All Files > Page 1644

Mirage 5V FAV 1225 Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
4.01Mb (563 downloads)
Mirage 5V FAV 1225 of Venezuela Air Force, Model By Eduardo Fadul, Texturas por Jose Armando Yanez
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 27, 2012 10:40 by Jose Armando Yanez

Boeing 747-400 Cargo Silkway Azerbaijan with VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
26.02Mb (1888 downloads)
Silkway Azerbaijan Cargo repaint by Mathieu Vos. Includes ground scenery when cargo doors open. Coupled with retextured default 747 VC.
Opening Passenger (L1) door: Shift + E ( Opening door )
Opening Cargo Doors: Shift + E + 2
Opening Passenger (L2) door: Shift + E + 3
Opening Bulk Cargo Door: Shift + E + 4.
Updated for FSX usning native FSX model and edits. Modified by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 27, 2012 09:41 by Chris Evans

Boeing 747-400 Silkway Azerbaijan Cargo
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
15.20Mb (1093 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Silkway Azerbaijan Cargo. Model by Project Opensky. Textures by Mathieu Vos.
Posted Apr 27, 2012 08:07 by Chris Evans

Faro Airport, Portugal, LFPR
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
3.08Mb (4099 downloads)
Faro Airport, Portugal
This scenery works only for FS2004. (NO FSX, sorry!)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 Standard / Pro (Only tested with FS2004 )
All Airport textures created by Diego Varela Rodriguez.
Posted Apr 27, 2012 07:52 by uploader

SMS MD-11 V1 Delta
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
45.76Mb (9535 downloads)
The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is a three-engine medium- to long-range widebody jet airliner, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas and, later, by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Build in January 10, 1990 and stoped in 2000. All 200 every build, is still in service.
Packed, updated, painted and pushback tug activadet by ricardo_tv.
VC updates by Chris Evans and Libardo Guzman.
Posted Apr 26, 2012 18:51 by ricardo_tv

SMS MD-11 V1 Delta Old
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
42.72Mb (3400 downloads)
The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is a three-engine medium- to long-range widebody jet airliner, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas and, later, by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Build in January 10, 1990 and stoped in 2000. All 200 every build, is still in service.
Packed, updated, painted and pushback tug activadet by ricardo_tv.
VC updates by Chris Evans and Libardo Guzman.
Posted Apr 26, 2012 18:49 by ricardo_tv

SMS MD-11 V1 Alitalia
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
42.52Mb (6613 downloads)
The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is a three-engine medium- to long-range widebody jet airliner, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas and, later, by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Build in January 10, 1990 and stoped in 2000. All 200 every build, is still in service.
Packed, updated, painted and pushback tug activadet by ricardo_tv.
VC updates by Chris Evans and Libardo Guzman.
Posted Apr 26, 2012 18:41 by ricardo_tv

SMS MD-11 V1 Blank Livery for repainting
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
42.45Mb (2929 downloads)
The McDonnell Douglas MD-11 is a three-engine medium- to long-range widebody jet airliner, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas and, later, by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Build in January 10, 1990 and stoped in 2000. All 200 every build, is still in service.
Packed, updated, painted and pushback tug activadet by ricardo_tv.
VC updates by Chris Evans and Libardo Guzman.
Posted Apr 26, 2012 18:04 by ricardo_tv

Mirage IIIEV FAV 0624 Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.28Mb (482 downloads)
Mirage IIIEV FAV 0624 Textures only for the Mirage III by J.E.Narcizo. Textures by Jose Armando Yanez, Mirage IIIEV FAV 0624, BAEL-Venezuela
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 26, 2012 13:16 by Jose Armando Yanez

PA28 R-102 Arrow III Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
14.11Mb (5377 downloads)
PA28R-102 Arrow III features moving parts, a virtual cockpit, accurate flight dynamics, a few new smooth gauges, one special AI-aircraft, two models, three texture-sets and a paintkit. Been around for FSX for some time but until now not on simviation. Some new interest in a great freeware PA28. By Hauke Keitel
Posted Apr 26, 2012 10:19 by michael litze