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FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Novair package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
73.42Mb (605 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Novair package. Novair is a Swedish airline operating on behalf of Apollo, one of Sweden's largest travel companies and is based at Stockholm–Arlanda Airport. Novair operate 2 Airbus A321.
Includes 2020 revised model and VC.
2020 updated A321 model by Project Airbus updated to FSX native and updated VC by Speedbird77.
Autobrakes fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever.
ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX". Includes A321 checklist. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v5 and should work in FSX and previous P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Textured and packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Sep 21, 2020 09:14 by chris evans

FSX/P3D Airbus A321S 2020 updated model and VC. Textures : Delta, Jetblue
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
78.64Mb (2025 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 S updated model and VC.
Textures : Delta, Jetblue.
Fixes a number of things in the cockpits of the airbuses.
The autobrakes are now fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever.
ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX"
Edits by Collin MacKenzie. Textures by Mathieu Vos.
Posted Sep 21, 2020 06:44 by chris evans

FSX Republic XF-91 Thunderceptor_v2 package
(Category: FSX > Military)
40.05Mb (1052 downloads)
FSX Republic XF-91 updated.
Modification of VC switch, and improvement of engine starting.
Addition of new animations.
The afterburner effects was also added.
Afterburner Effects XML Gauges are licensed for use and modification by Mr. Rob Barendregt.
Also, I received a lot of technical advice from Mr. Erwin Welker and reflected it in XF-91_v2.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to two big names.
This package contains four types of XF-91:
XF-91A: Unit number one. The unfinished XLR27 rocket engine model envisioned Mach 2 speeds.
XF-91A2: The XLR11 rocket engine model, which replaced the canceled XLR27, was the first fighter in the world to exceed the speed of sound.
XF-91B: A model in which unit number one is changed to a radome nose.
XF-91V: A model in which unit number two is changed to a butterfly tail. The rocket engine is removed, and the model is a turbojet engine only.
This is a native FSX ACCELERATION project.
VC controls the animation of this aircraft.
FSDS V3.5 Model by uenoshing.
Posted Sep 20, 2020 20:43 by uenoshing

MSFS A320neo Airberlin Retro Livery
(Category: MSFS 2020 > Aircraft)
10.44Mb (487 downloads)
This is an classic Airberlin livery made with love for the default MSFS Asobo A320neo. Please read the README text file (included in folder) after downloading to be sure to not make any mistakes.
Enjoy that livery, it's worth it :)
Posted Sep 20, 2020 11:38 by Francesco M.

FSX/P3D Airbus A320 updated model and VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
86.68Mb (2380 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A320 updated model and VC.
Textures : Alaska, Jetblue Mosaic and Jetblue Stripes Sharklet.
Fixes a number of things in the cockpits of the airbuses.
The autobrakes are now fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever.
ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. Credit to "FsWorX".
Edits by Collin MacKenzie. Textures by Mathieu Vos, Michael Ullman.
Posted Sep 20, 2020 06:41 by anon

MSFS Kantishna Airport (5Z5), Alaska v1.0.0
(Category: MSFS 2020 > Scenery)
8.64Mb (210 downloads)
This scenery brings a much needed makeover to Kantishna Airport. In stock MSFS, the runway was unrealistically displayed on a ridge, an anomaly is the scenery. This scenery package fixes that by completely rebuilding the airport from the ground up. Airport elevations have been corrected along with a custom texture for the gravel runway and parking area. Some fixes were also made to the river near the airport, excluding the water that covered areas that it shouldn't, such as areas of forest and sandbars. -- Scenery by Chris Britton (Rotornut44) of Emerald Scenery Deign. Originally created for
Posted Sep 20, 2020 01:27 by Emerald Scenery Design

F-15C Eagle Ace Combat 7 Trigger Reskin
(Category: FSX > Military)
53.00Mb (1586 downloads)
A special treat for those who are Ace Combat enthusiasts, this package comes complete with the base model. This is the Iris F-15C Eagle connonically flown by Trigger after taking command of the Osean Air Force Long Range Strategic Strike Group as Strider 1 in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. Enjoy it if you like.
Posted Sep 19, 2020 15:21 by Dustin Kosman

FSX/P3D Airbus A318 updated model and VC - British Airways
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
72.61Mb (2074 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A318 updated model and VC.
Fixes a number of things in the cockpits of the airbuses.
The autobrakes are now fully functional within the vc. Check near the gear lever.
ECAMS lower screen is more accurate. - Credit to "FsWorX".
Edits by Collin MacKenzie. BA textures by Sheldon Fernandes.
Posted Sep 19, 2020 05:48 by anon

MSFS A320neo LEVEL Livery
(Category: MSFS 2020 > Aircraft)
6.85Mb (303 downloads)
This is an LEVEL livery for the default MSFS Asobo A320neo. Please read the README text file (included in folder) after downloading to be sure to not make any mistakes.
Posted Sep 19, 2020 05:12 by Francesco M.

IRIS F16D Polish Airforce 4084 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
3.12Mb (149 downloads)
Polish Air Force 4084 textures for the payware Iris F-16D. y Voiteh.
Posted Sep 19, 2020 02:29 by Voiteh