All Files > Page 1543

C-172 Turkish Airlines Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
4.02Mb (1132 downloads)
Turkish Airlines textures for the default Cessna 172 Skyhawk SP. (new 2012)
Posted Sep 17, 2012 11:18 by Serdar Kalayci

De Havilland DH 60 Moth Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
79.47Mb (3773 downloads)
This package includes two planes. The first is DH60X G-EBUZ, c/n 478, as it might have looked if delivered in the late summer of 1927. I found one picture of this airplane taken in December, 1927. The picture is in black and white, so the choice of colors is a guess on my part. The aircraft was stricken from the record in December, 1934.
The Gipsy Moth is G-AAHI, c/n 1082, as it might have looked when delivered in 1929. This aircraft is still active today and photographs are available showing it with green fuselage and silver wings and red fuselage and white wings. I chose the green livery.
I based the instrument panel on vintage rather than modern photographs and for that reason they are basic to the point of being stark. There were no electrical systems, starters, lights, radios, or gyros. Most of these conveniences were available at the time as options, but the vast majority of Moths appear to have been used in daylight visual flying conditions, so that is how I set them up. For those who insist on talking to people when they fly, I did put the default ATC popup in the 2D panel. This model was originally developed by Jim Douglass. It's conversion to FSX has been assisted by Leyland S and Anthony (ANT) who provided input and consultation in its development. It's our gift to you for 2012. Golden Age Simuations
Posted Sep 17, 2012 07:36 by uploader

Boeing 747-4F6 (BDSF) Southern Air with advanced VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
33.92Mb (3083 downloads)
Project Opensky - Boeing 747-4F6 (BDSF) Southern Air with advanced VC
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans. Thank you to Skyspirit for their wonderful models. Beautiful Southern Air cargo repaint by Mathieu Vos. With Enhanced VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda.
Skyspirit FSX native Boeing 747-400 Cargo model upgraded using the vastly improved Boeing 747 VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND (See panel docs for details). VC includes FMC, EICAS, MFD with control panel, GPWS, working wipers, cabin lights, fire suppression, avionics switch, fuel crossfeed, landing lights switches, taxi light switch, engine generators, APU generator, battery switch, starter switches, de-ice switch, general lights switches. Beautiful Skyspirit 747-800 cargo model with complex features and ground service vehicles (press shift e 2, shift e 3, etc. ). To use jetway press Ctrl J.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade by Jason A. Lee. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Zip preview for larger pictures.
See panel docs and images for VC details and controls!
Posted Sep 17, 2012 07:30 by chris evans

Boeing 747-4F6 (BDSF) Southern Air
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
16.07Mb (928 downloads)
Project Opensky - Boeing 747-4F6 (BDSF) Southern Air. Model by Project Opensky. Textures by Matthieu Vos.
Posted Sep 17, 2012 06:34 by Chris E

FSX ASTER_imp GDEMv2 30m mesh for France Pt2.
(Category: FSX > Terrain Mesh)
149.05Mb (3405 downloads)
"imp" means imperfect, as other mesh I have already processed is of areas that have very little vegetation cover - over the land, or has large urban areas.
This "imp" mesh will include some slight discrepancies of altitude (in the case of forested areas - by a magnitude sometimes of +15 metres-depending on how tall the trees are, in the jungle or forest canopy) over urban areas, or areas with a lot of vegetation cover - due to the limitations of the ASTER satellites infra red scanning cameras, and the software used to process the DEM data.
Areas where there is little vegetation cover, or non urban areas, the terrain should have truer values.
But I feel this ASTER DEM data is so good - why let it all go to waste - especially flying over lovely Pacific islands?
So you FSX users out there will have to take all this into account when using this mesh.
Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public.
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved.
ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Sep 17, 2012 04:11 by Wayne Evans

FSX ASTER_imp GDEMv2 30m mesh for France Pt1.
(Category: FSX > Terrain Mesh)
156.32Mb (3482 downloads)
"imp" means imperfect, as other mesh I have already processed is of areas that have very little vegetation cover - over the land, or has large urban areas.
This "imp" mesh will include some slight discrepancies of altitude (in the case of forested areas - by a magnitude sometimes of +15 metres-depending on how tall the trees are, in the jungle or forest canopy) over urban areas, or areas with a lot of vegetation cover - due to the limitations of the ASTER satellites infra red scanning cameras, and the software used to process the DEM data.
Areas where there is little vegetation cover, or non urban areas, the terrain should have truer values.
But I feel this ASTER DEM data is so good - why let it all go to waste - especially flying over lovely Pacific islands?
So you FSX users out there will have to take all this into account when using this mesh.
Grateful thanks to ERSDAC, and NASA for making this data freely available to the public.
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Earth Remote Sensing Data Analysis Center (ERSDAC) All rights reserved.
ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.
Posted Sep 17, 2012 03:39 by Wayne Evans

Flight 1 ATR 72-500 Tame Equador Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
7.08Mb (1003 downloads)
Tame is the flag carrier of Ecuador with its headquarters located in Quito, Pichincha. Fictional ATR72-500 (Tame operate ATR42-500)textures in 32 bit format for the payware Flight 1 ATR 72-500. Textures by Manuel Jose Contact Ground.
Posted Sep 16, 2012 23:27 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos

Beechcraft Starship Package
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
69.46Mb (7528 downloads)
Fs2004 Beechcraft Starship 2000, with fully functional virtual cockpit and backlit gauges. Will also work in FSX with some limitations.
Posted Sep 16, 2012 15:56 by Matt Stanova

LIDH Thiene Airport, Italy
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
10.20Mb (2383 downloads)
After the success about LIDB Belluno and Casera Razzo mountain airstrip present here
on Simviation, VicDabor have the pleasure of representing LIDH Thiene freeware for all
enthusiast simmers.
Incredibly absent on FSX menu selection, Thiene is an historical airport since WWI located about 8
north of Vicenza city, is dedicated in memory of famous valiant and brave pilot "Arturo Ferrarin"
(1920 Roma-Tokyo raid whit Regia Aeronautica S.V.A.9). Good starting for mountain adventures,
Thiene is also
a paradise place for aerobatic session gliders and skydiving enthusiasts.
Scenery by Vic Dabor, beta testing and final supervision by Bruno "BUNGEE". Soft landing
Posted Sep 16, 2012 14:02 by Vic_Dabor_Dario_Bortot

FSX New Jersey Airfield Locator
(Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.48Mb (144 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth.
This file is for New Jersey.USA
There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details.
i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325.
Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file.
Other locator files to follow.
by Carl Vokes
Posted Sep 16, 2012 13:59 by carl vokes