All Files > Page 1349

Norwegian EI-LNB Boeing 787-8 v4
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
3.40Mb (711 downloads)
FS2004 Norwegian EI-LNB Boeing 787-8 v4. This CamSim version 4 features an improved aircraft wing root design, new wider pax doors with revised window shapes,
additional animated air ducts, additional comm and satellite antennas, increasingly more Animated Ground Servicing (AGS),
including additional animations featuring trucks hooking and unhooking trailers and static displays.
Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Aug 15, 2013 04:06 by Camil Valiquette

1701 USS Enterprise Alternative CFG Fix
(Category: FSX > Misc)
0.04Mb (1102 downloads)
This is a fix for Aircraft.cfg file increasing hover, ground stability and lift on full flaps to use with the "FSX - NCC-1701 U.S.S. ENTERPRISE(2009)
ALTERNATE REALITY". Just unpack the cfg file in to the main "1701 Enterprise Alternative" folder and overwrite the older file.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 14, 2013 21:24 by RicardoPJr

Helicopter Practice Navy OLF Scenery Package
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
223.37Mb (1867 downloads)
Navy OLF located in Beulah Florida near Pensacola, with helicopter practice areas and emergency scenes. Includes ILS to a helipad.
Posted Aug 14, 2013 14:26 by BigDawg 205
Boeing 737-800 Calculator and Checklist
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.01Mb (996 downloads)
For B738 only. This is a calculator and checklist in one xls spreadsheet. Fuel, all velocities, times, weights, distances etc will be calculated with only a few required inputs.
Posted Aug 14, 2013 14:19 by Michiel Odendaal

FSX Cong DRC Airfield Locator
(Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.48Mb (82 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth.
This file is for Congo DRC .
There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details.
i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325.
Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file.
Other locator files to follow.
by Carl Vokes
Posted Aug 14, 2013 14:08 by carl vokes

FSX Equatorial Guinea Airfield Locator
(Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.69Mb (63 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth.
This file is for Equatorial Guinea.
There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details.
i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325.
Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file.
Other locator files to follow.
by Carl Vokes
Posted Aug 14, 2013 14:03 by carl vokes

FSX Congo Airfield Locator
(Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.42Mb (63 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7.
This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth.
This file is for Congo.
There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details.
i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325.
Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file.
Other locator files to follow.
by Carl Vokes
Posted Aug 14, 2013 14:00 by carl vokes

FSX Douglas C-117D Tropical EAA Experimental N2357T Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
10.76Mb (621 downloads)
FSX Douglas C-117D tropical repaint textures N2357T. After suffering a collapsed
landing gear accident on her maiden voyage from being overloaded with the
duty-free good stuff, ex-Philipsburg-Great Bay Transport's PJ-KFL "Sky Galleon" is
sold at auction for scrap. Rescued from the scrap barge in Daytona Beach, members
of EAA Chapter 288 rebuild her and re-register her as privately owned N2357T.
Passing inspection in the 'Experimental' class, 'Scrappy' is washed and touched up
and ready for display just in time for Sun 'n Fun. For the freeware Manfred Jahn
and team Douglas C-117D (, which you must have previously
installed in FSX. Also includes engine exhaust smoke coordinates which you can
add to your "aircraft.cfg" if you wish. Screenshots enclosed. Easy installation.
Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 14, 2013 13:07 by Tom Tiedman

FSX Douglas C-117D St. Maarten based Philipsburg-Great Bay Transport PJ-KFL Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
12.48Mb (611 downloads)
FSX Douglas C-117D tropical repaint textures for St. Maarten based Netherlands
Antilles registered PJ-KFL, Philipsburg-Great Bay Transport's "Sky Galleon" island
hopping cargo vessel, delivering the duty-free good stuff since 2013. For the
freeware Manfred Jahn and team Douglas C-117D (, which you must
have previously installed in FSX. Also includes engine exhaust smoke coordinates
which you can add to your "aircraft.cfg" if you wish. Screenshots enclosed.
Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 14, 2013 10:09 by Tom Tiedman

FSX features for RAH-66 Commanche helicopter
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
14.32Mb (3279 downloads)
FSX and FS2004 2D-panels and features for RAH-66 Comanche attack helicopter. The FS2004 version with the fSX-updates from Gernot W. Rueppel are required. My features provides 2D-panels for the pilot and the gunner, improved airfiles, weapon effects and for FSX only seven camera views. Panelconfiguration by Michael Pook, bitmaps and camera- and weapon-configuration by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 14, 2013 05:59 by Erwin Welker