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YV 1110CP A109 Helicopteros Pacheco textures
YV 1110CP A109 Helicopteros Pacheco textures
YV 1110CP A109 Helicopteros Pacheco textures (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.06Mb (444 downloads)
YV 1110CP A109 Helicopteros Pacheco textures for the model from Alan Devins. Textures by Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S FS2004
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required file
Posted Jun 29, 2012 12:33 by Jose Armando Yanez
Agusta A-109 YV 274T Textures
Agusta A-109 YV 274T Textures
Agusta A-109 YV 274T Textures (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.18Mb (544 downloads)
YV 274T textures for the A109 model by Alan Devins. By Jose Armando Yanez YV-REPAINT'S FS2004
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required file
Posted Jun 29, 2012 12:16 by Jose Armando Yanez
Agusta A-109 YV 257T Helicopteros Pacheco Textures
Agusta A-109 YV 257T Helicopteros Pacheco Textures
Agusta A-109 YV 257T Helicopteros Pacheco Textures (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
1.04Mb (321 downloads)
Fs2004, A-109 YV 257T Helicopteros Pacheco textures for the A109 by Alan Devin. Textures by Jose Armando Yanez
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Posted Jun 29, 2012 11:50 by Jose Armando Yanez
AlphasimKa-32 Heliswiss LZ-KBH Textures
AlphasimKa-32 Heliswiss LZ-KBH Textures
AlphasimKa-32 Heliswiss LZ-KBH Textures (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
3.14Mb (437 downloads)
Ka-32 Heliswiss LZ-KBH s for the payware Alphasim Fs2004/FsX KA32. Texture by Jose Armando Yanez YV-Repaint's
Posted Jun 29, 2012 11:39 by Jose Armando Yanez
Carendo  King C90 Private textures
Carendo  King C90 Private textures
Carendo King C90 Private textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
24.92Mb (649 downloads)
Private textures for the payware Carendo King C90 in Venezuela Reg. YV-374CP. Textures only.
Posted Jun 29, 2012 11:30 by Trino Jose Rojas Mora
Carendo King C90 ARBV-0201 Textures
Carendo King C90 ARBV-0201 Textures
Carendo King C90 ARBV-0201 Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
29.17Mb (246 downloads)
FSX Armada Bolivinara Venezuela textures for the payware Carendo King C90
Posted Jun 29, 2012 11:13 by Trino Jose Rojas Mora
DRF Texture Pack for ICARO EC-135 Package
DRF Texture Pack for ICARO EC-135 Package
DRF Texture Pack for ICARO EC-135 Package (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
89.80Mb (849 downloads)
DRF (German Air rescue) texture pack for the Icaro EC-135 package. Included: Christoph 11, 27, 36,37, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 53, 60, 80 Current identifiers June 2012. Icaro EC-135 base pack required.
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required file
Posted Jun 28, 2012 21:05 by benimix - Benedikt Fröhlich
FSX Acceleration TBM 700 VC Texture Update
4.27Mb (2700 downloads)
These textures fix the glass and VC rain for FSX Acceleration in the TBM 700 from the French Design team lead by Michel Migaud and Cyril Breton and available on simviation. The VC rain textures will work for other FS9 imported aircraft that blue out when it rains.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 28, 2012 14:37 by John Hauck
Airbus A340 3-5-6 Mega Package
Airbus A340 3-5-6 Mega Package
Airbus A340 3-5-6 Mega Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
191.94Mb (34552 downloads)
Tom Ruth A340-300, -500 , -600 Airbus A340 mega package including multiple airlines, with added FMC, altitude callouts, autoland. Liveries include: Airbus Industrie, Lufthansa, Air France, Hainan, Air China, China Southern, China Eastern, TAP, Virgin, KLM, Sabena, SAA Star Alliance, SAA, Thai, Swiss, Qatar (old and new), Iberia, Emirates, Cathay, Turkish, Eva Air, Arik Air, TAM, Etihad, Gulf, Finnair. See files for credits. Bry Hardee altitude call outs - Garrett Smith FMC - AutoLand. Original models and VC's by Thomas Ruth.
Posted Jun 28, 2012 10:25 by T.Marson
Boeing 737-465 Siberia S7 Airlines Package
Boeing 737-465 Siberia S7 Airlines Package
Boeing 737-465 Siberia S7 Airlines Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
18.02Mb (4654 downloads)
In the first half of the 1990s, Siberia Airlines was a medium-sized regional airline, like many others created from former Aeroflot divisions. Operations were mainly focused on domestic flights from Novosibirsk. By the end of the decade, however, the airline started an aggressive expansion plan in the Russian domestic market. Model FS2004 default updated for FSX. (inc. VC) Textures by ricardo_tv.
Posted Jun 28, 2012 08:38 by ricardo_tv