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FSX/FS2004 First T-33 of German Air Force in 1956 Textures
FSX/FS2004 First T-33 of German Air Force in 1956 Textures
3.86Mb (564 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 textures of the first T-33A for the German Air Force. The first T-33 had it's first take off on 24th September 1956 at Air Base Fuerstenfeldbruck (Bavaria); with code: AB+101. The special for the Lettering of this aircraft was, that the letters and numbers had been on the rear fuselage; before and behind the iron cross. This first T-33 had also no instruction and maintenance markings on the wings, fuselage and under the canopy. Many thanks to Tim Conrad for his wonderful T-33A. Repaint by Hans-Juergen Kasper
Posted Jun 1, 2014 04:45 by Hans-Juergen Kasper
Hindenburg Class Airships
Hindenburg Class Airships
Hindenburg Class Airships (Category: FSX > Vintage)
18.06Mb (6713 downloads)
The 1930s Zeppelins and Akron pack by Tom Ruth Includes the Hindenburg (LZ129 in 2 liveries) and Graf Zeppelin (LZ130) Recommend the Graf Zeppelin pack by Bill Lyons for scenery. (Panel is included in this pack however) Enjoy
Posted Jun 1, 2014 04:39 by Hugo
FSX Default EH101 Sound Mod
FSX Default EH101 Sound Mod (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
62.13Mb (1827 downloads)
This adds seat belt announcements,landing gear coming up and going down sounds and a landing gear position callout,to the FSX Default EH101 helicopter.
Posted Jun 1, 2014 04:36 by carl vokes
Aerosim Saab 340 Virgin Australia (Fictional) Textures
2.72Mb (624 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Aerosim Saab 340 that came out for FS9. It works without a problem in FSX. Repaint of Virgin Australia(Fictional). Aircraft Repaint By Darryl Prime Australian Virtual Airline
Posted May 31, 2014 19:43 by Darryl Prime
Aerosim Saab 340 Skywest (Fictional) Textures
2.91Mb (202 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Aerosim Saab 340 that came out for FS9. It works without a problem in FSX. Repaint of Skywest Airlines(Fictional). Aircraft Repaint By Darryl Prime Australian Virtual Airline
Posted May 31, 2014 19:41 by Darryl Prime
Aerosim Saab 340 Kendell Airlines Textures
Aerosim Saab 340 Kendell Airlines Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.69Mb (295 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Aerosim Saab 340 that came out for FS9. It works without a problem in FSX. Repaint of Kendell Airlines. Aircraft Repaint By Darryl Prime Australian Virtual Airline Group
Posted May 31, 2014 19:38 by Darryl Prime
Alphasim/Virtavia F-105D cockpit visibility mod- from real Thud pilots
Alphasim/Virtavia F-105D cockpit visibility mod- from real Thud pilots
1.36Mb (1466 downloads)
This interior .mdl file has been modified to remove the much-hated, inaccurate and useless rear-view mirrors mounted on the canopy bow of the original model. This overall plane is spectacular and, being easy on frame rates, makes a first rate high performance formation machine in multiplayer - especially for those of us who like to honor the valor of our predecessors by mastering the technology of the 50's and 60's. We hope you enjoy the increase in forward visibility, making it easier to execute rejoins and hold position in formation. As with all things, this mod is a compromise: you'll find that the throttle has also disappeared, an unavoidable consequence. We found we never look down at the throttle in flight, we just move our hand and use the gauge for power. I'm guessing you're probably the same, and will benefit from the mod. To install, navigate to your F-105D folder in the aircraft directory of FSX or P3D, then open the "model" folder within that. Backup your "ALPHA_F-105_interior.mdl" file. You may simply copy this new ALPHA_F-105_interior.mdl file into your F-105 directory now, overwriting the original (assuming you backed it up elsewhere). If you find you like this mod, let me know. If it appears there is a need, we'll post more of our performance mods driven by our real-world fighter guys for planes we've flown. We've benefitted from all the good work of others in the flight sim community, and would enjoy the opportunity to give back.
Required files:
required file
Posted May 30, 2014 20:34 by Toby Wills
Fictional KONE New York Airport
Fictional KONE New York Airport
Fictional KONE New York Airport (Category: X Plane > Scenery)
65.78Mb (869 downloads)
KONE, Fictional airport, Marina and Picnic grounds I built between two large Islands on the western side of Oneida Lake, NY. While not included as one of the Finger Lakes, Oneida is sometimes referred to as their "thumb". Because it is shallow, it is warmer than the deeper Finger Lakes in summer, and freezes solidly in winter. It is relatively safe and popular for the winter sports of ice fishing and snowmobiling. I went overboard on placing scenery in this package, but it was fun! Take time and look around the marina, picnic grounds and the 2 Islands, lots of surprises there. Requires: You MUST have By Andras Fabian (Alpilotx) installed. The Islands are missing on the lake unless you have this file installed!
Posted May 30, 2014 18:57 by Matt Rauch
AlphaSim/Virtavia F-105D Thud realism mod - from real Thud pilots
0.01Mb (1638 downloads)
For the AlphaSim/Virtavia freeware F-105D Thunderchief - we are a group of ex-USAF fighter pilots who enjoy the formation and tactical aspects of FSX/P3D in multiplayer mode. Our small group of real-world Thud pilots helped us modify the config and air files to more accurately replicate the real Thud in certain parts of its envelope. Examples: thrust curve now approximates the J75, and speed brakes have correct drag profile. For those of you who appreciate military accuracy, you can now fly the Thud on approach at 190 knots, dirty with boards out, and 96% throttle will hold. Or, execute the dive bombing profile the Thud used over North Vietnam - as those pilots did, boards out in a 45 deg dive from 12K, A/B in all the way (if the Thud was hit, A/B couldn't always be engaged - hence the hedging by engaging A/B early and using boards to maintain correct speed in dive). One piece of tactical advice: the Thud is no dogfighter, but it is The Supreme Drag Racer. Unloaded with burner down low, nothing can catch it. Keep an eye on the fuel gauge, know where your tankers are. We've also removed the clutter in the interior model for better sim forward visibility (who doesn't loath those crazy rear-view mirrors?) - look for that one to be posted soon. "No Guts, No Glory."
Required files:
required file
Posted May 30, 2014 16:29 by Toby Wills
Vought V156F-3 Vindicators (French Navy)
Vought V156F-3 Vindicators (French Navy)
Vought V156F-3 Vindicators (French Navy) (Category: FSX > Vintage)
21.74Mb (1411 downloads)
Vought V156F-3 Vindicator, the French Navy version. Great CFS2-model now updated for FSX Acceleration. Nice 2D- & VC-panel with working gauges (all included). Gears fold beautifully, rear gunner comes out, wings fold, arrestor hook lowers and front&rear guneffects for fun. One (1) model and six (6) liveries, great sound. Full credits are for all the original designers, so please read the original readme's, then at least you have an idea what an amazing lot of good work was done by everybody. All I did was putting things together and making it flyable for FSX. Hope you enjoy flying this bird as much as I enjoyed updating it.
Posted May 29, 2014 17:02 by erik hertzberger