All Files > Page 1313

FSX/FS2004 Ready for Pushback Boeing 747-200F Berkut Air Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
8.26Mb (469 downloads)
"Berkut Air" textures for the now freeware "Ready for Pushback" Boeing 747-200F for FS2004 and FSX versions.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 7, 2013 07:55 by Vitaly V.

FSX Photoreal Panel For X-3 Stiletto
(Category: FSX > Panels)
1.95Mb (460 downloads)
FSX panel for Douglas X-3 Stiletto. The photoreal 2D-panel is matching the VC of Kazunori Itos FS2004-model, updated by Michael Pook for FSX. Bitmap and reconfiguration by Erwin Welker
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 7, 2013 05:52 by Erwin Welker

FSX Scenery - Guanare (SVGU) - Venezuela
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
70.67Mb (811 downloads)
The Coromoto National Airport serves to Guanare's city, to the west of Venezuela.
Currently this airport is not operating for commercial aviation.
With photo-terrain scenery from satellite imagery of Google Earth.
Photo-terrain area improved with Autogen files.
Not compatible with versions prior to FSX.
This scenery requires SP1, SP2, or the Acceleration
expansion pack in order to be displayed correctly.
Also includes a friendly Auto-Install.
Posted Oct 6, 2013 11:40 by David Maldonado

F-16 Demonstration Pack v1
(Category: FSX > Military)
80.61Mb (6162 downloads)
This pack contains three F-16 liveries updated: The BAF solo display jet 2012, Soloturk HD, and an (fictional) monster energy F-16. This pack also contains cool effects like: Flares, afterburner, and smoke. Repaints by Mees Jansen. F-16 model by: Kirk Ollson (INCLUDED)
Posted Oct 6, 2013 08:49 by Mees Jansen

AD-4N F-AZHK Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
5.23Mb (643 downloads)
This repaint represents the Skyraider F-AZHK parked on the Avignon Airport.
This repaint is for the A-1H Tim Conrad.
Repaint by Fabien RAOUL
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 6, 2013 08:40 by Fabien RAOUL

FSX/FS2004 Ready for Pushback Boeing 747-200F Air Bridge Cargo Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
8.33Mb (656 downloads)
Texture of the Russian cargo airline Air Bridge Cargo for the now freeware "Ready for Pushback" Boeing 747-200F for FS2004 and FSX versions.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 6, 2013 08:39 by Vitaly V.

Bombardier CRJ-700 American Eagle Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.14Mb (4154 downloads)
The new American Eagle textures for the default FSX CRJ-700 . Repaint by Mees Jansen
Posted Oct 6, 2013 08:19 by Mees Jansen

Iris F-16BM FB-18 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
6.82Mb (544 downloads)
This repaint represents the F-16BM FB-18 parked has Kleine-Brogel.
This repaint is for the F-16D Iris.
Repaint by Fabien RAOUL
Posted Oct 6, 2013 06:19 by Fabien RAOUL

MAW Mission Pack 9: Beaufort over Malta
(Category: CFS3 > Missions & Campaigns)
0.02Mb (731 downloads)
Mediterranean Air War mission pack 9: 4 historical missions depicting typicall missions flown by Matla's Beaufort squadrons.
Posted Oct 6, 2013 04:19 by Led Zeppelin

Posky Boeing 777-200ER Malaysia "Heliconia - Freedom of Space" Livery
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
49.99Mb (8873 downloads)
**Special Livery** - Malaysian Airlines "Heliconia - Freedom of Space". In 1997, the airline also became the record-holder of the world's longest non-commercial non-stop flight, from Boeing Field in Seattle to Kuala Lumpur, flying eastward, passing over the European and African continents, breaking the Great Circle Distance Without Landing record for an airliner with its Boeing 777-200ER dubbed Super Ranger.Malaysia Airlines operates flights in Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Middle East and on the Kangaroo Route between Europe and Australasia. It operates transpacific flights from Kuala Lumpur to Los Angeles, via Tokyo. This is the complete package and Uses beautiful POSKY 777-200 ER Model, complete with upgraded VC, FMC & sound (ILS landings in this model are fun!). Also includes ground animation, cargo trucks, stairs, fuel trucks etc. An amazing bird to fly in this special livery. All Credits for this texture goes to Denis Minaev. Hope you enjoy this!
Posted Oct 6, 2013 02:55 by Saurav Sarkar