All Files > Page 1179

DH91 Albatross - LAMSA Livery
(Category: FSX > Props)
1.15Mb (371 downloads)
Texture set for the Jens B. Kristensen DH91 Albatross - represents Lineas Aereas Mexicanas, Sociedad Anomina - historical but fictional repaint of a livery that could have been used for the DH91 if it had continued production and achieve a deserved global usage. Textures by Garry J. Smith-Ford of the Tri-Motor Project.
The aircraft.cfg entry is also included in this download - this repaint is suitable for both the FS2004 and FSX version of the aircraft. Both FS2004 and FSX Aircraft models are available from Page.
Tri-Motor Project (external link -- report if broken)
Posted Jul 4, 2014 04:52 by Garry J. Smith and Edward C. Moore

Mitsubishi D3A1 Kanbaku Updated
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
16.64Mb (1868 downloads)
This is an update for Hago's great Mitsubishi D3A1 Kanbaku (Val), which I reworked for FSX in an earlier state. I put in 13 new liveries, a mini-panel with Japanese instruments, a lot of camera views, a realistic soundfile and gun-effects (front & rear) for fun.
Posted Jul 3, 2014 14:57 by erik hertzberger

Wilco A400M Airlifter Textures Pack 2
(Category: FSX > Payware)
73.20Mb (1113 downloads)
Texture pack for payware A400M Airlifter by Wilco. Texture included: JAL Cargo in New Paint, Korean Air Cargo, FEDEX, China Airlines Cargo, KLM Cargo, UPS. Textures by Marco Nguyen.
Posted Jul 3, 2014 14:55 by Marco Nguyen

Boeing E-3D Sentry AWACS Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
8.53Mb (33535 downloads)
The Boeing E-3 Sentry is a U.S. military airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft based on the Boeing 707 that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications. It is used by countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia and NATO air defence forces. It is distinguished by the disc-shaped rotodome above the fuselage. Production ended in 1992 after 68 had been built. The Royal Air Force operates seven E-3D's, with CFM56 engines, designated Sentry AEW 1.
Complete package for FSX/SP2 with custom 2D and VC panels, sound package by Aaron Swindle.
By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Jul 3, 2014 06:43 by Bob May (PAD)

Seiser Alm, Italian Alps STOL & Gliding Area
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.07Mb (1071 downloads)
Seiser Alm, is the largest high altitude Alpine meadow in Europe. Located in Italy's South Tyrol province in the Dolomites mountain range, it is a major tourist attraction, known for skiing and hiking.
This is a simple fun creation of a real world R/C sailplane and Para gliding site in the Italian Dolomites. There is no airport, no flatten so you must excercise caution when landing a STOL aircraft or sailplane. I have landed many types here including sailplanes and the FSDS Porter as well as a Cessna 185. The nearest real world airport is LIPD Bolzano. There are two landing areas represented one high is the actual site where R/C sailplanes with wingspans of up to 10 meters are launched into the air, as well as paragliders. .The lower field is a bonus area with a nice flat area for easier landings and take offs. It is the real world site of a famous ski lodge and resort.(look for the Chalet!)
Posted Jul 3, 2014 04:46 by Jon Davidson

FS2004 Flying Boat Giant Hughes H4 "Spruce Goose"
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
11.85Mb (1816 downloads)
FS2004 Flying boat Hughes H4 "Spruce Goose" with three repainted texture sets. In fact the H4 was a flying ship with a wingspan of almost 98 m; until now the biggest wingspan ever built. The maximum weigth was designed for 181.5 tons. The famous flight pioneer Howard Hughes proposed that giant to be used as WWII troop transporter for 750 soldiers and a crew of 18 men; save vom U-boat attacks. The complete aircraft was made of birch and spruce wood. The construction was finished too late and so this huge airplane made only one testflight in low level. This FS2004-model is now reworked and provides three texture sets, DC-3 gauges and additional internal views. One repaint represent the white prototype, flown by Howard Huges, and the others are fictional "what if..." paintschemes, assuming a troop transporter in the colours of the American Forces or as intercontinental airliner in colours of the PAA. The original FS2004 model is made by Dennis Simanaitis. Upgrade and repaints by Erwin Welker.
Posted Jul 3, 2014 04:31 by Erwin Welker

Boeing 747-8 SkySeries Vietnam Cargo Repaints
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
82.35Mb (1695 downloads)
Vietnam Airlines Cargo and Vietjet Air Cargo set painted on the Project Opensky Boeing 747-800 Cargo version. Includes the VC by Alejandro Rojas Lucenda. Textures by Marco Nguyen.
Posted Jul 3, 2014 03:36 by Marco Nguyen

FSX/FS2004 TDS Boeing 737-8K2 Sunweb livery 2014
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
76.02Mb (891 downloads)
This is the Boeing 737-800 of the Tenkuu Developers Studio team. Adapted for FS9. But also for FSX use. The Repaint contains the Transavia Sunweb Livery 2014. This year 2 transavia aircraft will fly in this livery. The registration is: PH-HZG Model Included. Also B737-800 2d panel and CFM-56 sound are included. i used the paintkit made by Kyle Schurb. Repaint by Mees Jansen (LRI)
Posted Jul 2, 2014 21:07 by Mees Jansen

Republic Xp-72 for CFS2
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
57.24Mb (512 downloads)
This package contains Milton and Co Republic Xp-72 aircraft for use in CFS2.
Converted By Dave S. with permission by Milton Shupe.
Everything needed is included, weapons profile, weapons, textures, air file, aircraft configuration file, sound, and panel with gauges. No hunting around for errant zip files.
Thanks for a great model Milton!
Posted Jul 2, 2014 20:23 by Dave Slaski

Republic Xp-47J for CFS2
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
61.28Mb (451 downloads)
This package contains Milton and Co Republic Xp-47J aircraft for use in CFS2.
Converted By Dave S. with permission by Milton Shupe.
Everything needed is included, weapons profile, weapons, textures, air file, aircraft configuration file, sound, and panel with gauges. No hunting around for errant zip files.
Thanks for a great model Milton!
Posted Jul 2, 2014 19:48 by David Slaski