China textures for the payware iFly Boeing 737-600
Posted Mar 23, 2015 00:13 by Liao Yitong

Aeroclub de Kourou 2015
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
47.35Mb (284 downloads)
This is my first scenery, I release it as Freeware because it was just to learn about scenery development, using Sketchup etc. I didn't spent too much time on it and add as
much details as possible.
I hope you'll enjoy it :)
Aviana Scenery
Posted Mar 22, 2015 09:49 by Marc Loubieres

FSX Pilatus PC-12 Updated Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
19.55Mb (5161 downloads)
This is an update to the Brian Gladden FS2002 Executive Pilatus PC-12 The GAU filrs have been replaced with XML. Included are Thirteen textures by various authors.
Posted Mar 22, 2015 01:40 by Michael E. Roberts

FS2004/FSX DC-6B 13 + 03 German Luftwaffe Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
7.74Mb (862 downloads)
Textures only!
Repaint for the excellent model by Tom Gibbson and Greg Pepper, showing one of four DC-6B used by the German Luftwaffe (13+01 to 13+04)Based uppon an Original-Photo found in the Ron Picciani Collection!
here (external link - please report if broken)
Posted Mar 22, 2015 01:06 by Hartmut Hekmann

Embraer 145LU Havana Air
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
13.31Mb (561 downloads)
Havana Air holds OFAC authorization to operate Private Aircraft to and from Cuba. Model by Project Opensky and textures by Yankyvictor.
Posted Mar 22, 2015 00:57 by YANKYVICTOR