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FSX/P3D Estonia Air Boeing 737-500 Textures
FSX/P3D Estonia Air Boeing 737-500 Textures
FSX/P3D Estonia Air Boeing 737-500 Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
0.82Mb (161 downloads)
FSX/P3D Estonia Air Boeing 737-500 repaint textures for the Eagle Rotorcraft/Vistaliners Boeing 737-500 Registration: ES-ABC, she served the airline between 1995 and 2009. ----- My Facebook: ----- I will post videos about my repaints at my YouTube channel:
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required file
Posted Oct 12, 2020 14:37 by Cs_Csanad
Santos - Brazil
Santos - Brazil
Santos - Brazil [external link] (Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
Santos (23°58'12.1"S 46°21'43.5"W) is located in southeast region of Brazil. Please unzip the files to your Community folder. See on Youtube how to locate the Comunity folder in flight simulator 2020. Enjoy the flight. Leave your comments.
Posted Oct 12, 2020 13:03 by Brazil
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-500 Kaiser Air (N732KA) Textures
FSX/P3D Boeing 737-500 Kaiser Air (N732KA) Textures
0.72Mb (157 downloads)
Kaiser Air Boeing 737-500 (N732KA, Biden-Harris) Repaint for the Eagle Rotorcraft/Vistaliners Boeing 737-500W Registration: N732KA Delivered April 1991 for Linjeflyg, now operates as the campaign jet for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. My Facebook page: My YouTube channel:
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 12, 2020 07:36 by Cs_Csanad
TruNorthSim White Super Cub v0.10 mod
TruNorthSim White Super Cub v0.10 mod
TruNorthSim White Super Cub v0.10 mod (Category: Prepar3d > Props)
1.92Mb (128 downloads)
I modified the default cub's aircraft.cfg to have the power, fuel capacity, and weight and balance of a Super Cub. I also created and included a solid white livery with Lycoming valve covers. This aircraft compliments my PAOM Nome scenery available for download at Simviation. Don't forget to make a backup of your original aircraft.cfg. Please visit my facebook @trunorthsim to report issues or offer scenery or aircraft mod suggestions. Enjoy!
Posted Oct 12, 2020 04:50 by TruNorthSim
Microsoft Flight Simulator Liveries Mega Pack Version XI (Aileron Update)
Microsoft Flight Simulator Liveries Mega Pack Version XI (Aileron Update)
The Liveries Mega Pack Team, led by Clink123 and his gang of livery gods at the service of all flight simmers, has released yet another update to their extraordinary Flight Simulator 2020 livery pack. Now with 600 (!!!!) liveries, which includes a simplified install process (drag and drop only those you want), and has also liveries for every aircraft in MSFS, including the ones in the premium pack. Soon they will be available as an installer, where you’ll be able to select just the ones you want to install. This is the best pack of Flight Simulator liveries!
Posted Oct 12, 2020 03:34 by gamr101
MSFS A320 British Airways Livery - Ultra Textures
MSFS A320 British Airways Livery - Ultra Textures
British Airways Livery - Ultra textures. A beautiful, crisp, shinny British Airways livery for the Airbus A320. It looks absolutely stunning, extremely detailed, just a pleasure to walk around and appreciate all the details. Created by Operatorland468
Posted Oct 12, 2020 03:30 by conneCT
P3D/FSX DC designs Concorde Air France F-BTSC
0.43Mb (248 downloads)
Air France F-BTSC textures for thr epayware P3D/FSX DC designs Concorde. Gives accurate livery points.
Posted Oct 12, 2020 01:34 by Kelvin Keeble
FSX/P3D  Nemeth Designs Mi17 Polish Navy SAR textures
FSX/P3D  Nemeth Designs Mi17 Polish Navy SAR textures
9.22Mb (92 downloads)
Polish Navy SAR texures for the payware Nemeth Designs Mi17 . Textures by Voiteh.
Posted Oct 12, 2020 01:30 by Voiteh
Philadelphia Intl - KPHL - Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Intl - KPHL - Pennsylvania (Category: Prepar3d > Scenery)
2.21Mb (969 downloads)
Philadelphia Intl - KPHL - Pennsylvania, USA. This airport update is for Prepar3Dv2 with two optional files, one file with the Crosswind runway 17/35 activated where all 4 runways will be used for takeoff/landing and one file as the default runway operation: assigned parking as per their website with extra parking, extra fuel trucks, taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts, Marriott hotel also included, support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other scenery improvements added, airport views are from the roof of the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation. By Robert Catherall
Posted Oct 11, 2020 15:12 by uploader
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400 British Airways G-CIVY Package
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400 British Airways G-CIVY Package
52.45Mb (2584 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400 British Airways G-CIVY Package. G-CIVY was one of the 2 final Boeing 747-400 in the British Airways fleet, along with G-CIVB, that departed from Heathrow Airport for retirement in October 2020. Assembled for FSX with the enhanced VC from FSND. Project Opensky FSX Native Boeing 747-400 model with the upgraded Boeing 747 internal cockpit (VC) from MS/ Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Zip preview for larger pictures. Textured and assembled for PD3 v5 by Chris Evans. Should also work in FSX and previous P3D editions.
Posted Oct 11, 2020 07:38 by chris evans