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FSX Grumman XF5F-1 Skyrocket updated
FSX Grumman XF5F-1 Skyrocket updated
FSX Grumman XF5F-1 Skyrocket updated (Category: FSX > Vintage)
16.31Mb (1354 downloads)
The Grumman Skyrocket was a very advanced and powerful twin-engined aircraft, which first flew in April 1940. The package features a re-configured VC with added gauges to make it look more realistic as well as a 2D panel added. Original model by Paul Clawson, new panel configurations by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 26, 2014 18:05 by Michael Pook
Russia Altai Krai Area Airports
Russia Altai Krai Area Airports
Russia Altai Krai Area Airports (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
15.63Mb (381 downloads)
Created airports in the Altai Krai are of Russia. List of airports: UNBI-Biysk, UNBM-Volchikha, UNBR-Rubtsovsk, UNBW-Petropavlovskoye, UNBZ-Soloneshnoye, XNBJ-Aleysk, XNBK-Kamen'-na-Obi, XNBN-Lesnoy, XNBP-Panfilovo, XNBR-Sibirskiy (Borovikha), XNBS-Slavgorod (Severniy), ZA2B-Charyshskoye, ZAJ8-Slavgorod (Yuzhniy), ZAK0-Shadrino, ZDE1-Ust'-Kalmanka, ZDL7-Burla, ZE0J-Zonalnoye, ZE0L-Tselinnoye, ZE29-Starobelokurikha, ZE47-Kur'ya, ZEC3-Mikhaylovskoye
Posted Oct 26, 2014 17:18 by Andrey Anta
FSX Grumman X-29 updated
FSX Grumman X-29 updated
FSX Grumman X-29 updated (Category: FSX > Military)
39.62Mb (3441 downloads)
The Grumman X-29 was an American experimental aircraft that tested a forward swept wing, canard control surfaces and other noval aircraft technologies. The X-29 first flew in 1984 and two X-29s were tested over the following decade. The package features a new static VC and a re-configured and enhanced 2D panel. It includes two beautiful models. Original model by Kazunori Ito, new static VC and panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 26, 2014 09:30 by Michael Pook
FSX Northrop F-5 Updated & Fixed
FSX Northrop F-5 Updated & Fixed
FSX Northrop F-5 Updated & Fixed (Category: FSX > Military)
75.43Mb (5671 downloads)
This package is for those who may have had problems with some of the models in the recent upload by Mohammad Faali that displayed a faulty VC. The package also features re-modifications of the VC and the 2D panel as well as a general enhancement for both panels with some new gauges. I removed the models displaying the faulty VC and added a second panel, so now all the models are equipped with a functioning VC. To enhance the appearence of both panels I downsized many of the gauges to fit the respective black frames. Original model by Iris, FSX updates by Danny Garnier and Mohammad Faali, new configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 26, 2014 06:01 by Michael Pook
FS2004 Glider and An-2 Splash Screen
FS2004 Glider and An-2 Splash Screen
FS2004 Glider and An-2 Splash Screen (Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.78Mb (144 downloads)
Glider and An-2 at the airport Pruszcz Gdanski EPPR Splashscreen for FS2004.
Posted Oct 26, 2014 02:52 by Rafal Mikolajczyk
FS2004 KLM MD-11 95th anniversary Sticker
FS2004 KLM MD-11 95th anniversary Sticker
FS2004 KLM MD-11 95th anniversary Sticker (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.55Mb (1541 downloads)
This is a special Goodbye delivery from the KLM MD-11. All the people who are missing the PAX MD-11 can remember and fly forward with this aircraft in virual life. This aircraft has flown his last Passenger flight on october 26th, 2014. on november 11th, 2014 he has flown his last farewell flight in the Netherlands to say goodbye. after that he is flying to the desert for his rest. For the last 2 weeks they have a 95 Years Sticker on the fuse to celebrate the 95th anniversary of KLM. Registration : PH-KCE Repaint by: Mathieu Vos (APSS), Model by: IFDG
Posted Oct 25, 2014 16:10 by Mathieu Vos (APSS)
FSX KLM MD-11 95th anniversary Sticker
FSX KLM MD-11 95th anniversary Sticker
FSX KLM MD-11 95th anniversary Sticker (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
45.29Mb (4221 downloads)
This is a special Goodbye delivery from the KLM MD-11. All the people who are missing the PAX MD-11 can remember and fly forward with this aircraft in virtual life. This aircraft has flown his last Passenger flight on October 26th, 2014. on November 11th, 2014 he has flown his last farewell flight in the Netherlands to say goodbye. after that he is flying to the desert for his rest. For the last 2 weeks they have a 95 Years Sticker on the fuse to celebrate the 95th anniversary of KLM. Registration : PH-KCE Repaint by: Mathieu Vos (APSS). Original FS9 Model by: IFDG. 2d panel aliased to the B737 panel. (no VC)
Posted Oct 25, 2014 16:07 by Mathieu Vos (APSS)
Airbus A300 Fly Haiti Cargo
Airbus A300 Fly Haiti Cargo
Airbus A300 Fly Haiti Cargo (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
17.35Mb (878 downloads)
Airbus A300B4 Fly Haiti Cargo. Based at Port Au Prince, Haiti. Model by SGA. Texture by YankyVictor
Posted Oct 25, 2014 14:59 by YANKYVICTOR
FSX/FS2004 F-19 Stealth Fighter Concept
FSX/FS2004 F-19 Stealth Fighter Concept
FSX/FS2004 F-19 Stealth Fighter Concept (Category: FSX > Military)
5.18Mb (2218 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 F-19 Concept stealth fighter. This concept is from the 70th and this secret fighter was probably never built. This FSDS 3.5 model is close to the Revell model but has some own interpretations f.i. revolving bomb bays with missiles. The model has a photorealistic 2D panel and a matching VC with gauges from the freeware Virtavia F-22. Model and panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Oct 25, 2014 12:58 by Erwin Welker
Area 51 Groom Lake Airbase
Area 51 Groom Lake Airbase (Category: FSX > Scenery)
17.81Mb (2736 downloads)
Area 51 Groom Lake USAF Air Facility. The correct names for the facility are Homey Airport (ICAO: KXTA) and Groom Lake. This V1.1 continues my work on AR51. In V1.0 I added tower comms, and taxiways/signs, in this Version I have gone thru the rest of the airport, and adds the Traffic file and includes 'Janet' 737 & F117 aircraft. You should be able to drop in the files, an go there an see the F117's parked at one end, the 'Janet' flights at the other. If you don't look past the flight line you wont notice anything. I just lightly touched-up things, put what was already there in a sensible orderly manner-buildings are 90 to the road, an have pavement, parking lots, walkways. There's gravel roads that go through all those warehouses, a couple more gravel roads go through the fence to the flight line pavement, sand maintenance roads to the power station and water tower. The pool an ball field have been 'prettied' up, and the fire station has been turned towards the flight line and has fire trucks an ambulance parked. The whole flight line is fenced in and a blast shield behind the F22's parking. That's about it, if you've read this far, your wasting time!- go see have a look around beyond an behind the flight line. I heard rumor there's a UFO hidden in one of the back hangars but I cannot confirm that, its fenced off. Created by Jeff Reed
Posted Oct 25, 2014 04:04 by Nick Neveau