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FSX Aero Boero AB-115 blue and white N2048W Textures
FSX Aero Boero AB-115 blue and white N2048W Textures
12.80Mb (434 downloads)
FSX Aero Boero AB-115 repaint textures blue and white N2048W for the freeware OIMD Aero Boero AB-115, which you must have previously installed in FSX. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 9, 2014 06:21 by Tom Tiedman
FSX Native 3D Utility v3.0
FSX Native 3D Utility v3.0 (Category: FSX > Utilities)
8.25Mb (990 downloads)
True Native 3D for use with Side by Side and Top Bottom (Over Under) 3D capable Monitors, TV's and projectors. Not reliant on 3D graphics cards as 3D is generated from two offset FSX views. v3.0 update with further improvements. By Richard Barry in conjunction with a utility from ToCAEDIT. Nov 2014.
Posted Nov 9, 2014 04:15 by Richard Barry
FSX AI Carriers 2 .NET version
FSX AI Carriers 2 .NET version (Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.05Mb (28640 downloads)
FSX AI Carriers 2 .NET version. This version targets the .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile and supports Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Acceleration and SP2, Microsoft ESP, Lockheed Martin Prepar3D and Prepar3D v2, and Dovetail Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition. This is a small software that allows you to place and control single ships or complete naval fleets in Flight Simulator X. Unlike previous software concerning AI ships and carriers, or missions, it doesn't need complex edit of traffic files or mission files. Just add when you are in free flight, anywhere you want. * AI Carriers .NET by Orion Lyau * Original AI Carriers utility by Lamont Clark
Posted Nov 9, 2014 01:16 by Lamont Clark
CLS  A300-600 Viasa Textures
CLS  A300-600 Viasa Textures
CLS A300-600 Viasa Textures (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
6.22Mb (197 downloads)
Textures for the payware Commerical Level Simulations Airbus A300-600R. Texture by YANKYVICTOR.
Posted Nov 8, 2014 23:45 by YANKYVICTOR
FS2004/FSX  Captain Sim Boeing 707-320 Fedex Textures
FS2004/FSX  Captain Sim Boeing 707-320 Fedex Textures
7.51Mb (422 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Fedex textures for the payware Capt Sim Boeing 707. Modified from the original textures by Eric McNett
Posted Nov 8, 2014 23:44 by Liao Yitong
Boeing 727-200 Viasa
Boeing 727-200 Viasa
Boeing 727-200 Viasa (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
14.43Mb (645 downloads)
Boeing 727-200 in Viasa livery. Model by Vistaliners.
Posted Nov 8, 2014 15:55 by YANKYVICTOR
Quick Replay FSX
Quick Replay FSX (Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.20Mb (858 downloads)
Sick of using your keyboard to change the 60 second default replay value to something longer? This Add On provides menu options for 120, 180 and 240 second replays so that you can activate your desired replay quickly and without the keyboard. Also allows controller buttons to trigger your favorite replay duration. Richard Barry Nov 2014
Posted Nov 8, 2014 02:19 by Richard Barry.
FSX Sukhoi RRJ
FSX Sukhoi RRJ
FSX Sukhoi RRJ (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.40Mb (2750 downloads)
The Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a modern mid range airliner designed by Sukhoi in cooperation with several countries (USA, Canada, France, Germany, etc). Original model by JR Lucariny. Adaptation to FSX, 2D panel for wide and standard screen (no VC) by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions for installation and configuration in the readme.txt file. Credit: JR Lucariny for the original aircraft.
Posted Nov 8, 2014 02:14 by Philippe Wallaert
UK Splashscreen
UK Splashscreen
UK Splashscreen (Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
2.94Mb (130 downloads)
Now you can change the way your Microsoft Flight Simulator X looks and feels, a UK Style menu splash screen containing the British Flag and a spitfire for FSX. to install just follow the instructions in the read me, Enjoy.
Posted Nov 8, 2014 01:56 by Mark Cranko
1945 Theme Splashscreen
1945 Theme Splashscreen (Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.77Mb (249 downloads)
Flight sim 1945 splash screen for all you WW2 buffs out there.
Posted Nov 8, 2014 01:55 by Mark Cranko