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Verona Arena, Italy
Verona Arena, Italy
Verona Arena, Italy (Category: FSX > Scenery)
7.48Mb (2874 downloads)
FSX Verona scenery. Verona Arena is a Roman amphitheatre in Piazza Bra in Verona, Italy. Added the Verona arena and Palace Barbieri. To make it easier to locate the buildings in the scenery I included 2 hot air balloons stationed in the sky above.
Posted Oct 4, 2014 01:51 by Voyager
 FSX Moving Naval and Tourist Traffic in Messina, Italy
 FSX Moving Naval and Tourist Traffic in Messina, Italy
23.74Mb (1382 downloads)
This scenenery is a simulation of naval and tourist traffic in the Strait of Messina (Italy/Sicily/Messina). In addition other 2 routes of the USS NIMITZ. The first route of the USS NIMITZ is limited in the Straits of Messina while the second path sees the USS NIMITZ around the Aeolian Islands. For a complete overview or mapping of the paths mentioned above are included in this package and the related photo file for Google Earth.
Posted Oct 4, 2014 00:19 by Voyager
ROAH Okonawa Airport. Japan, Adex Based
ROAH Okonawa Airport. Japan, Adex Based
ROAH Okonawa Airport. Japan, Adex Based (Category: FSX > Scenery)
40.37Mb (1905 downloads)
ROAH Okonawa Airport is one of the aerodromes situated on Okinawa island, Japan. Installation as usual. Project work evaluation is into added directory.
Posted Oct 3, 2014 20:53 by Sergey Stoyanov
FS2004/FSX Boeing 707 -2014 Version - Varig 441 Textures
FS2004/FSX Boeing 707 -2014 Version - Varig 441 Textures
10.78Mb (1106 downloads)
FS9/FSx B707-441 2014 Version Varig 441 textures. Required file "FS9/FSx BOEING 707 -2014 VERSION" . By Libardo Guzman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 3, 2014 14:05 by libardo guzman
Wilco A400M Airlifter Textures Pack
Wilco A400M Airlifter Textures Pack
Wilco A400M Airlifter Textures Pack (Category: FSX > Payware)
87.87Mb (1213 downloads)
Textures pack for the payware A400M Airlifter by Wilco. Textures included: Singapore Cargo Airlines, Air Force One, Nippon Cargo Airlines, Fictional Predators Cargo, Vietnam Airlines Cargo updated, for FSX Wilco A400M Airbus.
Posted Oct 3, 2014 08:10 by Marco Nguyen
FSX Boeing 747-8F V4B Predators Cargo and Vietnam Cargo twin Package
FSX Boeing 747-8F V4B Predators Cargo and Vietnam Cargo twin Package
123.37Mb (1547 downloads)
Boeing 747-8F V4B for FSX fictional Predators Cargo and Vietnam Cargo Airlines (updated) Assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda. This is the Project Opensky 2014 updated FSX native Boeing 747-400 CF6 cargo model, and includes - ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility) and more. Upgraded using the vastly improved Boeing 747 VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND (See panel docs for details). VC includes FMC, EICAS, MFD with control panel, GPWS, working wipers, cabin lights, fire suppression, avionics switch, fuel crossfeed, landing lights switches, taxi light switch, engine generators, APU generator, battery switch, starter switches, de-ice switch, general lights switches. Great model by Skyspirit. Textures by Marco Nguyen
Posted Oct 3, 2014 07:16 by Marco Nguyen
Bell X-1 with updated panels
Bell X-1 with updated panels
Bell X-1 with updated panels (Category: FSX > Vintage)
27.06Mb (2012 downloads)
This is the Bell X-1 with the VC and 2D panel updated from my earliar update a year ago. The panels are now designed to depict the real X-1 cockpit as it was used in 1947. This is the whole aircraft. Original model by Julian Higgs, new panel design by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 2, 2014 16:52 by Michael Pook
 X-15 with Updated Panel
 X-15 with Updated Panel
X-15 with Updated Panel (Category: FSX > Vintage)
17.45Mb (3252 downloads)
This is a VC and 2D panel updated from my earliar update of the North American X-15. Both panels have now been entirely re-worked and enhanced and look much more detailled and realistic now. This is the whole aircraft. Original model by Massimo Altieri, new panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 2, 2014 12:38 by Michael Pook
El Calafate (SAWC), Argentina High Detailed Scenery
El Calafate (SAWC), Argentina High Detailed Scenery
84.75Mb (3686 downloads)
Armando Tola-El Calafate International Airport, Argentina. Animated people and vehicles. Summer and Winter versions.
Posted Oct 2, 2014 11:18 by SIMARG Simulacion Argentina
Russia - Republic of Tyva
Russia - Republic of Tyva
Russia - Republic of Tyva (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
10.47Mb (356 downloads)
Russia-Republic of Tyva UNAG Mugur Aksy, UNKD Kyzyl Mazhalyk, UNKY Kyzyl, UNYA Khamsara, UNYE Saryg Sep, UNYH Khovu Aksy, UNYK Kuznetsovo Kungurtuk, UNYR Erzin, UNYS Severny Arzhan Solnechny, UNYT Todzha, UNYX Yuzhny Arzhan Dolgy Most, UNYY Yrban.Shishmarevo. Achinskaya, XNKY Kyzyl, ZC4K Handagaity, ZDE0 Shagonar, ZE04 Dus Dag (Torgalyg), ZE07 Chadan, ZE08 Khut
Posted Oct 2, 2014 09:07 by Andrey Anta